Douluo: Wuhun Genggui, Jie Jie Jie

Chapter 98 Kite Qiqi, Ten Thousand Years Sea Bull

Chapter 98 Kite Qiqi, 10-year-old sea bull
When Yuan Qiqi knew that it was Guijiu who wanted to take her out to hunt for souls, she was a little surprised.

Although she knew that Guijiu was extraordinary, she was still surprised when she heard the news.

After all, a child with many talents, even if his talent is amazing, has already become a powerful Soul King at a young age.

But let him take her to hunt for souls?

What is this kidding?
It's great that he doesn't hold her back, but she is also allowed to take him, a person with level 90 soul power who is about to become a titled Douluo, to hunt for soul rings?

This is simply ridiculous!
Yuan Qiqi thought in her heart.

Yuan Qiqi looked at Bibi Dong sitting on the papal throne and asked:
"Did His Majesty the Pope make a mistake? Didn't you ask the Ghost Elder to take me to hunt for souls before? I admit that His Royal Highness the Son's qualifications are unprecedented and unparalleled, but even so, His Highness the Holy Son is only the Red King now. How can you take me to hunt soul beasts that are tens of thousands of years old?"

Bibi Dong covered her mouth and chuckled, then stood up and said:
"You don't know the whole story, so I'll explain it to you."

"Elder Ghost had a whim in the morning and had a chance to make a breakthrough. He is currently in retreat, so I asked Xiaojiu to take you to hunt for the ninth soul ring."

Bibi Dong clapped his hands, and a person appeared behind his throne.

It was Gui Jiu.

Gui Jiu Jie Jie smiled and summoned the golden holy dragon whose size was reduced several times.

There are also four extremely conspicuous scarlet soul rings on the golden holy dragon.

Although Guijiu had already broken through to the soul king level one month ago.

But before it was too late, a new 10-year soul ring was attached to the golden holy dragon.

This time I took Spirit Kite Douluo out to hunt for souls. It was just right to add a new soul ring to the Golden Holy Dragon to absorb.

When Lingyuan Douluo saw this scene, he was immediately frightened.

What's happening here?Isn't His Highness the Holy Son Guijiu's martial spirit just a fat black man?
Although it looks a bit scary, what's going on with this golden holy dragon in front of me? It actually has 4 scarlet soul rings on it!
You must know that even among titled Douluo, a 10-year soul ring is a crucial criterion that affects combat power.

Bibi Dong noticed that Lin Yan's Luo facial expression was extremely shocked, and nodded with satisfaction. As a teacher, he was proud of his students.

As pope, she treats her successor even more so.

If there was even a hint of the idea of ​​letting Qian Renxue succeed the pope before, this idea has been extinguished for who knows how long.

After all, whether it is Guijiu's own ability or the powerful force behind Guijiu.

Enough for Bibi Dong to make the most correct decision.

When the strength of the Pope's Palace faction in the Wuhun Palace exceeds that of the Enshrined Palace, or is equal to that of the Enshrined Palace, reaching a similar level, she will start the soul hunting operation.

Pipi Dong walked up to Lingyuan Douluo, looked at her and said softly:
"I know you are shocked. In fact, a month ago, when I saw Xiaojiu's second martial soul, four 2-year-old soul rings, I was also very shocked."

"Then I realized how terrifying Xiaojiu's qualifications are, and Xiaojiu's current strength is not inferior to Titled Douluo. Xiaojiu's strength will become stronger and stronger in the future."

"So I think Xiao Jiu is fully capable enough to lead you to hunt for the ninth soul ring and become a titled Douluo, Spirit Kite Douluo. What do you think?"

Lingyuan Douluo?

Yuan Qiqi was secretly happy in her heart. Although she had decided on this title a long time ago, she was not yet a titled Douluo after all. Being called that, she still felt a little surprised in her heart.

And after seeing Guijiu's powerful strength, she also dispelled her doubts.

Guijiu took Yuan Qiqi all the way to a coastal city.Now in Douluo Continent, 10-year-old soul beasts are very rare, and they are usually hidden in the core areas of various huge forests and cannot come out.

Under the core area of ​​​​the Star Dou Forest, there are several ferocious beasts that are more than 10 years old.

However, Guijiu didn't want to seek death. After all, the only difference between him and his departure was time. It was totally not worth it to face the Silver Dragon King now.

Looking at the crowd of soul masters on the street, who were very different from those in the interior of Douluo Continent, Yuan Qiqi looked at Gui Jiu aside and said:
"Are you sure you want to take me to the ocean to hunt for soul beasts and absorb soul rings? You must know that my martial soul is of the fire attribute!"

Guijiu nodded slightly and said:
"Sister Yuan, don't worry. Since I brought you here, I will definitely find a solution."

Although Yuan Qiqi's martial spirit is of fire attribute.

Absorbing the 10-year-old soul ring of a water attribute soul beast will cause repulsion.

But this is not a problem for Guijiu at all.

Although the vast sea is filled with water-attributed sea spirit beasts.

But this does not mean that there must only be sea soul beasts.

Ahem, okay, actually Guijiu is here to hunt for soul rings for himself, and then get them for Guijiu.

Yuan Qiqi was also a little surprised and expectant after learning Guijiu's true intention.

He wanted to see how Gui Jiu hunted the 10-year-old soul beast.

Guijiu took out the fright coins, bought a boat and started to go to sea.

As for how the ship goes back and forth, it is natural to hire the best sailing personnel.

As for the reward, it's the ship.

Guijiu is not that generous. Although the ship looks big, it is actually decayed and cannot be used for many times.

With the help of Darkrai, Guijiu and Yuan Qiqi successfully found a 10-year-old sea soul beast.

This sea soul beast looks very huge, because its body is a 10-year-old sea bull.

After solving this sea bull, Gui Jiu obtained a 10-year-old wise skull from him.

Then there is the matter of absorbing the soul ring.

After the golden holy dragon spirit absorbed the spirit ring of the 10-year-old sea bull, its strength continued to expand.

As for the huge body of this returning bull, Gui Jiu was not completely wasted.

After all, the carcass of a 10-year-old sea bull is edible in many places and is extremely sweet.

Guijiu cut off the most tender parts of his body and saved them for eating later.

To be precise, he used another extra storage soul guide on his body to fill dozens of cubic meters of meat.

After steaming the flesh and blood of 10-year-old soul beasts, it is also very beneficial for ordinary soul masters to improve their soul power. It can then be given to teacher Bibi Dong, the two grandfathers, and Nana. It will be very good to use.

Later, this piece of wisdom skull was absorbed, because this guy Darkrai was sucking blood, Guijiu.Although he absorbed the soul ring and soul bones of a 10-year-old soul beast, his overall soul power was only increased by one level.

(End of this chapter)

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