National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 28 Silver Prize Pool!Personal challenge! (2 in 1)

Chapter 28 Silver Prize Pool!Personal challenge! ([-]-in-[-])

When you succeed, the whole world will be happy with you.

No one can understand the meaning of this sentence better than Lin Feng at this moment.

He smiled lightly.

Turn off the chat channel and forget about everyone's admiration.

A team challenge allowed him to gain two hundred attribute points!
After thinking about it for a while, I decided to distribute these attribute points evenly to the four dimensions.

Each attribute has been increased by 50 points! ! !
Feeling the sudden increase in combat power, Lin Feng's heart felt hot!
Now he is the number one in the village, and he also holds the challenge order.

As long as he wants, there can be another team challenge at any time!
However, at this time, most villages have completed their first team challenge, or are about to complete it.

If you challenge directly, you will face the same winner.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to arm yourself first.

With this in mind, Lin Feng opened his personal panel.

【Name】: Lin Feng
[Level]: Level 7 (1900/1.5)
[Duty]: Level 0 Guardian (100/[-])

[Reputation]: 15
[Power]: 255 (+15)

[Agility]: 252 (+2)

【Physical】: 247 (+2)

[Energy]: 260 (+10)

[Talent]: Infinite plunder (SSS level), strength madness (D level), agility madness (D level), visual enhancement (E level), smell enhancement (E level).

[Skills]: Pyroblast (Level D), Ice Spike (Level D), Wood Strangulation (Level D), Observing Eye (Level D), Diamond Shield (Level E), Purifying Light (Exclusive for Guardians).

[Combat Power]: Level 11 (comprehensive evaluation based on various basic indices.)
The benefits of the 6-hour team challenge are huge!

Not only has the level soared from level 5 to level 7, but his combat power has also reached level 11!
The overall attributes have soared by a quarter of the original value!

It's so cool!

Even Lin Feng couldn't help but get excited after taking this inventory.


Lin Feng suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up!
There are also two entries into the Silver Prize Pool drawings!
The Yinhe in his hand was drawn from the last bronze prize pool.

This makes Lin Feng even more excited about what good things will be found in this silver lottery!
[Silver prize pool: 98% chance of getting a third-level item, 2% chance of getting a fourth-level item. 】

Third-level items!

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

I'm afraid that the entire Novice Village still doesn't have a few decent first-level equipment, but now third-level items are just around the corner!
With a thought, I confirmed the draw.

next moment,
A black robe appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The collar of the dharma garment is folded, and it is covered with a thin white gauze robe with no other decorations.

Two extremely simple colors, yet present an inexplicable sense of publicity.

[The lottery was successful!Obtain the third-level item——Zhaochen! 】

[Zhaochen: Made of heavenly silk and rhinoceros skin, it is indestructible to dirt, water and fire. It can speed up your own energy recovery and has a defense power of +100! 】

After reading the introduction, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

This is good stuff!
As expected, it is not worthy of being a third-level robe. Not only can it increase the defense power by a full 100 points, it can also speed up energy recovery!

This is much better than novice commoners!

Put on the cassock immediately.

Putting on the new clothes, I felt a lot lighter all of a sudden!

At this moment, Lin Feng actually looked a bit like a humble young man!
One more chance to win a prize!
Come again!

With a thought, it turned on again.

The next moment, a seven-petal lotus with a faint green light appeared in front of Luo Xuan!
[The lottery was successful!Obtained the fourth-level rare treasure - Warm God Lotus. 】

[Warming Lotus: Warms and nourishes the consciousness, resists attacks from the consciousness. 】

What the hell!

Even though Lin Feng was usually calm, he was now excited!

2% chance!

He actually opened a fourth-level item!

Not to mention that these fourth-level items actually have the ability to warm and nourish spiritual consciousness.

Whoever has read online articles doesn’t know how important spiritual consciousness is!
What's more, the Warming Lotus can not only warm and nourish, but also protect the consciousness. This must be a good thing!

With a thought, Warm God Lotus turned into a stream of light and entered Niwan Palace.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and concentrated, everything in Niwan Palace was right before his eyes.

In the area where the consciousness is located, a small lotus flower floats, and a faint white light warms the entire consciousness.

After exiting the inner view, Lin Feng couldn't help but be excited, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It’s also time to take on a personal challenge.

three times a day.

And three consecutive wins will reward a black iron draw.

Although it is far inferior to the Silver Lottery, it can still enhance your own strength.

Don’t fight an uncertain battle.

Only by maximizing his strength as much as possible can he start a team challenge.

A team contribution of 70% is a double reward.

So, what if it is a higher team contribution?

Could it be more?
This is why Lin Feng chose to take on a personal challenge first.

Before starting, Lin Feng suddenly thought that there are many people in the novice village who have been upgraded to level 5 or whose combat power has reached level 5!
The individual challenges are randomly matched.

At this time, the team had just ended, everyone's combat power had soared, and there was time for individual challenges.

It would be tragic if they bumped into him now.

After thinking about it, I gave a reminder in the chat channel.

"To avoid crashing, please don't start the individual challenge yet!"

The villagers were stunned when they saw the news, but they quickly realized that boss Lin Feng was thinking about them!
Immediately, the chat channel was filled with replies.

"Thank you boss for reminding."

"The boss is still thoughtful."

"Fortunately, the boss reminded me that I was about to make a match. If I met the boss, I would be asking for death."

"Thank you boss!"


After a wave of team challenges, everyone's name for Lin Feng also changed.

The villagers were full of gratitude to Lin Feng who led them to victory.

After confirming that the villagers had received the news, Lin Feng did not hesitate.

Confirm your entry into the personal challenge now!
I just closed my eyes for a moment.

Lin Feng had already arrived in a completely unfamiliar place.

Underfoot is a huge light blue round stone plate with a diameter of 20 meters according to visual inspection.

There was thick white fog all around.

A one-meter-square platform rose from nowhere on the outside of the stone plate, occupying all four corners.

Just as Lin Feng was sizing up the arena, a wave of fluctuation came.

Directly ahead, a figure gradually appeared.

Lin Feng was stunned.

His enemy has appeared!


After killing these untouchables, I feel much better!
A pair of bloody hands clicked to match.

Kim Chanyeol started the personal challenge leisurely.

In his opinion, even if 100 free attribute points are deducted, not many people will be his opponents.

You must know that he is a level 7 master!

The match was successful!

The next second, the announcement came.

[Your opponent is Lin Feng from Novice Village No. 9527. I wish you good luck! 】

Jin Canlie's eyes instantly burst out with intense hatred!
"That's him! That's the damn bitch!"

The next second, two figures appeared in the arena at the same time.

Full of blood, Jin Canlie appeared opposite Lin Feng with a vicious smile.

"Hahaha, damn you bastard! Now kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I will let you die a little more happily!"

Jin Canlie stared at Lin Feng fiercely, imagining Lin Feng's begging for mercy with a playful look on his face.

Facing the crazy Jin Canlie, Lin Feng only had one word to reply: "Ha!"

Standing there coldly, watching Jin Canyeol perform like a clown.Lin Feng's expression looked like he was watching a play, which greatly stimulated Jin Canlie.

"Come on, you bitch! How dare you ignore me!"

The intense anger made Jin Canye lose his mind.


Jin Canlie rushed towards Lin Feng like a cannonball.

The blade was about to slice through Lin Feng's neck!

Jin Canlie's eyes sparkled, as if he had seen Lin Feng's head fall to the ground!

next second.


Lin Feng stood up and put away the knife, his expression indifferent.


Jin Canlie's head fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Consciousness gradually dissipated in the arena.

Suddenly, a taunt came.

"Oh, idiot!"

The scenery of the village reappeared in front of Jin Canyeol's eyes.

He covered his neck tightly and fell deeply into the fear of death.

It took a while to get out.

"Xi Ba! Damn Lin Feng!!!"


When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, he returned to the high tree crown.

"Tsk, why are you so careless?"

This is full of regret.

"This death was too light, huh, it was an advantage for him!"

Putting Jin Canlie behind him, Lin Feng stopped wasting time and immediately started the second match!
[Matching successful! 】

[The match is successful. Your opponent is Madha Khan from Novice Village No. 7472. I wish you good luck! 】

A man with a beard appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Looking at Lin Feng, who was a head lower than him, he raised his hands in disdain.

With a face full of provocation, he didn't think that the thin yellow-skinned monkey in front of him could defeat his noble self!

Looking at this disdainful man, Lin Feng's lips curved into a sneer.

Taking a step forward, the sword in his hand flashed.

Madha Khan's figure disappeared into the arena!

Instant kill!Two consecutive wins!

After easily winning the second game, Lin Feng immediately started the third game!

[Matching successful! 】

[Your opponent is Ito Hiroshi from Novice Village No. 1894. I wish you good luck! 】

Lin Feng frowned!
A trace of delay appeared on that face like a knife.

A native of Onigashima?

Hirotake Ito?

A man with Tsukiyo hair appears in the arena.

He looked at the man Long Huang in front of him with a sarcastic expression.

"Yo Xi! It's another dirty Longhuang pig. It seems that I'm sure of today's three-game winning streak."

Hearing these discriminatory words, Lin Feng's expression turned cold.

In a flash, Lin Feng's figure appeared in front of Ito Hiroshi.

Yinhe appeared in his hand, with a flash of cold light.


Blood splattered!
Lin Feng lightly flicked the sword.


Ito's upper body fell to the ground, but his lower body was still standing upright.

Looking at the familiar lower body.

Hiroshi Ito's eyes widened in disbelief.

A vicious threat escaped from his throat.

"Baga, you dare to sneak attack, I won't let you go."

The only response he received was a look of indifference.

Three consecutive victories!
Novice Village No. 1894.

Hiroshi Ito opened his eyes with an ugly expression.


Yamamoto 72, who was sitting upright, was disturbed by the sound and looked unhappy.

"Ito-kun! Please pay attention to your manners!"

"Smith Masai! Mr. Yamamoto, it's all the fault of that damn sick man Long Huang!"

Ito Hirobumi looked unhappy.

"He has no warrior spirit at all! How dare he attack me sneakily!"

Yamamoto 72 narrowed his eyes, showing a dangerous look.

"Why, Ito-kun was defeated by a hypocritical and cowardly Longhuang man!"

Hiroshi Ito suddenly broke into a cold sweat:
"Master Yamamoto! Please give me another chance! I will not let this damn Longhuang man go!"

"Hmph, those hateful Long Huang Pigs, I will kill them all sooner or later!
"Yamamoto looked disdainful:

"What's the number of that village? Let's attack them next time we challenge."

Ito was delighted:

"Hi! Master Yamamoto, their village is 9527!"

"I believe that under the leadership of the great Lord Yamamoto, in the next team challenge, we will bring disaster to them, just like our ancestors."

"Yoshi, Ito-kun said it well, we will follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and bring disaster and fear to them!

The moment you return to the real world, the reward announcement appears.

[Congratulations on winning three consecutive victories, you will be rewarded with 1 reputation point, and a black iron prize pool lottery chance*1! 】

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng started the lottery directly.

[The lottery was successful!Obtain the first-level item - Flowing Cloud Boots! 】

[Liuyun boots: The upper is made of ice silk, and the beef tendon is the base, which is extremely soft.Agility +20. 】

"It's good to come."

"Weapons and clothes have been updated. Now, it's time to make novice shoes a thing of the past."

Lin Feng said to himself very satisfied.

After putting on Lin Feng's boots, Lin Feng opened the chat channel again. After the three competitive matches, less than 10 minutes had passed in the real world. It seemed that the time in the arena was indeed flowing very fast.

"Okay, let's go and challenge."

Suddenly, a message came out from underneath: "Copy that!"

In fact, Lin Feng wanted to start the team challenge immediately, but he was concerned that many people in the village had increased their combat power to level 5 or higher, so it would take time to start the individual challenge.

Lin Feng still suppressed his thoughts.

But what should you do during this time?

Lin Feng pounded his palms with his fists, there was one more thing!
With a thought, an ancient scroll appeared in his hand.

When this scroll appeared, my combat power was not enough, but now!
After the team challenge, my combat power has been greatly enhanced, so I just took advantage of this short time to take a look.

Reopen the scroll and the familiar green dot appears again.

Following the route on the map, Lin Feng immediately rushed to the depths of the misty forest!

Unexpectedly, I passed through the level 5 ferocious beast area in the forest before rushing on.

I never encountered any ferocious beasts along the way!Any one!
Such a strange situation can only explain one situation!
He stepped into the territory of an extremely terrifying ferocious beast. Under its fright, no ferocious beast dared to run wild in its territory!

"If this is the case, will it have already discovered me when I step into the territory?" This speculation made Lin Feng's heart sink.

However, the strong combat power still gave Lin Feng great confidence.

As long as the beast protecting the treasure does not exceed level 9, he is confident to fight it!
After calming down, we were about to reach the treasure location.

Lin Feng was even more cautious. When he arrived at his destination, he saw a circle of ferocious beasts from a distance surrounding each other as if they were worshiping.

Lin Feng was shocked!This is actually a whole group of bears!

In the center of the herd, a bear king with brown body and silver hair appeared in Lin Feng's eyes!
The treasure hidden in the scroll is right next to the Bear King!
(End of this chapter)

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