National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 145 The Punisher! Voluntarily become a slave in Huaixiang!

Chapter 145 The Punisher! Voluntarily become a slave in Huaixiang! (-in-)

Without staying any longer, Lin Feng stepped into the space, traveled through the space, and arrived at the Slavery Prison of Huaixiang Town.

Stride into the prison hall.

Looking at the light frequency in front of him, after Lin Feng made some operations, three white lights flashed, and Ling Fei, his wife, and Xue Ze appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The three of them were still unconscious and collapsed on the ground.

As the lord of Huai Township, Lin Feng has absolute control over the slave prison.

Because he decided to take action against Kang Cheng, after knocking these three people unconscious, Lin Feng just threw them into the slave prison. He did not let the slave prison torture them anymore and accept them as slaves.

After all, there is no experience or other rewards for killing slaves.

Before taking part in the assessment, Lin Feng also tried to remove the mark of slavery and then kill it, which was rewarded.

However, there was not even a single lottery opportunity, only experience rewards, and the experience was only half.

The tip given by Tiandao is that within twenty-four hours, only half of the experience can be obtained by killing the person who has released the mark of slavery.

Lin Feng could somewhat understand Tiandao's intentions.

The existence of slave prisons is the way of heaven to encourage the expansion of power, plunder resources and population, and convert the plundered population into slavery, which can also allow the power to develop and grow better.

Everything Tiandao does seems to be to cultivate a powerful force and a qualified leader of a big force.

In the long run, killing slaves, especially large numbers of slaves, is detrimental to the development of a force and does not meet the requirements of heaven.

At the same time, it also confirms the saying that there is a glimmer of hope in the dark.

Lin Feng is not the rule maker, so he can only act according to the rules of heaven.

But, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

In the case of Ling Fei and his wife, just don't accept them as slaves.

With a wave of his palm, Lin Feng fired a burst of energy and killed Ling Fei, his wife and Xue Ze.

[Successfully killed a level 51 strongman (local force) and gained 1900 million experience points. 】

[Experience bonus...]

[Successfully killed a level 51 strongman (local force) and obtained 2121 freely allocated attribute points. 】

[Successfully kill a level 51 strongman (local force) and get a chance to draw a mythical prize pool. 】


Hearing Tiandao's prompt, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Generous experience, attribute point rewards, plus lottery, can be described in two words, that is: perfect.

Start unlimited plunder.

[Infinite plunder is successful, and you get the A-level talent: the true meaning of power. 】

[It is detected that you have the same talent, and the talents are automatically fused...]

Good luck.

The Secret of Power is already Ling Fei's highest level talent.

Being able to plunder the secret of power is naturally what Lin Feng wants to see most.

Next, it depends on whether the integration can be successful.

Just as Lin Feng was looking forward to it, Tiandao's reminder sounded again.

[Talent fusion is successful, the secret of your A-level talent has become significantly stronger, and you are one step closer to understanding the law of power. Your basic strength is strengthened 40 times. 】


The power of the Secret of Power has increased again.

As for the Mystery of Power failing to be promoted to the Law of Power, this was within Lin Feng's expectation.

Prior to this, each of his Five Elements talents had been successfully integrated at least twice. Among them, the Metal and Water Elements had been successfully integrated three times.

In other words, an A-level talent needs to be successfully fused at least three times before it is possible to reach an S-level talent.

carry on.

[Infinite plunder is successful and you get the A-level talent: The Mystery of Fire. 】

[Your S-level talent, Five Elements Law, is a fusion of five series of A-level talents, and the secret of fire is automatically integrated into it...]

[The secret of fire has been integrated successfully, your understanding of the fire element has been improved, and the power of your S-level talent Five Elements Law has been improved. 】


Following the metal and water elements, the fire element has also been successfully fused three times.

carry on.

[Infinite plunder is successful, and you get the B-level talent: The True Meaning of Rain. 】

[It is detected that you have the same talent, and the talents are automatically fused...]

At this moment, a complicated look appeared on Lin Feng's face.

Lin Feng was naturally happy to be able to plunder the useful talent of Rain's True Meaning.

But at the same time, Lin Feng thought about it. Before taking the assessment, he failed more than a dozen times in the process of integrating the true meaning of the rain!

Let’s just say that the success rate of fusion of Rain’s True Meaning is simply outrageously low.

If yesterday was his lucky day, then this was the only stain on his lucky day.

[Talent fusion is successful, and you get the A-level talent The Mystery of Rain. 】

[Your four-series talents of wind, rain, thunder and lightning have all reached level A, and your level of Heavenly Punisher has been raised to Xuan level. 】

[Heavenly Punisher (Xuan level): Walks in the world, enforces laws on behalf of heaven, punishes evil and promotes good, and is blessed by the power of heaven and earth. In the ancient world, the power of the four talents and skills of wind, rain, thunder and lightning is +500%. The level of vocation increases with the level of talent. 】

As Tiandao's voice fell, that familiar energy fell from the sky again and poured into Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng's body flew up, and an ultimate sense of comfort appeared.

Lin Feng is no stranger to this process.

Previously, the four-series talent of wind, rain, thunder and lightning reached level B. When he unlocked the hidden vocation of Heavenly Punisher, he received a hint of the power of heaven and earth.

It was also with the help of that trace of the power of heaven and earth that his body and soul were tempered. At the same time, there was also a part of energy hidden in various parts of the body. During the physical examination, it was completely stimulated to help his physical body complete a transformation. .

But now, as all four series of talents have reached A level, the level of the Heavenly Punisher has climbed from the Yellow level to the Mysterious level, and he has gained ten strands of the power of heaven and earth.

This is a sense of comfort, brought about by the power of heaven and earth tempering his body and soul.

Seeing the impurities in his body and soul being continuously removed, Lin Feng had a bright smile on his face.

When the tempering ended, Lin Feng's ears sounded the reminder from Heaven.

[Tip: Your body and soul have been tempered and fully enhanced, with basic strength +200000, basic agility +200000, basic physique +200000, and basic energy +200000. 】

Another eight hundred thousand attribute points were obtained.


At this moment, the smile on Lin Feng's face became even brighter.

Open the properties panel.

The level also climbed from level 54 after the massacre to level 55.

Except for Zhang Gang, who died in his hands at the beginning, as well as Zhao Ping and Feng Qingyun, the other twelve people in Kangcheng were all killed by him, including Ling Fei and his wife, two middle-level people.

The experience of these powerful people is still very rich.

Looking at the basic combat power, it has also climbed from level 76 to level 77. In the range of levels 74-76, 40 attribute points are required for each level of combat power, while levels 77-79 require 50 attribute points.

The level has been raised to level 55. The four-dimensional and free attribute points have each been increased by 24000, which is 12 attribute points. In addition, the nearly 12 attribute points gained from killing 80 people in the realm, and the level of the Heavenly Punisher has been raised to Xuan level. After 77, although the basic combat power only increased one level, reaching level 78, it was already very close to level .

Then, Lin Feng's eyes fell on the light frequency in the prison hall again.

A thought came to my mind.

The frequency of light changes.

In the dim stone house, a middle-aged man held his head in pain and rolled on the ground, roaring like a wild beast.

This man is Zhao Ping, the lord of Kangcheng.

Perhaps it was because of Princess Changshan's accumulated prestige. Whether it was Zhao Ping, Feng Qingyun, or the group of people brought by Gu Zixuan, except Jiao Wenyao, the rest of them were doing their best to support him.

In Jiao Wenyao's knowledge, Lin Feng had already killed Gu Zixuan, and as Gu Zixuan's personal guard, in Gu Changfeng's eyes, he was already a dead man. Therefore, after Jiao Wenyao entered the slave prison and was awakened by the pain, he For a time, he chose to be a slave in Huai Township.

The reason why Lin Feng found Zhao Ping was naturally because of Kangcheng.

The maximum number of power points a level 5 Huaixiang town can have is 150.

In his previous plan, he had planned to let Su Boyang take over 50 more villages, and he would appoint ten viscounts here, and then establish ten royal-level villages.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

First, Zhao Tianming was admitted to Huaixiang Town, and the Qiyun Sect took the initiative to change the power of Huaixiang Town to Qiyun Town. Then, after the massacre of the city, Kangcheng was temporarily returned to Huaixiang Town.

Of course, Lin Feng was happy to see this change.

A thought came to my mind.

In the stone chamber, the pain that tortured Zhao Ping disappeared.

Zhao Ping's violently trembling body paused for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes looking around blankly.

In Zhao Ping's eyes, a picture appeared on the wall.

"Young Master?!" Zhao Ping exclaimed as he looked at the tortured young man in the picture.

Immediately afterwards, another sub-screen appeared.

"Lao Feng!!!"

"Brother Liang!!!"


In each picture, except for Feng Qingyun, they were all people brought by Gu Zixuan. Later, when he saw the nine mysterious realms, Zhao Ping was even a little numb.

Then, the last picture appeared.

"Lao Jiao?!!"

Looking at the old man with only half of his body left in the picture, Zhao Ping, who was already a little numb, was completely confused.

Is this still the aloof late-stage strong man in his eyes? ! !

"I would like to become a slave in Huaixiang Town."

And when he heard this urgent voice, the last line of defense in Zhao Ping's heart suddenly collapsed.

The scene ends here.

Zhao Ping collapsed on the ground, looking at the wall with no picture in despair, and murmured: "I am willing to become a slave in Huaixiang Town."

As Zhao Ping's voice fell, a cyan mark appeared in the depths of Zhao Ping's soul, intertwined with his soul.

Seeing this scene through the light frequency, Lin Feng smiled lightly.

In fact, when he came to the slave prison, Jiao Wenyao had already become a slave in Huaixiang Town. As for the picture Zhao Ping saw, it was actually a small function of the slave prison.

The slave prison can automatically record everything that happens here.

Tiandao's reminder sounded at the right time.

[Tip: You have successfully conquered Zhao Ping in Kangcheng, Kangcheng, and Kangcheng will automatically become the power point of Huaixiang Town, and you will get an ordinary city lord's order. 】

[Tip: The population of Cannes is seriously insufficient. Please make up for 3 people within 50000 hours. If you fail to do so, the order of the Lord of Cannes will disappear. 】

[Tip: As a first-level ordinary city, Kangcheng can have ten influence points, which are limited to ordinary towns, simple towns, king-level villages, ordinary villages, and simple villages. 】

[Tip: King-level villages under ordinary cities cannot be promoted to towns. 】

[Tip: You have the right to change the name of Cannes once. 】

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Compared with Qiyun Town, Kangcheng can absorb king-level villages, but it is limited to this. If a king-level village wants to be promoted to a town, it is destined not to become a power point in an ordinary city.

Under such almost harsh restrictions, it is destined that starting from an ordinary village will not be able to go very far.

Casually, he picked up the ordinary City Lord's Order suspended in the void in front of him.

His mind was immersed in it, and soon, a look of surprise appeared on Lin Feng's face.

This city lord's order is not only a symbol of status, but also can control the city defense formation of Cannes.

As for Kangcheng's city defense formation, if it is fully activated, it can not only withstand a full-strength blow in the early stage of Heaven Realm, but can also barely deliver a full-strength blow comparable to that in the early stage of Heaven Realm.

Although it is just a full-strength blow for the first time entering the heavenly realm, and if it is fully activated, it requires a large amount of spiritual stones, but it is powerful enough.

At this moment, even Lin Feng was a little lucky. If it hadn't been for Gu Zixuan's amazing assist, I'm afraid it would have been very difficult for him to defeat Kang Cheng.

As for the right to change the name, although Lin Feng has always believed that the name is just a symbol, at this stage, the name Kangcheng is a bit sensitive after all. After some thought, Lin Feng named it Pingyang.

Huaixiang Town Chat Channel.

[Announcement: Kangcheng joined Huaixiang Town and was renamed Pingyang City. 】

"Kangcheng? Pingyang City? We just took over a town, and this is another city?! Boss, this is going against the will of heaven!"

"Going up from the town is the city. We are still a town now, but we have taken over a city! The boss is so powerful!!!"

"The boss is so fierce! He is like a god of war!"

"Speaking of which, if anyone has joined in Kangcheng, which is now Pingyang City, there is no change in the level list, and there is no change in our total population. This makes me not sure whether I should welcome them."

"It's not wrong to say welcome first. Welcome, warm welcome."


People who knew the specific situation in Kangcheng, such as the original Qiyun Sect and the four major contract groups, although they had doubts at this moment, they did not dare to ask more questions for fear of saying the wrong thing and causing Lin Feng's dissatisfaction.

Compared to the descendants, these people were more in awe of Lin Feng, because they had all seen Lin Feng take action at one time or another, or knew how powerful Lin Feng was, even if they only knew part of it.

[Announcement: Mayor Lin Feng appointed Shangguannan as the city lord of Pingyang branch of Huaixiang Town. 】

[Announcement: Mayor Lin Feng activates the regional space teleportation array, location: Pingyang Branch, Huaixiang Town. 】

[Announcement: Mayor Lin Feng has activated the teleportation function between the Huaixiang Town headquarters teleportation array and the Pingyang branch teleportation array! 】


Continuous announcements appeared in the Huaixiang Town chat channel.


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(End of this chapter)

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