Chapter 73 The descendants of the past!Fallen evil! ([-]-in-[-])

The sour feeling made Lin Feng frown slightly.

And the next reminder from Tiandao also made Lin Feng understand the difference between plundering and not plundering.

This time, only 1 point of strength was added to him.

And if you plunder its essence, it will be 3 points.

This gap is really not that big.

Later, Lin Feng sold the three fourth-level weapons he had drawn before, as well as the third-level clothes Zhuo Chen and the third-level shoes Zhufeng Boots that he had replaced one by one.

Among them, the three fourth-level weapons are all 500 low-grade spiritual stones.

The Wind-Chasing Boots, like the previous Universal Sword, are both 200 low-grade spiritual stones.

As for Zhuo Chen, he sold a total of 300 low-grade spiritual stones.

Before this, Zhuo Chen had been strengthened once, and his defense power had increased from the initial 100 to 150. He also had the function of transforming into armor. Its value was higher than that of the Wind-Chasing Boots and the Universal Sword, which was normal.

Later, Lin Feng opened the authority to the power warehouse and the upgrade authority to the vassal villages to Su Boyang.

From the moment Lingfeng Village became a vassal village in Huai Village, the authority to upgrade the village was also in Lin Feng's hands.

Power warehouse and vassal village upgrades, these two permissions complement each other.

Giving these two authorities to Su Boyang will not only determine the position of Su Boyang's first deputy village chief through this authority, but at the same time, Lin Feng will no longer need to be distracted by this, killing two birds with one stone.

Then, Lin Feng chatted with Li Jie for a few words, and asked Li Jie to pay attention to the spiritual herbs and spiritual plants that can warm the soul and nourish the soul.

After doing this, Lin Feng luxuriously gave himself a cigarette and enjoyed the last comfortable time.

The smoke destroys people.

With one click of return, Lin Feng returned to the previous valley again.

We came to the barrier deep in the valley again.

Staring at the black marks on this huge barrier, a hint of expectation appeared in Lin Feng's eyes.

While waving his palm, he shot a purifying light towards the black mark on the barrier.

This is the skill given by Heaven after he completed the hidden mission and became a guardian.

Since acquiring this skill, he has never encountered a contaminated beast again, and has never used this skill.

Previously, when he was chasing the gold beast here, when he saw the black mark on the barrier, he immediately thought of his duty as a guardian.

However, under the circumstances at that time, the first thing he wanted to ensure was victory in the camp battle, so he focused solely on killing monsters.

After killing the monsters, it’s time to build a god-level village.

Now, he has finally finished his work in the village and can free up his hands to deal with this barrier.

This barrier not only cuts off his sight, but also blocks other creatures from entering. This is why he was able to catch all the gold beasts that escaped here in a short period of time.

Brilliant white light fell on a black mark on the barrier.

Stab, stab.

It was as if something was on fire.

In this harsh sound, the black mark about the size of a palm quickly dissipated, and the barrier there returned to its original light blue color.

In the next second.

The huge barrier trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a portal appeared on the barrier about eight meters away.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps came from the door, from far to near.

Looking at the portal that suddenly appeared on the barrier not far away, Lin Feng was not surprised but happy when he heard the footsteps.

It should be that the creatures within the barrier are coming out.

He was worried about how to enter this barrier.

The other party actually came out on his own initiative.

Right in the middle.

With a thought, Fengzhu appeared in his hand.

Two seconds later, a figure walked out of the portal.

What caught his eye was a middle-aged man about 1.9 meters tall, wearing armor and holding a spear.

It's actually human.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.

The middle-aged man was tall and burly, giving people a very powerful feeling. However, the armor on his body and the spear in his hand were stained with rust, and there were also marks of dried blood.

The middle-aged man's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

The most eye-catching thing was the pair of eyes, which were full of madness and murderous intent, exactly the same as the blood monkey Lin Feng had encountered before.

Without any hesitation, without even looking with his true eyes, Lin Feng directly waved the long sword in his hand!
A sword energy that was about ten feet long shot out.

Put your energy out.

This is a C-level talent skill that is awakened after the power talent is upgraded to C. It has an attack range of ten meters.

This middle-aged man was eight meters away from Lin Feng, just within the attack range.

Seeing that the sword energy was about to hit the middle-aged man, at this moment, the middle-aged man's body suddenly disappeared.

In the next second.

The middle-aged man appeared behind Lin Feng, and stabbed Lin Feng fiercely with the spear in his hand.

As if he had seen the scene of Lin Feng being impaled, a ferocious smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face.

This smile only existed for a moment and then disappeared.

Instead, there was that kind of shock.

In his gaze, the man who was about to be pierced by him seemed to have eyes on his back. His free left hand grasped the tip of the spear in a flash of lightning.

Before he could react, there was only a flash of cold light.

The sword light flashed past the neck, and a huge head flew out from the neck and rolled to the ground not far away.

The headless corpse fell straight to the ground.

Heaven's prompt sounded at the right time.

[Successfully kill the level 12 demon and gain +3000 experience. 】

[Experience bonus is 3%, and you will get an additional 90 experience. 】

[Successfully killed the level 12 demon and gained 100 protection points. 】

[Your guardian level has been raised to level 2! 】

[Your strength attribute increases by 50 points. 】

[Your agility attribute increases by 50 points. 】

[Your physical attributes increase by 50 points. 】

[Your energy attribute increases by 50 points. 】

[You get 50 freely allocated attribute points. 】

Lin Feng was overjoyed after hearing Tiandao's series of prompts.

The guardian level has been upgraded to level 2!
Each of the four dimensions added 50 points!
There are still 50 free distribution points!

There are so many attribute points gained by increasing the guardian level!
Just 1 level 2 is enough to give 250 attribute points.

This is more than his level going from 9 to 10!

It is indeed the bounden duty to choose one in a million!
Sure enough, powerful.

An eye of true seeing was thrown over.

【Evil】: Gao Ping (polluted)

[Level]: 12
【talent】:? ? ? 【Skill】:? ? ?

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 20.

[Explosion rate]; 20%.

[Origin]; The descendants of the past were invaded by the power of evil spirits and lost their minds.

[Tip]; Demons and guardians are mortal enemies. Killing demons will give you rich experience and rewards.

Adventers of yesteryear!
Damn it, there were already descendants before him? ! !


A name that is very characteristic of the Dragon Kingdom.

When he saw Gao Ping before, although he had a typical oriental face, he didn't think much about it. At this moment, it seemed that this Gao Ping should be the previous batch of descendants of the Dragon Kingdom.

But in the history of Blue Star, why has there never been a record of such a large number of people disappearing?

Is it possible that before this, there was an older civilization, but because of its arrival, that civilization fell and then disappeared in the long river of history, unknown to outsiders?
If this is the case, then who has been leading all this?

What is its purpose?
To deal with evil spirits?Or is there some other more profound purpose?

And how many years was the gap between the last batch of descendants and this batch of descendants?

At this moment, many doubts appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

At this moment, another sound of footsteps came from the portal on the barrier, interrupting Lin Feng's contemplation.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng suppressed the doubts in his heart.

The time he came to this battlefield in the heavens was too short, and his top priority was to do everything he could to make himself stronger.

He believes that as he continues to grow stronger, these doubts will eventually be solved.

After gathering his thoughts, Lin Feng launched an unlimited plunder towards the corpse in front of him.

[Infinite plunder successful!Congratulations on getting the C-level talent: Super Agility. 】

[Same talent detected, merging...]

Hearing Tiandao's voice, Lin Feng's face revealed a touch of surprise and expectation.

Although the information detected by the Eye of True Sight did not mention Gao Ping's talents and skills, in the previous confrontation, Gao Ping suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind him, using what he was very familiar with. C-level talents and skills are reduced to inches.

Perhaps, for people who don't understand this skill, they will definitely panic, but his agility talent has long been promoted to C level, and he has awakened the skill of shrinking into an inch, and he has also used shrinking many times. Di Cheng Cun already knows this skill very well.

Shrinking to an inch, it seems that it suddenly disappears and then appears out of thin air, but in fact, there are traces to follow.

The release of any skill is generated by energy, and you only need to capture the energy fluctuation at that moment to know the opponent's position.

This is also the reason why he can accurately grasp the tip of Gao Ping's spear and kill Gao Ping.

And Gao Ping's ability to shrink into an inch means that Gao Ping's talent is the C-level talent of agility super.

But he wasn't sure if Gao Ping had any other talents.

At this moment, Lin Feng was undoubtedly happy to hear that he had plundered the super agility from Gao Ping.

I hope this talent fusion can be successful!
[Integration successful!Congratulations on getting the b-level agility talent: True Meaning of Speed. 】

[Because you have gained the true meaning of speed, your C-level talent skill has shrunk to an inch and automatically evolved into a B-level talent skill: teleportation. 】

[Teleportation: When the speed is enhanced to 10 times, you will touch a trace of the power of space. After using this skill, you can reach anywhere within a kilometer in an instant. 】

What the hell!

The speed is strengthened 10 times, which is the improvement brought by the true meaning of speed.

I never thought that the true meaning of speed is actually related to space!
So cool!
Within a kilometer range, it arrives in an instant.

Compared with the 50 meters that shrunk to an inch, this is simply the sky and the earth.

Another powerful combat skill is available!
Moreover, with the improvement of his agility talent to B level, now, his strength talent and agility talent have both reached B level.

The true meaning of power, the power is strengthened 10 times.

Agility talent, agility strengthened 10 times.

Even without using any skills, just relying on these two powerful combat talents, his combat effectiveness will reach an extremely terrifying level.

This feeling of constantly getting stronger is really great.

Turn around.

He looked at the portal on the barrier again.

Lin Feng's face was full of anticipation.

Someone is here again to give away talents and experience, and, by the way, guardianship points!
At this moment, Lin Feng only hoped that there would not be too few people in this barrier.

Under Lin Feng's fiery gaze, a figure walked out of the door.

Like the man named Gao Ping, this man also has a typical oriental face. He has the same pale complexion, the same madness and killing intent in his eyes, and his armor and weapons are also stained with rust. The slight difference is that this man is With a knife.

Immediately afterwards, two more people came out, one was a young man in his twenties, and the other was a woman in her 30s.

Although the woman's face is extremely pale, it can still be seen from her exquisite facial features that she is a natural beauty.

It's a pity that no matter how good the skin is, it won't help in the end. He was invaded by the evil power and turned into a demon.

The eye of true seeing looks past.

[Evil]: Zhao Xuan (contaminated)

[Level]: 12
【talent】:? ? ?

【Skill】:? ? ?

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 20.

[Explosion rate]; 20%.

[Origin]; The former descendants were invaded by the power of evil spirits and lost their minds.

[Tip]; Demons and guardians are mortal enemies. Killing demons will give you rich experience and rewards.

This is the information of the middle-aged man. Whether it is combat power or level, he is the same as Gao Ping. Looking at the young man, the same is true.

Finally, Lin Feng looked at the woman.

[Evil]: Gu Li (Fallen Species)

[Level]: 14
【talent】:? ? ?

【Skill】:? ? ?

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 23.

[Explosion rate]; 25%.

[Origin]; The former descendants were invaded by the power of evil spirits and lost their minds.

[Tip]; Demons and guardians are mortal enemies. Killing demons will give you rich experience and rewards.

Fallen species.

Compared with being polluted, it has been upgraded to a small level.

And this woman named Gu Li is much higher in terms of level and combat power. She can be said to be a mini-boss.

Level 14 is the same as his. In terms of combat power, he is at level 29, while Gu Li is at level 23. There is a full six levels of combat power difference.

This is not to say that level 14 and level 23 have low combat power. On the contrary, this is a very high combat power.

When you upgrade 1 to 2, you can get four-dimensional attribute points and free attribute points, 5 points each; when you upgrade 2 to 3, you can get 10 points each, and from there, when you reach level 10, you can get 45 points each.

When 10 rises to 11, the increase climbs to 100 points, and after that, it increases by 50 points.

In other words, when you upgrade from level 1 to level 14, the attribute point reward you can get is 4625 points. Even if this woman's initial four dimensions are good, if you include 125, it will be 4750 points.

The attribute points corresponding to level 23 combat power range from 7000+ to 8500.

The extra two to three thousand attribute points are difficult for most people to achieve.

That is to say, he has the Infinite Loot, the Qiankun Fortune Cauldron, and the Swallowing Sky, these three shortcuts to obtain attribute points, so his combat power has increased so quickly and powerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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