National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 143 What an interesting fool! Into the slave prison!

Chapter 143 What an interesting fool! Into the slave prison! (two-in-one plus updates)

"Brother Lin doesn't know that the strongest weapon refiner in the Star Luo Sea can only refine high-grade imperial weapons. This also leads to the fact that there are very few imperial weapons, and most of the imperial weapons are controlled by In the hands of the big forces, as for those small forces who are powerful in the heavenly realm, only a very small number have imperial weapons!" Gu Zixuan suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said patiently: "Five imperial weapons are already my limit. However, I can promise Brother Lin that among the five imperial weapons, there will be one mid-grade imperial weapon, what do you think?"

"In this case, it can be considered sincerity." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and continued: "Logically speaking, a master of such a powerful force like Princess Changshan should have countless descendants. You are just one of them, and your cultivation is very average, so your words are not very convincing."

Gu Zixuan, who was despised by Lin Feng again, his brows twitched.

At this moment, Lin Feng's voice sounded again.

"But, the identity of the son of Princess Changshan still has some weight. Although your cultivation level is average, you are still barely capable of fighting. However, if you join Huaixiang Town, Princess Changshan will not Have an opinion."

Gu Zixuan, who was already very irritable, was slightly startled when he heard Lin Feng's words, and then hurriedly said: "Of course not, this is the purpose of my trip, and my father also knows it."

Lin Feng raised his head slightly, looked at Gu Zixuan with an unruly expression, and said loudly: "Remember your conditions, one middle-grade imperial weapon, four low-grade imperial weapons, and tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones. If you enter Huaixiang Town, but If you don’t take out these things, I can kick you out at any time!”

"Brother Lin is joking. I, Gu Zixuan, am a man of my word. I will never do such obscene things." Gu Zixuan nodded, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"One more thing, I have to say it before I mention it. Huaixiang Town belongs to me alone. If you join Huaixiang Town, you must surrender to me. This is the bottom line." Lin Feng continued.

"This is natural. I am willing to surrender to Brother Lin and be at his disposal!" Gu Zixuan bowed his hands and said.

In those eyes that Lin Feng couldn't see, a hint of darkness flashed past.

He, Gu Zixuan, was not stupid. In this short period of time, he had already figured out some things.

The strange beast appeared first, and after the strange beast took Jiao Wenyao away, Lin Feng appeared at the right time.

If he said that this was just a coincidence, he wouldn't believe it. It was very likely that the strange beast had been subdued by Lin Feng.

And this Lin Feng's cultivation level is definitely not something that just broke through to the realm.

Appearing quietly and defeating Feng Qingyun in an instant. With such methods and combat power, even if he has not reached the late stage of the Earth Realm, he is still not far behind.

Although he still has some trump cards that he has not used yet, the purpose of this trip is to join Huaixiang Town, then participate in the assessment, and gather the strongest soul!

It doesn't matter which way.

Wait until you gather your soul, and then have fun with Lin Feng.

Ha ha.

The Lord of Huaixiang Town and the strange beast are destined to belong to him, but they will only be temporarily stored here for a day or two in Lin Feng's place.

"What an interesting fool. It would be great if all the people in Qianliu Island had this kind of IQ."

At this moment, a playful voice sounded.

Gu Zixuan was slightly startled, and then his eyes went dark.

After regaining his vision again, Gu Zixuan found that he was in a dark stone room.

It is surrounded by stone walls with complex patterns carved on them.

This is where?

A feeling of pain from the depths of my soul suddenly hit me.

"You have entered the Huaixiang Town slave prison. Here, you will suffer endless torture and pain. If you choose to become a Huaixiang Town slave, you will be free from pain and suffering."

A cold voice sounded in his ears.

"Ah!!! Slavery Prison!!! Lin Feng!!! You tricked me!!!"

Painful and shrill roars echoed in the prison.

Looking at the place where Gu Zixuan disappeared, Lin Feng chuckled.

When he discovered that the golden armor on Gu Zixuan was an imperial soldier, he knew that Yun Tage's judgment was correct.

The so-called outside world that Gu Changfeng doesn't want to see Gu Zixuan is just an illusion.

You know, Gu Changfeng is the princess of Changshan and the most powerful person on Qianliu Island.

Being able to make Gu Changfeng act like this only shows that Gu Changfeng values ​​Gu Zixuan far beyond the imagination of the world.

It is very possible that Gu Zixuan has other life-saving means besides this imperial weapon.

And when Gu Zixuan said he was here to seek cooperation, he had new ideas.

Instead of pressing forward step by step and forcing Gu Zixuan to use his trump card, it would be better to trick Gu Zixuan into a slave prison. As long as he enters the slave prison, then Gu Zixuan will be a salted fish on the chopping board.

And Gu Zixuan is also silly and cute. After just a few simple words, he lost his mind, completely fell into his rhythm, and expressed his willingness to surrender.

Tiandao's setting of the slave prison is to either make the other party lose consciousness, which is what he did before and knock the person unconscious, or if the other party chooses to surrender, he can be directly put into the slave prison.

Now, with Gu Zixuan being put into a slave prison, it is time to take action against Jiao Wenyao.

Thinking like this, Lin Feng took a step forward, stepped on the space node, and entered the space. Let’s talk about Jiao Wenyao.

After chasing for thousands of miles, the speed increased sharply, and soon the distance between himself and Tuntian was reduced to ten miles.

With a wave of his palm, the thunder and lightning domain appeared again.

Thunder and lightning filled the sky, carrying a world-destroying momentum, blasting toward the swallowing sky from all directions.

Although Tuntian opened his mouth wide and swallowed some of the thunder and lightning, there were too many thunder and lightning after all. They came one after another in an endless stream. Just like before, Tuntian was swallowed up by the thunder and lightning again.

Stand in the air.

Jiao Wenyao looked at Tuntian, who was in the center of the thunder and lightning craze, his skin and flesh split open by lightning, his breath gradually weakening, but still trying his best to resist. His eyes were filled with unabashed fire.

"A descendant of an ancient strange beast in its infancy! Compared with such a great opportunity, the so-called city lord who helped me break through to the heavenly realm is simply not worth mentioning. As long as this strange beast is subdued and waits for it to grow up, other Even if it’s Qianliu Island, it won’t be a problem to sweep across the entire Star Luo Sea!”

After a while.

Jiao Wenyao looked like he might fall down at any time, but he still tried his best to persist, relying on his big mouth to swallow thunder and lightning, and frowned slightly.

"No, we can't go on like this. Gu Zixuan may arrive at any time. With how much Gu Changfeng values ​​Gu Zixuan, he will definitely give him a heavy treasure. If Gu Zixuan wants to escape, even I won't be sure to keep him."

While talking to himself, Jiao Wenyao thought, and a round umbrella with a faint white light appeared in his palm.

In the soul.

The majestic mana poured into the round umbrella.

At this moment, the round umbrella glowed brightly. As it rotated slowly, a ten-meter-thick divine thunder shot out from the tip of the umbrella and struck towards the swallowing sky not far away.

The powerful divine thunder arrived in an instant.


Amidst the roar of the sky, the eyes of Tuntian were full of madness, and he opened his mouth wide and rushed towards the divine thunder.


This divine thunder blasted into Tuntian's mouth, sending Tuntian flying dozens of miles away.


Tuntian's body hit the ground hard, sinking the ground hundreds of meters. Looking at Tuntian's body again, he was surrounded by arcs of electricity.

Tuntian collapsed there and struggled to stand up, but he failed to stand up after all.

Coming through the air.

Looking at Tun Tian who was 'dying' but still staring at him with a look full of hostility, Jiao Wenyao nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected of a descendant of an ancient beast, even if he is on the verge of death, his ferocity remains unabated. Very good, very good."

As he spoke, Jiao Wenyao landed not far from Tuntian, stretched out his hand and grabbed Tuntian.

Yan Tian's body flew up from the depths of the ground and flew towards Jiao Wenyao.

When he got within ten meters of Jiao Wenyao, Tuntian's two dim tails hanging behind him were like two sharp swords, slicing through the air.

The speed was so fast that as soon as Jiao Wenyao's mind began to throb, it was already struck on Jiao Wenyao's body.



At this moment, a flash of green light suddenly flashed across Jiao Wenyao's body, blocking the two tails of Tun Tian among the lightning and flint.


As Jiao Wenyao's body flew backwards, a sound like a shattering mirror sounded in his body.

Jiao Wenyao was shocked and angry.

What is surprising is that this seemingly dying beast can still unleash such a powerful blow!

If it weren't for the life-saving jade talisman on his body, even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would still be close to death!

What makes him angry is that he fell into the trap of this strange beast and lost a life-saving jade charm that he got by chance.

This was a critical moment, and the treasure that could save his life was wasted here!

Without any hesitation, Jiao Wenyao frantically activated the mana in his soul, poured it into the round umbrella in his hand, and blasted three divine thunders at Tun Tian who was chasing him.

And Tuntian, who no longer showed weakness to the enemy, also showed his strength.

He suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed these three divine thunders.

Although he was also blasted away by Jiao Wenyao, this time, Tuntian only retreated a few thousand meters to stabilize his figure, and the scars on his body were also rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Jiao Wenyao's expression became extremely gloomy.

How could he follow the path of this strange beast? This strange beast, from beginning to end, never tried its best!

At this moment, Jiao Wenyao only felt that his intelligence had been humiliated, and moreover, he had been humiliated by a strange beast in its infancy!


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(End of this chapter)

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