National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 30 The first kill of the guard general!Crush with force! (2 in 1)

Chapter 30 The first kill of the guard general!Crush with force! ([-]-in-[-])

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised!

A smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I had a new talent!
Lin Feng continued to sneak attack on the ferocious beasts wandering on the edge of the herd.

Not long after, the third level six beast fell.

At this moment, it has been 10 minutes since the team challenge started.

Lin Feng's personal points increased to one thousand and two!

The point difference between the two novice villages has also accumulated to more than 700 points.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how terrifying this speed is.


No. 1894 Novice Village Chat Channel——

"Master Yamamoto! We are already more than 700 points behind our opponent! What should we do? Are we definitely going to lose?"

Ito Hiroshi: "These dragon pigs are really vicious! Don't worry, once they kill the ferocious beasts they found before the challenge begins, they will definitely be defeated by our speed!"

"Master Ito is right! Those cowardly Longhuang people have no samurai spirit at all!"

Yamamoto 72: "Yoshi, when I reach level 8, the opponent will definitely not be our opponent!"

"Master Yamamoto! Are you actually going to level 8?"

"Hahahaha, those Longhuang people must have never imagined that our Lord Yamamoto was already a level 6 powerhouse when the arena first opened!"

"Yes! Mr. Yamamoto was able to lead us to victory last time, and this time will be no exception!"

Onigashima people cheer again!

How could Lord Yamamoto be defeated by a mere Dragon Huang Kingdom if he is so powerful!
But they didn't know that Lin Feng across from him didn't find a ferocious beast.

But there are dozens of high-level ferocious beasts!

Time flies by, another 10 minutes.

After continuing to kill the four ferocious beasts in the periphery, the level progress has also reached level seven (4/6550).

There was no moon bear in Lin Feng's sight that was easy to assassinate.

At this time, no matter which one is killed, it will definitely attract the attention of the other ferocious beasts.

"It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable."

Lin Feng took a deep breath. Since it was unavoidable, he would kill more ferocious beasts as quickly as possible after being discovered!
Having made up his mind, he immediately ducked down and dived towards the nearest moon bear.

100 meters...70 meters...50 meters
The weeds in front gradually became sparse and disappeared completely when we were still more than 30 meters away from the giant bear.

Knowing that he could no longer sneak in, Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The next second, the whole person shot out like an arrow from a string.


The sword flashed, and the Moon Polar Bear had no time to react.

Lin Feng was so powerful that he cut off its head in one go!


The bear's head fell to the ground.

The unabashed formation immediately attracted the attention of the bears.

The bear king in the center turned his head violently!
Seeing a weak human standing next to the corpse of the same kind, the bears didn't understand anything.

It’s this weak human being!Kill their compatriots!


A gust of wind hit.

In an instant, a level 6 giant bear elite came to Lin Feng.

A one-story-tall body with a big mouth ready to swallow this human being.

Lin Feng made a mistake in his steps and immediately stepped out of the way.

The extremely fast speed even left an afterimage in place.

The giant bear elite is confused.

Why is there no taste in his mouth even though he bit that human being?

Next second,

The giant bear elite was instantly penetrated by Yinhe!

The system's voice then sounded,
[Announcement: Congratulations to the novice Lin Feng for achieving the first kill of the sixth-level elite monster Moon Spirit Bear. He will be rewarded with five reputation points. 】

[Reminder: The reputation value obtained by the first kill of each elite monster is unique. If someone kills the same elite monster subsequently, no reputation will be gained. 】

The moon bears that were coming here were shocked!

The Bear King roars!

At that moment, the surrounding moon bears roared sadly and moved away.

Then, the obviously more powerful Moon Polar Bear came with five giant bear elites!

Lin Feng quickly activated his spying eye.

[Ferocious Beast]: Moon Polar Bear (Guardian)

[Level]: Level 6

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 12

[Talent]: Ground Thorn (e-level)
【Explosion rate】: 30%
Protector level! E-level ground stab!
Lin Feng was overjoyed!
He actually encountered a ferocious beast at the level of a guardian!
It seems that the elite ferocious beasts are one level higher in combat power than ordinary ferocious beasts.

And the level of the guard general is one level higher than that of the elite ferocious beast.


The sound is getting closer.

The huge body of the giant bear guard is extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed over.


I heard a sound coming from the ground,
The strong sense of crisis made Lin Feng quickly jump to a nearby tree.

Looking down,
The ground beneath my feet actually had rows of spikes half as tall as a man!

Lin Feng was shocked!

It seems that this is the skill of the giant bear guardian!


A strong wind is blowing, and a giant bear elite is coming from the side!
Lin Feng didn't even look down upon the mere 11th level combat power!


The giant bear's claws were easily blocked by the steel knife!


Lin Feng used his right hand hard!
Yinhe penetrated the body of the giant bear elite.


Lin Feng pulled out Yinhe and quickly dodged.

Blood spurted out from the wound!


The ground trembled slightly!

Another giant bear elite falls to the ground!

Lin Feng didn't pause at all, and stepped towards the giant bear guard general to attack!


The giant bear guardian is furious!
Just in an instant, Lin Feng came to the guard general!

He jumped in the air, held Yinhe in both hands, and struck hard!
Silver shine!

The giant bear guard was suddenly startled!
Immediately waved his giant palm and slapped Lin Feng!

The huge bear paw was chopped off!

The blood is flying!
Yinhe's offensive continued unabated.


The bear's head falls to the ground!


Without control, the giant bear's body suddenly fell to the ground!

The sound of the system also sounded quietly as the giant bear carcass fell.


[Announcement: Congratulations to the novice Lin Feng for achieving the first kill of the sixth-level guardian monster Yue Polar Bear. He will be rewarded with 6 reputation points. 】


The Bear King's voice sounded again.

The remaining five giant bears didn't hesitate at all and immediately returned to escape.

How could Lin Feng let them get their wish!
Muto strangles!

Countless wooden vines instantly imprisoned the five attacking beasts.

The ghostly figure reappeared in the forest.


I saw five afterimages gradually disappearing.


The beast's body split violently,

Blood splatters!The blood mist filled the sky!
[Successfully killed the level 6 ferocious beast: Moon Polar Bear (guard general), experience +630. 】

[Successfully killed level 6 ferocious beast: Moon Spirit Bear (Elite), experience +570. 】

[Successfully killed level 6 ferocious beast: Moon Spirit Bear (Elite), experience +570. 】

...Another wave of experience hits!
Lin Feng is in a good mood!

As soon as I thought about it, my experience has accumulated to level seven (11100/1.5)!

It only takes less than four thousand to reach level eight!

Even the points reached an astonishing 2600!

Both sides benefited. Although he didn't get any more talent, Lin Feng was very excited!


Another roar!

The low-level moon bears quickly moved towards the group under the command of the Bear King!

Only then did Lin Feng realize that from his upright appearance to the time he killed so many giant bears, he only saw the Bear King commanding from the center.

Now that there is such a big movement, the tribe can only avoid it.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and discovered that the Bear King had never left the place where the treasure was from the beginning to the end.

Then his eyes lit up!
"Is it possible that this Bear King will not leave the range of the treasure until he is forced to do so!"

This is a big opportunity for him!
Lin Feng has always done things neatly.

It was discovered that the Bear King could not leave the treasure range.

Lin Feng no longer keeps a low profile!Instead, take the initiative.


Relying on his extremely high agility, he quickly took away the lives of two polar bears!

Now, the entire bear group is in commotion!

The Bear King slowly stood up and stared at Lin Feng coldly.

Then there was a high-pitched roar, and the highly combat-prone Moon Polar Bear in the group seemed to be summoned.

They all stood up and approached Lin Feng.

Soon, a bunch of ferocious beasts gathered around Lin Feng.

Huh, this Bear King is really smart!

They actually recalled the tribesmen with low combat power and sent those with high combat power to encircle and suppress them.

All the Moon Bears have eyes flashing with hatred!
snort!Damn humans!
How dare they kill compatriots on their territory!
They are going to pat this human into a patty!


The ground began to tremble!
Countless moon-pole bears standing tall in small buildings are rushing towards us one after another!

"Oh, it came just right!"

The eleventh and second level combat power is simply giving him experience!
Lin Feng instantly started brainstorming.

As long as you kill six or seven ferocious beasts, you can be promoted to level 8 immediately!
By then, no one in the entire bear group can stop him!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with excitement.

Just do what you say and rush into the herd immediately!
All the polar bears were shocked by this turn of events!
This human must be crazy!
How dare you rush into the inner circle surrounded by them!

While the beasts are in shock!

He also instantly killed two giant bear elites!
"Three thousand!" Lin Feng said silently in his heart.

Continue to charge!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng was deeply surrounded by the Moon Polar Bear!
Only then did all the beasts come to their senses and stopped them one after another.

If you look at it from above the forest at this time, you will find that the beasts at this moment seem to have been opened up by a sharp sword!

The ferocious beast behind him quickly closed up, and Lin Feng continued to charge forward without even thinking.

5 minutes later!

Two more ferocious beasts died under Lin Feng's sword. At this time, Lin Feng had already hit the level 7 Moon Polar Bear!
"two thousand!"

Lin Feng felt a little pressured by the twelve levels of combat power.

But Lin Feng has only one purpose, and that is to kill monsters and level up!
He quickly caught up with Lin Feng.

Seeing that the sharp claws were about to pierce the arrogant human body.

The chasing moon bears all had a hint of expectation!
next moment!
Lin Feng turned around and jumped while holding Yinhe.


There was a soft sound of gold and iron.

The Moon Polar Bear screamed and roared even louder!
Yinhe actually cut off its bear paw directly.


Lin Feng jumped up again without stopping at all.

The moon polar bear is still screaming.


The roaring stopped abruptly.

The blood is flying!
The sharp sword edge suddenly pierced the Moon Bear's throat!

One hit!
[Successfully killed the level 600 ferocious beast: Moon Bear, experience +[-]. 】

"Come again!"

Lin Feng relied on his agility to move among the beasts.


The roars came one after another.

The sound of beast bodies falling down resounded throughout the forest!

[Successfully killed the level 600 ferocious beast: Moon Bear, experience +[-]. 】




Lin Feng's body lit up with white light, and the Bear King seemed to sense something and suddenly became restless.

【Your level has been promoted to level eight! 】

[Your strength points increase by 35 points. 】

[Your agility points increase by 35 points. 】

[Your constitution points increase by 35 points. 】

[Your energy points increase by 35 points. 】

[You get 35 free attributes! 】

The flush of upgraded energy allowed Lin Feng's various data to recover quickly.

He casually allocated the free attribute points and glanced at the personal panel.

【Name】: Lin Feng
[Level]: Level 8 (350/5)
[Duty]: Level 0 Guardian (100/[-])

[Reputation]: 27
[Power]: 310 (+15)

[Agility]: 307 (+30)

【Physical】: 302 (+30)

[Energy]: 325 (+10)

[Talent]: Infinite plunder (SSS level), strength madness (D level), agility madness (D level), visual madness (D level), smell enhancement (E level).

[Skills]: Pyroblast (Level D), Wood Strangulation (Level D), Eye of Peeping (Level D), Ground Thorn (Level E), Ice Thorn (Level E), Purifying Light (Exclusive for Guardians).

[Combat Power]: Level 12 (comprehensive evaluation based on various basic indices.)
All attribute values ​​exceeded [-]!
The increase in combat power made Lin Feng clear monsters even faster!
the other side.

At this point the team challenge starts for an hour!
You must know that the total points of the entire Novice Village are just over 4040!And Lin Feng's points alone are as high as [-]!

The points difference between the two novice villages has even reached more than 3000!
It was the first time in Novice Village No. 9527 that Lin Feng was so powerful!

United Channel——

"Crushing, this is simply crushing!"

"Our boss Lin Feng can score more than 4000 points in one hour. I wonder if your so-called great Yamamoto-sama is half as fast as our boss Lin Feng? Hahahaha!"

"Baga, you must have deliberately injured the ferocious beast before the challenge and waited for the team challenge to start earning points! You Longhuang people are really insidious!"

"Soukar! That must be the case, otherwise how could a group of sick men be more powerful than our Daguijima Empire!"

"Ouch, you're so quick to make excuses! Why can't you do anything? Excuse No. 1! Love, all your thoughts are spent on this. No wonder you are tall. Haha, I'm embarrassed to say it. I'll figure it out for myself."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, 'Don't blame the uneven road for people's inability' to the turtle on the other side!"

"I can't stand it anymore. It's too much. How can you bully your 'international friends' like this!"

"Baga! You Longhuang people have always been so rude!"

"I'll wipe it! It's embarrassing for you, isn't it?"

"Baga! There are still five hours left, our Lord Yamamoto will definitely defeat you!"

"Baga, you are here to compare. Apart from Baga, you don't have any other tricks? You are uneducated and your sister is terrible. By the way, let me give you some popular science. Your sister here is not your real sister. "

"You're so awesome! I can beat you by two thousand points in one hour. How can you chase me? Huh, you should just wait for death!"

On the other side, No. 1894 Novice Village.

chat channel -

"Damn, those sick guys are so rude!"

"Xiba! Their points are increasing so fast!"

"Baga! Are we actually going to lose to the Longhuang people?"

Ito Hiroshi: "Humph, it's been an hour! They must have killed all the beasts they injured! There are still 5 hours left, our Dai Onijima Empire will definitely not lose!"

"Baga! They Longhuang people are always so insidious!"

"Souga! We can definitely tie it!"

The victory in the last team challenge gave them great confidence!

There will definitely be no exception this time!
The temporary backwardness is just because those Longhuang people are too insidious.

He actually injured the beast before starting the team challenge!
They are indeed a group of cowardly Longhuang people!
(End of this chapter)

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