Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 83 The right leg bone of the Ten Thousand Years Blue Silver Emperor was uprooted!

Chapter 83 The 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor’s right leg bone was uprooted!

The so-called law of twin martial souls refers to the fact that owners of twin martial souls cannot attach soul rings to two martial souls at the same time in the early stage. Otherwise, there is a great risk of exploding and dying. This has happened before in Douluo Continent. An owner of twin martial souls died due to body explosion because he cultivated two martial souls at the same time and attached soul rings to both martial souls.

However, the Golden Holy Dragon is a separated martial spirit, but it is strangely free from this restriction.

After all, as a detached martial spirit, the Golden Holy Dragon's own situation is not in sync with its trainer. There is no such thing as Tang San did after absorbing the soul ring of the Mandala Snake, and the martial spirit Blue Silver Grass also changed accordingly. .

Gui Jiu nodded with satisfaction, "In that case, I got a mount for free, and this mount is still loyal to me, and can also absorb soul rings and become stronger like the martial soul. If that's the case, it's easy to handle!"

As a separated martial spirit, the Golden Holy Dragon originally had wisdom when it was Luo Sanpao. Although it was not very high, it was not small either. Now it has evolved into what it was supposed to be, and its wisdom is even more astonishing. Of course, This is on the premise of absolutely obeying Guijiu's orders.

"Okay, now that the matter has been resolved, it's time for us to leave. If these people see us, it's not difficult to solve it. Let them fall into a dream, and then remove their memories of this aspect, and the matter will be over. !”

Darkrai said, looking at the crowd of people watching below him.

With a gentle wave of his hand, a large handful of black mist continued to expand, slowly covering the academy.

Seeing this, the dean of Notting College turned his head in horror and shouted.

"Everyone, run quickly!"

He was complaining in his heart. If he had known that this titled Douluo would hurt innocent people, he would have led the students and teachers down there, so that he would not be killed and silenced now.

This was his last thought.

Night falls.

The teachers and students of Notting College also woke up at this time.

The dean looked confused, "What's wrong with me? Why are everyone lying on the ground! And the teaching building! What's going on in the teaching building? Isn't that Xiaogang's office? Why is it like that!"

Guijiu didn't know how the teachers and students of Notting College reacted, and he wasn't interested.

At this time, he stood on the head of the golden holy dragon and headed towards the Star Forest.

At this time, he has three martial souls. It is somewhat unrealistic to equip all three martial souls with soul rings that last for 10 years.

But we have to find all the 10-year-old soul beasts first before talking about anything else!

"Darkrai, if I add a soul ring to the Golden Holy Dragon, will it increase my soul power a lot?"

Guijiu asked Darkrai.

Darkrai said.

"No, I have to absorb the soul power generated by absorbing the 10-year-old soul ring to add strength to my own recovery. In order to evolve the Golden Holy Dragon, I have lost a little of my original power, and I have to make up for it. That’s it!”

Guijiu couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, since the soul power obtained by absorbing the soul ring cannot be given to yourself, then it is okay to absorb the soul bone, right?"

Darkrai didn't say anything this time.

After all, absorbing soul bones still accounts for a very small proportion in improving one's own soul power. Most of it is improving one's physical fitness after absorbing soul bones.

[Character]: Guijiu
【Age】: 7
[Martial Spirit]: Gengar
【Soul Power】: 47
[Soul Ring]: yellow, purple, purple and black
[Characteristics]: Floating, Cursed Body

[Soul skills]: trick (soul ring), tooth for tooth, tongue licking, dream-eating, dark night shadow (soul ring), poison, black gaze, wave of evil (soul ring), red dragon wrath of desire, red dragon slash of rage , secret attack on key points

[Soul Bone]: 30-year-old red dragon dragon right arm bone
Currently, there are six soul bones in Guijiu's body. Among them, the right arm bone position has been occupied by the 30-year-old red dragon dragon right arm bone. Among them, Guijiu's ghost bracelet also has two 10-year-old right arms. Gu, I am waiting to return to Wuhun City to meet my two grandfathers or teacher Bibi Dong.

In addition to these few things, it is the position of the external soul bone.It's just that the externally possessed soul bones are really incomparable. In the original work, there are only Tang San's externally possessed soul bones, the Eight Spider Spears, and Bibi Dong's externally possessed soul bones, but they only make brief appearances and don't have much of a role.

If you want to get the external soul bone, you really can only rely on luck.

Guijiu left Notting City on the golden holy dragon and arrived at the destination of his trip.

"Darkrai, how far away is Tang Hao from us at this time? We won't be discovered during this trip, right?" Guijiu asked.

Although with his current strength, he is not afraid of Tang Hao at all, but now he doesn't want to face Tang Hao and Tang San too early. In two years, it will be easy for these two people.

Darkrai nodded slightly, "It's okay. Tang Hao is completely silent in my perception. Don't worry about being discovered by him. Just go into the cave and take out the things."

Guijiu nodded slightly.

Darkrai and Guijiu passed through the waterfall and came to the cave behind the waterfall.

And deep in the cave, there is a blue silver grass growing.

After seeing Guijiu and Darkrai come in, he trembled with fear.

Darkrai said with great interest.

"Is this a 10-year-old soul beast? And it was after a sacrifice. If it is cultivated properly, it will be re-cultivated to the 10-year cultivation realm many years later and complete its resurrection."

Guijiu searched for it and saw a box on a stone wall. When he opened it, he saw that it was a right leg bone.

10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone.

Half of the purpose of this trip was completed, and Guijiu looked at Darkrai again.

"Dakrai, how are you? How do you deal with the Blue Silver Emperor? Is there any other use?"

Darkrai chuckled, "How to deal with it, I did come up with a good idea."

"But let's leave here now. The higher the cultivation level, the more telepathic people will be able to sense the people they care about. Tang Hao may have had a so-called bad premonition at this time and came to see him. We are in trouble!"

Guijiu nodded slightly, put the 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone into the ghost-controlling bracelet, and then uprooted the Blue Silver Emperor.

After leaving the cave, Guijiu stood on the head of the golden holy dragon waiting outside and flew towards Notting City.

At this time, in the Holy Soul Village.

Night had fallen, but Tang Hao was still lying on the bed snoring.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, filled with surprise and uncertainty.

He clutched his heart tightly and swallowed.

"What's going on with this feeling? Is it Ah Yin? No! Someone has found Ah Yin! I have to stop him quickly!"

Tang Hao thought like this, and his whole body rose directly into the sky, directly destroying the house.

Tang San was innocently pressed underneath, shouting helplessly.

"Dad, where are you going?!!"

Tang San didn't expect that his alcoholic father could be so powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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