National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 68 Lin Feng still has 3 sets of spiritual beads?Little pickle kneels and licks!

Chapter 68 Lin Feng still has three sets of spiritual beads?Little pickle kneels and licks! ([-]-in-[-])

"Boss is awesome, he's dealing with the entire District 1, haha, I can't wait to kill those trash that are hostile to us."

"The meaning of the boss couldn't be clearer! There is no such thing as enemy support! The so-called forest-killing camp is not taken seriously by the boss at all!"

"They're just a bunch of rabble! I'm sure there must be many people from the deforestation camp vying to make deals with us. If you think about it carefully, they are the real enemies!"

"Haha, that's really the case. One thing, if you change the angle, it's the complete opposite. I've learned a lesson."

"Now, I'm afraid those losers will regret it again. I guess they will either play the emotional card or talk from the moral high ground."

"Hmph! Let's not do that! Regret? Haha, why did you go there earlier!"

"That's right, there's one over and over again, not over and over again! It's too late to say anything now!"


"There are only fifty places for each of the public buildings such as the Iron Shop and the Dan Shop. Our three deputy village chiefs discussed it and decided that the first batch of places would be given to villagers who want to make this their main business. The villagers of the idea, privately the three of us.

At the end of today, we will tally up the registration list, so please don’t rush. "Su Boyang.

"The trading standard will still take a while. Please don't be anxious. You can use this time to kill more monsters and accumulate crystals." Li Jie.

"That makes sense! Stop talking! I'm going to go crazy and kill monsters!"

"Bring it up, brothers! Every ferocious beast can provide experience and crystal stones! Is there anything more wonderful than this?"


Novice Village No. 83.

Level 10 ferocious beast area.

On the endless grassland.

A man with a tough, angular face, about 24 or 640 years old, stood there, looking at the ferocious beast that fell in front of him, and said to himself: "Another 70 points! This time in the team battle, at least... Increase the contribution level to [-]%.

With 400 attribute points from winning this team battle!Then I was sure to kill the Sky Flame Horse and get the first Protector Level Spirit Orb. "

at this time.

A prompt appears.

[Tip: Lin Feng, the head of Huaixiang Village, has approved your friend application, and you can start chatting now. 】

"Haha, brother Lin Feng, a busy man, finally has time to look at the friend application list. It's not easy." Long Zhan laughed.

After Long Zhan finished speaking, Tiandao's reminder appeared again.

"Information about Brother Lin Feng? It seems that Brother Lin Feng has come to see me for something. It just so happens that I take this opportunity to ask Brother Lin Feng about the village."

While talking to himself, Long Zhan clicked on Lin Feng's message.

"Brother Long Zhan, what level of village building mission have you accepted?"


I'm sorry, brother Lin Feng came to me because he was worried that my mission of building a village had failed.

Long Zhan smiled heartily and replied to Lin Feng's message.

"Brother, if I told you that I haven't taken on the village building task yet, would you praise me? Haha."

What the hell!

When he saw this message, Lin Feng couldn't hold back and cursed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng laughed so happily.

Long Zhan's words in the previous regional chat channel gave Lin Feng the feeling of being a sweetheart.

I never thought that Long Zhan would have such a careful side.

Didn't take the mission!

Looking at the entire District 1, and even the entire Blue Star World Novice Village, I am afraid that not many people can do this.

When a task appears, the first thing that everyone thinks of must be which difficulty task to choose. Discussions around the difficulty of this task will naturally ignore this task. The only time limit is before the end of the seven-day protection period. .

As long as the task is completed before then.

Perhaps Long Zhan didn't know whether he could get the spirit pearl if he didn't accept the mission. However, Long Zhan still chose to give it a try carefully before making a decision.

The fact is that you can get the spirit beads even if you don't accept the mission.

He naturally knew this. There was no mission for killing the Flame Horse yesterday, and he got the ordinary fire spirit bead at that time, and the mission was triggered only after that.

And perhaps, this is the glimmer of hope that Tiandao has left for all novice villages to build a new village.

After laughing, Lin Feng was also surprised for a while.

How careful and careful a person needs to be to capture this glimmer of hope for village building.

Lin Feng: "I admire you. I really admire you. You are as careful as your hair."

Long Zhan: "I live a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. If you are not careful, someone will die. I won't talk about this anymore. By the way, brother, can you reveal the specific situation of the village?"

Licking blood from the knife edge.

When he saw these five words, two words immediately appeared in Lin Feng's mind: soldier.

Either a professional soldier or a mercenary.

Such a person's physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. I'm afraid that at the beginning of his arrival, his combat power will be at the fourth or fifth level!

If the awakening talent is better, it will not be difficult to rise.

Lin Feng: "What's the inconvenience? However, I need to wait a moment. Right now, I have something I want to discuss with you.

To build a god-level village, I used a set of king-level spirit beads. Now, I still have three sets of spirit beads in my hand.

My god-level village is the best in the world, and the rewards from heaven are very generous.

I'm not sure about the situation of the other three villages. I can make a guess about Tiandao. Tiandao encourages everyone to establish and develop their power. There should be rewards for being first.

Therefore, I just thought of giving you this set of guardian-level spirit beads. "

When he saw Lin Feng's message, Long Zhan was stunned for a moment.Give him a set of guardian-level spirit beads? ! !

This was completely beyond his expectations.

After five days, he had already adapted to this world and deeply understood the rules of survival in this world.

A very cruel and realistic world, where the weak eat the strong.

And if you want to survive in this world, then you can only try your best to make yourself stronger.

Perhaps, in the future, a king-level village will not mean anything.

But at this point in time, a king-level village is absolutely a priceless treasure.

It puts you ahead of most people.

Taking the lead at the beginning will give you a higher starting point, and then it will continue to snowball.

When the snowball reaches a certain level, the gap is enough to make many people feel desperate and unable to think about competing with you.

This set of guardian-level spirit beads was so precious that even though he had faced death several times without any timidity or hesitation, he didn't know how to respond.

Lin Feng: "Brother Long Zhan, don't think too much. If I don't give you this set of guardian spirit beads, who else can I give it to? It's impossible to say that the so-called forest-killing camp, or those who The wallflower gets it."

Long Zhan: "Okay, I will take this set of guardian-level spirit beads. However, I can't take it for nothing. From now on, all the spiritual grass and spiritual plants in our village will belong to you. I know that with only this little thing, I can't take it for nothing." Compared with the value of this set of guardian-level spirit beads, if you need anything else, just ask, as long as our village can come up with it, I will have no problem with it."

Lin Feng: "Let's not talk about this for now. I will trade this set of guardian-level spirit beads to you. You build the village first. I want to confirm some things through your king-level village."

Long Zhan: "Okay."

Later, Lin Feng opened the Overtime Trading Channel and designated the five Guardian Level Spirit Orbs to be traded to Novice Village No. 83 Long Zhan.

[Reminder: No. 83 Novice Village Dragon Battle used the corpse of the level [-] ferocious beast Saberhorn to exchange a Guardian Level Fire Spirit Bead with you. 】

[Reminder: No. 83 Novice Village Dragon War uses a third-level spiritual plant to exchange a guardian-level water spiritual bead with you. 】


After hearing these five reminders in succession, Lin Feng smiled and said to himself: "Brother Long Zhan is a very particular person. Next, let's see if my guess is correct."

Regional chat channels.

"Did I get dazzled just now?! There was a guard-level spirit orb appearing in the super-dimensional trading channel?! Then, it disappeared again!!!"

"Guardian-level spirit bead?! A mission item to build a king-level village?!! How is it possible?!!"

"Let's not talk about who can kill the 11th level guardian beast now! Who would be stupid enough to trade the village building mission items?!"

"That's right, you must be dazzled! You people from the White Elephant country have always had very poor eyesight. You must have seen it wrong."

"Send your whole family! We, the White Elephant people, are baptized by the sacred Ganges water, and our eyesight is the best in the world!"

"Haha, don't you know how dirty the Ganges River water is? A backward and barbaric country claims to be the best in the East, and it has the nerve to say that it has good eyesight. Our Dagui Island Empire is the first in the East."

"Go away, little dwarfs, I don't want to be acquainted with you."

"I seem to have also seen a guardian-level spirit bead appearing in the overtime trading channel!"

"I'm sure it did appear just now! What I awakened is a D-level visual talent. I can't be dazzled or see things wrong!"

"How is it possible for someone to trade that Guardian-level spirit bead?!!"

"How is it impossible! That demon has already established a god-level village, so naturally he doesn't need the guardian-level spirit beads. It's normal to trade them."

"?! He completed the village-building mission of the Purgatory difficulty. Doesn't the Purgatory difficulty correspond to the King-level spirit beads?! How can he still get the next-level spirit beads!"

"Who said that if you accept the Purgatory Difficulty Mission, you won't be able to obtain the next level of spiritual beads! You are too weak to reach this level, which is understandable."

"What?! Oh my god, that means that in Lin Feng's hands, there are still three sets of spiritual beads that can build a village?!"

"Oh God! If all this is true, then which lucky novice village just got that set of guardian-level spirit beads?! That is a king-level village second only to the god-level village. !!!"

"Haha, I don't know! Then why do you think about it? It must be my Dalonghuang's novice village! And, if my prediction is correct, Lin Shen should have traded the set of guardian-level spirit beads to me, Dalong The second most powerful person in Huang is fighting!" 3289 Novice Village, Zhang Zhuo.

"Lin Shen yyds! Lin Shen approved our boss Zhang Zhuo's friend application. Our boss has something important to talk to you about."

"Lin Shen yyds! 9527, uh, no, it's the brothers and sisters in Huai Village. Let's talk to Lin Shen. Our boss has something important to talk to him about."

"Lin Shen, I am the leader of 9325 Novice Village, and I am your fellow from Jin Province. I have added you as a friend. Please pass it. Please also ask the brothers in Huai Village to talk to Lin Shen and let him pass it. It is urgent. !" 9325 Novice Village, Wu Dongpeng.

"Lin Shen, I am the number one person in 6783 Novice Village. There is a fellow villager of yours in our village, who is also from Huaixiang. He said he knows you. Please apply as my friend and we can chat in detail." 6873 Novice Village, Guan Hui.

"Dad Lin Feng, I was wrong. I shouldn't have offended you. I apologize to you. I apologize to you. As long as you can give us a set of elite spirit beads, I will do anything you ask me to do, even if you ask me to do it right away." Go to hell, I will definitely do it! Dad, my dear dad, I was really wrong. For the sake of my sincerity, please help me, a sinful person. Ah, no, as long as you If you can help me, even if I'm a beast, I'm willing! Please!" No. 4673 Novice Village, Jin Canlie.

When this message appeared, the huge regional chat channel, which was originally very lively, fell silent.

5673 Novice Village chat channel.

"Ah! Something big, something big happened! Boss Lin Feng gave a set of guard-level spirit beads to Long Zhan in Novice Village No. 83!"

"I saw it too! Damn me! Is that Jin Canlie still a human being?! In order to get the spirit bead in the hands of boss Lin Feng, you have no moral integrity!"

"Integrity? Please don't insult the word integrity. Is a player who admits that he is a beast worthy of talking about integrity? !!"

"Please, it's useless at this juncture! Brother Feng, are you watching? I'm really worried!"

"Yes, this is the point. We only need the ordinary set of spirit beads! Brother Feng! If you don't speak, are you already taking action?"

"It must be like this! When has Brother Feng ever let us down? He was the first to choose to join the camp. Not long ago, he was the first to support Huai Village on the regional chat channel. Even Long Zhan called us Brother Feng. Brother, our brother Feng will definitely be able to win for us the set of ordinary spirit beads in the hands of boss Lin Feng!"

"Calm down! You are too impulsive now and are about to lose your mind! Calm down first!" Wang Feng.

"Not to mention whether I can get it or not, but how I want it, I can't even contact Boss Lin Feng.

Don't talk about contacting Boss Lin Feng through people in their village. If you think about it carefully, before the camp war started, when they learned that Su Boyang had a friend of Boss Lin Feng, the people in Huai Village were so excited and envious.

Think again!From the beginning to the end of the camp war, did Boss Lin Feng say anything?

Keep thinking!Boss Lin Feng has spoken several times in the regional chat channel, and what he said!
I can tell you clearly that boss Lin Feng is a very cold and domineering person at heart!
And such people are often very opinionated, and they will almost never waver on what they have decided!

So, stop saying this, it’s yours that can’t run away, it’s not yours, no matter how hard you beg for it, it won’t come! "


(End of this chapter)

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