Chapter 90
At this time, in Tiandou City, in Dugu Bo's mansion.

Tuoba Xuande was whispering to Dugu Yan at this time.

During this period of time, the relationship between him and Dugu Yan was getting better and better, and it even reached the stage of ambiguity, and they just had to break the last layer of window paper.

It's just that Tuoba Xuande has little experience in this area and has never dared to bring it up.

Dugu Yan was also a little embarrassed and kept silent for fear of being misunderstood.

Dugu Bo also saw the relationship between the two very clearly, and just smiled lightly. Although he also wanted his two children to get better as soon as possible, there was no need for him to give up his granddaughter so quickly. Give it to others like a supermarket gift. What he wants is for the two of them to propose to each other. When the right time comes at that level, it will naturally become a relationship without him taking the initiative to manage it.

At this time, Dugu Bo's soul power was level 92, and his son Dugu Xin's soul power was also improved very well. This may be because he had been holding off on cultivating his soul power for a long time.

"Xin'er, how is the relationship between Xuande and Yan'er going now? I think they seemed to be breaking through the window in the past two days."

Dugu Bo found Dugu Xin and asked.

Duguxin smiled bitterly and said:

"No, they haven't pierced that layer of window paper yet. I've also gone to see Yan'er and Xuande before. They both like each other very much, but they don't dare to express anything directly due to their relationship. Yes, I don’t dare to force it too much, let them become a couple now, let them take their time.”

Dugubo nodded slightly:
"I recently feel that His Royal Highness the Holy Son will be back soon. At that time, Xuande will follow His Royal Highness Imperial Zhi back to Wuhun City. If the two of them have not been able to confirm their relationship before..."

"It is best for the two to establish a relationship during this period."

Dugu Xin nodded slightly, and just when he wanted me to say something, he heard Tuoba Xuande exclaiming in the front yard not far from here.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son, you are finally back!"

Is His Royal Highness the Son back? !
Dugu Bo looked surprised.

Gui Jiu came to his Dugu home. It happened so silently, and he hid it directly. Before he even had time to explain these things to Dugu Xin, Gui Jiu had already arrived in Tiandou City and landed at his home. in the courtyard.

"Xin'er, come with me quickly to see His Royal Highness the Son!"

Dugu Bo took Dugu Xin and hurriedly walked towards the front yard.

At this time, Gui Jiu looked at Tuoba Xuande and Dugu Yan who were standing very close in front of him.

He smiled softly and said:
"Brother Xuande, are you and Sister Yan'er already in a relationship now?"

Tuoba Xuande was stunned. He and Dugu Yan were indeed very close to that level, but after all, they hadn't arrived yet, and they hadn't pierced that layer of window paper. Just when he was about to say something, the hem of his clothes was People caught it.

Tuoba Xuande turned around and saw that it was Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan heard another meaning in Gui Jiu's words, took Tuoba Xuande's hand and admitted generously:

"Yes, Your Highness the Son, Xuande and I are now in a relationship."

Dugu Yan's words were shocking and directly surprised Tuoba Xuande.

"Yanyan, we..."

Tuoba Quande was about to say something, but when he noticed the affection in Guijiu's eyes and Duguyan's eyes, he immediately swallowed what he wanted to say and showed a sincere and sincere smile.

"Yes, Your Highness the Son of God, Yanyan and I are indeed lovers!" Guijiu clapped his hands with satisfaction and said directly:
"It's been half a year since I left Wuhun City, and now it's time to go back."

Tuoba Xuande and Dugu Yan's hearts suddenly rose to their throats. They had just confirmed their relationship and didn't want to separate yet.

Guijiu saw the thoughts between the two and couldn't help laughing:

"Okay, I don't want to break up the two of you. I just want to ask Sister Yan'er if she is willing to follow me and Tuoba Xuande to Wuhun City?"

Dugu Yan was stunned. He wanted to directly say that he would go with him, but when he thought about the unclear opinions between his grandfather and father, he hesitated.

Gui Jiu also noticed Dugu Bo and Dugu Xin walking over at this time.

Immediately asked:
"Elder Du, do you agree with Sister Yan'er to follow us to Wuhun City?"

Dugu Bo was naturally eager to do this. He had long thought of sending Dugu Yan to Wuhun City to show his loyalty.

But as Gui Jiu becomes more and more mysterious, Dugu Bo becomes more and more loyal.

Now that Guijiu took the initiative to ask, he naturally agreed in a hurry.

"Your Highness the Holy Son, I agree!"

"If Yanyan follows His Highness the Holy Son to Wuhun City, I, as a grandfather, will not have to worry about Yanyan's future. This is naturally a good thing." Dugu Bo smiled softly.

Dugu Xin, who was standing next to him, was a little confused. What, Dad, you sold your golden granddaughter like this.
Guijiu smiled softly, looked at Duguyan and said:

"Now your grandpa agrees, what's your opinion?"

Dugu Yan originally wanted to agree directly, but because of the reaction of her grandfather and father, now that her grandfather has agreed, it doesn't matter whether her father agrees or not. Dugu Yan said quickly:

"Even Your Highness, I am willing to follow you to Wuhun City!"

Guijiu nodded with satisfaction and said to them:

"What our Wuhun Hall lacks is talents like you! Follow me to the Wuhun Hall, and you will naturally be allowed to study in the Wuhun Academy together, and then win glory for my Wuhun Hall in the elite competition!"

Gui Jiu almost let it slip and said that the two were from the Soul Palace, although there was not much difference between the two, just a word difference.

"For today, let's rest in Tiandou City for the night. We will go to Wuhun Palace tomorrow morning!" Guijiu said and called Tuoba Xuande over.

"Brother Xuande, this is the Earth Dragon Golden Melon. It is very useful for improving your own strength. You go back to the room, eat it and then refining it. It should be able to help you improve your soul power by several levels!"

Guijiu took out a jade box from the ghost-controlling bracelet, and inside it was the earth dragon golden melon that Guijiu had given Dakla before and had taken away the dragon power.

But even so, the Earth Dragon Golden Melon contains very rich ground energy, which is also very effective in improving Tuoba's selection.

Tuoba Xuande was very surprised and said quickly:

"Thank you, His Highness the Holy Son. I will go back to the room to absorb and refine it!"

After seeing Mop Xuande walking away with the Earth Dragon Golden Melon, Gui Jiu looked at Dugu Bo.

(End of this chapter)

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