Chapter 155: Cautious by nature? It doesn’t help! (two-in-one plus updates)

"Impossible, the Lord of the City has just left Pingcheng. If the Lord of the City really surrenders to you, why doesn't he show up!"

The moment the voice fell, Tun Tian appeared like a ghost. While knocking the early stage cultivator who was speaking out, he rolled him up with his tail and threw him from the air to the ground in front of countless people. .

"Look at his hands! Isn't that Lord Wang?! Lord Wang is the second strongest person after Lord City Lord! I'm afraid, what he said is true!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

"I am also willing to surrender!"

When they saw the high-ranking figure in their eyes being held in Lin Feng's hands like a little chicken, many people chose to surrender.

There were also some people who quietly took out the jade slips for sending messages. However, as soon as the slips for sending messages took off into the air, they were smashed to pieces by the tail of the swallowing sky.

The next second, Tuntian suddenly opened his mouth wide. Under the terrifying suction force, most of the people who did not kneel down and surrender flew uncontrollably towards Tuntian's big mouth that covered the sky and the sun.

"Ah! What kind of monster is this! No! I am willing to surrender!"

When a practitioner in the late stage of the Xuan Realm shouted these words in panic, he found that the powerful suction force suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that those who had not yet surrendered were still flying towards the terrifying mouth, the moment this late-stage cultivator of the Xuan Realm landed on the ground, he knelt down without any hesitation.

"I am also willing to surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

Countless others followed suit.

There were also some cultivators who were far away from Tuntian and had good cultivation, who wanted to take the opportunity to escape from Pingcheng, but they were all easily eliminated by Lin Tian and Lin Yu!

When they see strong people in the land being killed, with no hope of escape, more and more people choose to surrender.

Soon, people in this huge Pingcheng fell to their knees, and there were voices of surrender everywhere.

Standing in the air, his spiritual consciousness was released. The huge spiritual consciousness instantly covered every corner of Pingcheng.

There are some cultivators who want to hide and wait until the limelight has passed before escaping from Pingcheng. Under this spiritual consciousness, they have nothing to hide.

As for these lucky people, Lin Feng did not hold back any more and decisively sent them back to the west.

This also makes those who surrender feel more awe and fear.

[Tip: It is detected that Pingcheng has no power to resist, and it will automatically become a power point in Huaixiang City. The ordinary city building order you received will become an ordinary city master order. 】


Just like the previous situation when conquering Zhao Ping, the same prompt appeared again.

3 people were replenished in 5 hours.

It couldn't be simpler.

Slavery is also human.

Although Pingcheng is located in a wilderness, there are still more than 70,000 people.

And with these people here, this condition will soon be met.

Open the faction panel.

Lin Feng activated a slave prison in Pingcheng, which had become the power point of Huaixiang City.

As that majestic building rose from the ground, those who chose to surrender were all put into slavery prisons.

Only by entering the slave prison and becoming slaves can they be completely used by Huaixiang City.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng activated the teleportation array.

Soon, Liu Yong and Meng Hongping, who had been taken into slavery, walked out of the Teleportation Temple.

In the process, Lin Feng also changed the name of Pingcheng to Jinyang City.

Liu Yong is temporarily appointed as the Lord of Jinyang City, and Liu Yonglai will be responsible for the next specific matters.

As for the king-level villages before Liu Yong, a trustworthy person served as the village chief.

Under Tiandao's title mechanism, it is destined that a person with a high title like Liu Yong would find it difficult to assume the position of leader of power in the same place in a short period of time.

It can also be described in one sentence.

They are a brick of the revolution, moved wherever needed.

After a few simple instructions, Lin Feng did not stay any longer and left Jinyang City to go to the next place.

Through the Jinyang City teleportation array, Lin Feng came to Hongxu Village.

Hongxu Village is the original 5931 Novice Village.

Build a village with the help of Huaixiang, join Huaixiang, and become a power point of Huaixiang.

When Hongxu Village joined Huaixiang, Huaixiang was still a third-level town.

Enjoying the benefits of being promoted from the third-level Huaixiang town to Huaixiang city, the strength of the villagers in Hongxu village has increased dramatically, and they have already joined the large force of Huaixiang city's external expansion.

When Lin Feng teleported to Hongxu Village, the entire village was quiet and deserted.

Lin Feng did not stay any longer, and entered the space again, heading towards the north.

The six cities on the edge of the wilderness are far apart.

Yangcheng, this is Lin Feng's third goal.

Hongxu Village is the closest power point to Yangcheng among all the power points in Huaixiang City.

Compared with traveling through space and rushing directly from Jinyang City to Yangcheng, the current way of traveling is undoubtedly faster. …

Yangcheng, the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Like Meng Hongping, Yangcheng City advocate Lei also received a message slip from 'Gu Zixuan'.

The difference is that Zhang Lei did not hold a banquet for all the powerful people in the city to celebrate the appearance of the descendant like the previous two city lords.

In the huge hall, apart from Zhang Lei, there were only two deputy city lords.

"It's the Ninth Young Master who is here, and he orders me to lead the way?" Zhang Lei frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "What do you think about this matter?"

While speaking, Zhang Lei threw the message jade slip in his hand to the two deputy city lords.

"Although Ninth Young Master is not favored by the Princess, at this special period, the Ninth Young Master leaving the county and appearing here must have been ordered by the Princess. I think the City Lord still has to go there." One of them The deputy city lord took the jade slip, checked the contents, handed it to the other deputy city lord, and said.

"I also think the city lord should go there. Regardless of whether Ninth Young Master is welcomed by the princess or not, what he appears here represents is the will of the princess." Immediately afterwards, another deputy city lord also agreed. .

Zhang Lei shook his head and said: "This matter is quite strange. If the Ninth Young Master wants to come to Yangcheng, the best and fastest choice is to come through the teleportation array. However, there is no news from the teleportation temple. information.

So, where did the Ninth Young Master come from? Why not choose to send it?

This jade slip said that there was something important to do, and I was ordered to go and lead the way.

At the moment, in this wild land, the only important thing I can think of is to discover Huaixiang Town. However, although the people we sent out also discovered the descendants and sent back some news, they did not Discover Huaixiang Township. "

"City Lord, do you mean that this matter is fraudulent?" A deputy city lord frowned and said: "Probably not, this is undoubtedly the jade slip of the Ninth Young Master! As for why the Ninth Young Master appeared outside the city, Maybe everything will be clear when we meet Ninth Young Master."

"What if someone gets the Jade Slip of the Ninth Young Master and pretends to be the Ninth Young Master, or the Ninth Young Master has been secretly controlled by someone, uses the Jade Slip of the Ninth Young Master to lure me out of the city, and then lays a trap to kill me?" Zhang Lei Said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the two deputy city lords looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what to say.

They also knew about Zhang Lei.

He is cautious by nature, and he especially cherishes his life!

The reactions of the two deputy city lords naturally caught Zhang Lei's eye.

Zhang Lei said calmly: "I always feel that this matter is weird. There are many things that I can't figure out. I decided to go to the county town for a visit."

Hearing this, the two deputy city lords were startled.

But it was just my own wishful thinking. It was almost impossible to happen. I had to go to the county town to meet the princess. It was okay to make a fuss.

"If you want to go, I won't stop you. If it turns out that I'm overly worried, I won't be able to delay the Ninth Young Master's important event." Zhang Lei continued.

"The city lord has thought carefully and cannot neglect the Ninth Young Master."

"Don't worry, City Lord, when we see the Ninth Young Master, we will definitely say a few good words for the City Lord in front of the Ninth Young Master."

Hidden inside the space, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly as he listened to the conversation between the three people.

After learning the information in the jade slip, Zhang Lei's first consideration was not to go out of the city to meet Gu Zixuan, but to think about the authenticity of the matter.

This alone is much better than Meng Hongping.

And from the fact that many people in Yangcheng did not gather in the city lord's mansion, it can be seen that Zhang Lei acts very steadily.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng took a step forward and arrived outside Yangcheng.

After walking out of the space, he summoned Tun Tian and the two clones. Then, Lin Feng entered the space again and quietly came to the Teleportation Temple.

Zhang Lei was going to the county town, and he happened to take action in the teleportation temple, killing Zhang Lei and the strong men guarding the teleportation array.

And outside, with Tun Tian and the two clones there, there would be no problem.

Soon, Zhang Lei strode into the Teleportation Temple.

"Where are the City Lord going?" The guard of the Teleportation Temple was a middle-aged man with a basic combat power of level 77. After seeing Zhang Lei entering the Teleportation Temple, he stood up and said leisurely.

Zhang Lei was not annoyed at all and said: "Juncheng."

"Is it possible that you discovered that Huaixiang Town?" The middle-aged man looked happy and strode forward to ask.

Zhang Lei shook his head, and when he was about to say something, his expression changed drastically.

At the same time, a dull crash sounded.


When the brick transformed by the Five Elements Tower was about to touch the back of Zhang Lei's head, a light shield appeared, blocking the blow.

In this collision, the light mask shattered.

And Zhang Lei's body flew towards the middle-aged man.

The fact that Zhang Lei had such a treasure on his body was indeed beyond Lin Feng's expectation. However, Lin Feng originally planned to knock these two people out in the shortest possible time.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng took a step forward, picked up the brick in his hand again, and slapped Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the man in the middle with both hands and shook him.


Everything that happened in this flash of lightning made the middle-aged man stunned for a moment. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

As soon as he said the first word, Lin Feng was stunned.

The whole process seemed so smooth, as if Lin Feng and Zhang Lei had rehearsed it countless times.


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(End of this chapter)

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