National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 37 5 lines of spirit beads!Start trading! (2 in 1)

Chapter 37 Five Elements Spirit Bead!Start trading! ([-]-in-[-])

A wound ran from his left arm to his back, and it was still bleeding!

A pair of angry eyes stared at Lin Feng.

Countless fireballs suddenly appeared!
It roared towards Lin Feng!

Lin Feng was shocked!
This guy can actually attack from a distance!

If you want to scare him like this, it's impossible!
Water vapor began to condense around Lin Feng, and a chill suddenly spread on the battlefield.


The sound of blah blah sounded.

The fireball was blocked by the ice spikes formed by Lin Feng, and was consumed before it even reached Lin Feng.

Seeing the skill not working.


The flaming horse's front hooves struck again, and Lin Feng immediately blocked it with his sword.

Lin Feng's knife hit it right on the forearm, how could it still have the same strength as before!
This blow, on the contrary, shook the flaming horse back!

Taking advantage of the flame horse's instability.

Lin Feng jumped forward!

The flaming horse's throat was slashed!Blood splatters!
Critical hit damage +100%, kill in one hit!
The burning flames slowly extinguished as the flaming horse fell.

[Successfully killed the level 11 beast: Flame Horse!Gain experience +1650! 】


Lin Feng landed lightly and stabilized his body.

He walked quickly to the corpse of the flaming horse, and a white light flashed in his palm.


[Unlimited plunder successful!Obtain D-level talent: Fire Control! 】

The sound sounded, and a smile appeared on Lin Feng's face.

[Same talent detected and merging! 】

[The fusion is successful, congratulations on obtaining the C-level talent: Oath of Fire! 】


Success, another C-level talent is obtained!
Lin Feng was in a good mood, and with a thought in his mind, Tuntian appeared at his feet.

The little Tuntian seemed to be very happy too, babbling towards the flame horse.

Lin Feng had enough time to watch the little thing swallowing.

In the next second, ding——

[Congratulations to newbie Lin Feng for killing the level 11 ferocious beast Flame Horse and successfully activating the regional mission.Obtain Fire Spirit Pearl*1 and be rewarded with 3 reputation points! 】

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, before he could figure out what happened.

The voice of Heaven rang in his mind.

[Announcement from Area 11: The novices in Area [-] have successfully killed the level [-] ferocious beast Flame Horse and met the conditions to automatically trigger the regional task of all novices in the village: building a village! 】

[Announcement from Area [-]: Task channels for each Novice Village have been established.All villagers can enter and view task details. 】

[Announcement: The hyperspace trading channel is officially opened. 】

Lin Feng was naturally shocked by this announcement.

Who would have thought that he just killed a flaming horse and actually started a long-term mission for an entire region!
As soon as I thought about it, I quickly opened the light screen.

Sure enough, a mission channel actually appeared on the light screen.

Once you enter, the task mentioned in the announcement will appear - building a village (area).

[Regional task: Build a village (during the 7-day protection period of Novice Village). 】

[Task content: Please go to Liluo Grassland, look for the five evil beasts of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and successfully kill them to obtain the corresponding spirit beads. (The Five Elements Map has been opened)]

[Task reminder: Village construction is divided into three modes: normal, difficult, and purgatory. 】

[Task reminder: Different difficulty modes will correspond to villages of different levels!Villages of different levels represent completely different starting points. The higher the level of the village, the more the villagers will benefit!On the contrary, if the selected task fails during the seven-day novice protection period, the village will disappear and everyone will become refugees! 】

[Task Reminder: This task requires breaking through the novice protection range, crossing into the Liluo Grassland to kill the five series of ferocious beasts scattered around, and the 11th-level ferocious beasts are fierce in combat power, and the combat power of ordinary ferocious beasts can reach level 17. You can do whatever you can. OK! 】

[Normal: one each of the five series of spirit beads]

[Difficulty: One of any king spirit beads, one of each of the other four series of spirit beads]

[Purgatory: One for each of the five series of king spirit beads. 】

[Note: Killing any ferocious beast of each department can obtain the spirit beads of this series; killing the king of each department can obtain the king spirit beads of this series. 】

After reading the details of the mission, Lin Feng immediately took a breath.

The regional tasks are indeed extraordinary!

Just a normal mission requires five spirit beads, which means that at least five 11th-level ferocious beasts must be killed!
It’s not that he is boasting, except for him, it will take at least two days for everyone else to kill the 11th level beast and increase their combat power to 17th level!
In other words, the stronger villages only have two days to complete the task!

Once the mission fails, the village will even disappear!
In such a short period of time, the most common village building task requires killing five level 11 ferocious beasts. It seems that after the 7-day novice protection period, a large number of people will lose the protection of the village!
This world is as cruel as ever.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and his brain started to spin rapidly. He was the top leader in Novice Village No. 9527. He believed that it was up to him to decide the difficulty of the task. This was not a matter for him alone, but for the whole village.

He had to think about it carefully.

At the same moment, there was an explosion in Novice Village No. 9527!

"Build a village! And divide it into levels!"

"Holy shit, shit! Did you all see that the announcement reminded that the level 11 ferocious beast has a combat power of 17!!!"

"Wow, wow, I saw it. Doesn't this mean that the person who started the mission has at least level 17 combat power? Holy shit! He's simply not human! This newbie should be the biggest boss in the first area!"

"That's right! As mentioned in the announcement, this mission will be automatically triggered as long as the 11th-level ferocious beast is killed."

"But this mission involves killing level 11 ferocious beasts. Boss Lin Feng, Boss Su Boyang, and Boss Suihan still have to count on you! Can you tell everyone how many levels of combat the bosses have? It’s strong!”

"Wait! I suddenly have a bold idea!"

"Fuck! Fuck! It can't be what I think."

"I think it's very possible. Didn't the boss in the last team battle directly kill the level 10 beast? And after the team battle, he will have 300 attribute points, which is enough!"

"He's not running away! The one who started the mission must be Boss Lin Feng!"

"Wow~! Doesn't that mean we can build a village soon!"

"That's true. Boss Lin Feng can now kill level 11 ferocious beasts. Isn't it easy to capture the five-series spirit beads?" "If you put it this way, then we will definitely be able to build a village!"

"That's not necessarily true. We don't know which level Mr. Lin Feng will choose to complete."

"That's right, and a regional mission concerns all of us, and we can't just focus on Boss Lin Feng. Leaders in the rankings, when can you go to Liluo Grassland to compete with Boss Lin Feng!"

Building a village is a major event for the whole village. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that in this world full of crises, the sooner this kind of task is completed, the more beneficial it is.

But now the ranking leaders, who everyone has pinned their hopes on, are already two levels behind Lin Feng in the highest level!Not to mention the gap in real combat power.

The moment the announcement sounded, the two Su Boyang brothers, who were looking for monsters in the level 8 monster area, were both stunned. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Suihan was impatient and blurted out the words without thinking:

"Is it Lin Feng!?"

Hearing his sister's sharp voice due to shock, Su Boyang couldn't help but reveal a wry smile:
"Who else could it be if it wasn't a level 11 ferocious beast? So the gap between me and him is already so big?"

But this regret only lasted for a few seconds, and Su Boyang quickly adjusted his mentality.

With a thought in mind, I opened the chat channel, and sure enough, Novice Village had exploded because of the regional mission.

There are also people who are inquiring about the situation of everyone on the ranking list.

Su Boyang always knew his priorities clearly, and he immediately replied after thinking for a moment:

"With our abilities as brothers and sisters, it would only take two and a half days at the fastest to reach the threshold of level 17 combat power."

"What! Two and a half days! Doesn't that mean we can only rely on Mr. Lin Feng for these two days!"

As soon as the second-ranked boss on the list opened his mouth, everyone in Novice Village basically understood that in the past two days, the only person in Novice Village No. 9527 who could really complete the task was Boss Lin Feng!

Suddenly, the chat channel fell into silence. In this silence, Lin Feng finally thought about his decision!
There are still 7 days left before the 4-day novice protection period ends.

High risk also means high returns!
Although the mission introduction does not detail the benefits that high-level villages will bring to villagers, but for a regional mission, is it possible that the rewards will be less?
This task!
He must reach the highest level!
Lin Feng made up his mind and immediately chose the difficulty level of the mission at the purgatory level without any ink.


[Announcement: In Novice Village No. 9527, Lin Feng, the leader, has selected the Purgatory Level Mission Difficulty—one King Spirit Pearl of each of the five series. 】

The selection of task difficulty came to an end, Lin Feng chose the purgatory level, and the silent chat channel immediately became heated.

"Ah, ah. Boss, have you seen it clearly? This is the Purgatory difficulty level!"

"Yes, that is the 11th level king beast. Its combat power must be at least two or three levels higher. Isn't it a bit too difficult to choose purgatory? If we can't complete it, then we will all become refugees. !”

"You can't say that. I think Mr. Lin Feng must have his own ideas in choosing this difficulty. I don't think Mr. Lin Feng is a random person!"

"Same as above! And since the difficulty of the task has been determined, there is no point in rushing here! The regional task is everyone's business. Instead of worrying here, it is better to think of ways to help Boss Lin Feng ah?"


As soon as the Purgatory difficulty was turned on, everyone's minds were attracted to this matter. Some were worried, some were complaining secretly, and some were excited.

But as said in the chat channel, the difficulty cannot be changed. Instead of complaining, it is better to think about how to overcome this task.

But now, the boss Lin Feng, as the villagers call him, is worried about another thing. The level 11 beasts are at least level [-], but the purgatory level of the village building mission requires Wang Lingzhu.

This familiar feeling reminded Lin Feng of the original Moon Polar Bear group.

In addition to ordinary ferocious beasts, there are also elite ferocious beasts, guardian ferocious beasts, and king-level ferocious beasts in a group, and their combat power is even higher with each level.

King-level ferocious beasts have at least level 20 combat power!

The higher the difficulty, the more generous the rewards!

Lin Feng's eyes were full of fire.

However, this task cannot be completed in a short time. The most urgent task is to increase the combat power quickly!

He was thinking of countermeasures in his mind, but his eyes were scanning the Heavenly Light Screen unconsciously.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up when he accidentally saw the little red dot in the upper left corner!
Hyperspace trading channel!How could I forget this thing!
Everyone who was chatting enthusiastically suddenly heard several more announcements.

[Announcement: Newbie Lin Feng has launched new products on the hyperspace trading channel.Each star stone is exchanged for a first-level spiritual plant or a third-level ferocious beast corpse. 】

[Announcement: Novice Lin Feng uses the hyperspace trading channel for the first time, and he will be rewarded with 1 reputation point! 】

Everyone was stunned by the announcement, and they didn’t know for a moment whether it was because they could gain reputation by complaining about it, or whether they were complaining about the trading channel that had been open for so long and no one noticed it!
For a time, everyone became very curious about the star stone, something they had never seen before.

"I'm going, I'm going to see it. The boss of the trading space, Lin Feng, also set up an introduction! The Star Stone is a first-level spiritual stone that can speed up the recovery of mental power by 30%!"

"Wow! It can restore mental strength, what a good thing! With this star stone, we don't have to go back to the stone house to rest, and we can kill more monsters!"

"Things are good, but I have neither a first-level spiritual plant nor the corpse of a third-level ferocious beast!!!"

"I'm crying. Boss, do you only want the corpse of a level 3 ferocious beast? Boss Lin Feng, can you do it at a lower level?"

[Announcement: Novice Su Boyang used the corpse of a level [-] ferocious beast to exchange a star stone with Lin Feng! 】

[Announcement: As the first transaction in this area, both parties Lin Feng and Su Boyang will be rewarded with a little reputation each.No further announcements will be made for various transactions in the future. 】

"Fuck! Level 7 ferocious beast!"

"Damn~! Another bit of reputation!"

"Don't leave it here, damn it. If you have something, hurry up and replace it. The stock is going to be gone!"

"Boss, I want the Star Stone too! Can I exchange it for the corpse of a lower-level ferocious beast?"

On the other side, under the shade of a low but lush tree.

Lin Feng was quietly recovering his strength.

The system announcement sounded, and Lin Feng was also stunned.

With a thought, I opened the hyperspace trading channel and entered the personal trading page.

[Items for sale]: Star Stones (49 pieces)
[Completed Transaction]: 1 (please click to view details)
[Items Harvested]: One level seven ferocious beast corpse

After all, it was the first transaction. Lin Feng was also a little curious. When he opened the details, Su Boyang left a message.

"Brother, you won both team battles and got 200 attribute points. This person asked me to remember it. The regional missions can't help at the moment. The corpses of ferocious beasts and the second-level spiritual plants are considered a Whatever you are missing, just tell me, I will support you if I can help."

[Reminder: Novice Suihan used two second-level spiritual plants to exchange a star stone with you. 】

Just as he was looking at the message, there was another reminder of transaction information. Lin Feng couldn't help but smile slightly. The brother and sister had quite good tempers.

The next second, a white light flashed in front of Lin Feng, and a ferocious beast corpse and a spiritual plant appeared. It was the ferocious beast corpse and the flying smoke buds that the Su Boyang brother and sister traded.

Conveniently put the Feiyan Baoya into the Qiankun Fortune Cauldron, and then began to plunder the corpses of level 7 ferocious beasts.

[Unlimited plunder successful!Gain 5 points of physical attributes. 】

After plundering, he immediately released Tun Tian. Seeing Tun Tian shaking his head a little bit, Lin Feng actually felt a little bit of satisfaction.

Ever since he came to this world, he has been improving himself non-stop, and now with Tuntian by his side, he is finally no longer alone.

(End of this chapter)

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