Chapter 81 Dark Cage!Bloody clone! ([-]-in-[-])

Low-grade evil!

Level 30 combat power!
Just the most common evil demon has a combat power as high as level 30!Has officially entered the Xuan level threshold!

If this were a medium-level evil demon or a high-level evil demon, how powerful would it be?

Thinking that the demon and the guardian were mortal enemies, Lin Feng also felt an invisible pressure at this moment.

"Human, if you are afraid, it is too late to leave now!" Hell Hound said coldly: "Of course, if you choose to take refuge with me, I will give you some blood food to help you during the upcoming killing feast. You increase your strength."

Blood food!Improve your strength!

Lin Feng's brows furrowed slightly, his expression instantly turned cold, and he glanced at the old man standing there with disgust.

Lin Feng only felt that speaking one more word to them would be an insult to his own personality.

Instantly move!

The moment he saw Lin Feng disappear, the hellhound who was sitting there suddenly stood up, and a powerful aura rose up around him.

Amid the thunderous roars, the black mist in the hall instantly became violent and frantic.

Without any hesitation, the Hell Hound slapped his left side with a palm.

There, on the originally empty ground, Lin Feng's figure appeared.

Lin Feng was not surprised or surprised that the Hell Hound could discover his whereabouts.

Whether it is shrinking to an inch or moving instantaneously, it still belongs to the category of speed in essence. However, at the moment when the skill is activated, the speed soars to the extreme, giving people the illusion of disappearing.

Any strong person with rich combat experience can detect traces of the spellcaster based on the energy and breath fluctuations during movement.

Lin Feng's purpose is also very simple, that is, to get close.

B-level strength, agility, and physical talent, coupled with the true meaning of A-level combat, give him a great advantage in close combat, and he personally prefers this simple, direct, and violent fighting method.

The Overlord Spear in his hand came out, with powerful power, and stabbed at the giant palm falling from the sky.

at the same time.

Lin Feng shook his hands into a fist, and with that huge fist, he hit Han Ming who was very close at hand!

Compared to the hell hound, Lin Feng wanted to kill this bastard who was no different from an animal.

As a village chief and a leader of power, it’s okay to have no responsibility at all. Instead, for the sake of his own selfish desires, he chooses to associate with the devil and act like a dog!Using his own villagers as blood food to increase his strength is simply outrageous. This animal-like behavior.

How could Han Ming have expected that Lin Feng's real target was himself.

In the previous collision, while being severely injured, he also understood that the real combat power of this man named Lin Feng was more powerful than he imagined.

He was no match for Lin Feng at all.

Feeling the power of this punch, Han Ming tried his best to retreat, and at the same time, he suddenly made a move with his hands, and endless black mist surged out, forming a cage around Lin Feng.

His mouth was full of panic and he shouted: "Sir! Save me!"

However, it was too late.

Lin Feng was determined to get a punch, but Han Ming, who was seriously injured, could not dodge it.

The cage that appeared in a hurry was like a piece of paper when it touched Lin Feng's fist, and was blown away in an instant, not even able to stop Lin Feng's fist at all!

Although the hell hound also noticed Lin Feng's purpose, he raised his leg and kicked towards Lin Feng.

But when it just raised its legs, Lin Feng's fist hit Han Ming's head.

Amidst the explosion, the headless corpse still maintained the inertia of retreating. After taking two more steps, it hit the seat and fell limply there.

[Successfully kill the level 16 demon and gain +50000 experience. 】

[Experience bonus is 3%, and you will get an additional 1500 experience. 】

[Successfully killed the level 15 demon and gained 350 protection points. 】

And just as the corpse was retreating, a white light penetrated directly into it.

[Unlimited plunder successful!Obtain the A-level talent: Dark Mystery. 】

[Get the A-level talent Dark Mystery, and automatically awaken the A-level talent skill: Dark Cage! 】

Just then, a roar sounded.

But it was the Hell Hound's palm that came into contact with the Overlord Gun.

The Overlord Spear was directly shot away, and the Hell Hound had just one foot off the ground. Under the shock force generated by the collision, it staggered and took three steps back before it could stop itself.

Hearing Tiandao's reminder, Lin Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Another A-level talent is obtained, very good!

The smile flashed away.

In the next second, Lin Feng rose up, raised his fist again, and smashed the Hell Hound's knee.

His most capable subordinate was killed under his nose, and he and Lin Feng's weapons collided head-on, and suffered a small loss. The Hell Hound only felt that he was surrounded by endless anger.

Just when he was about to vent, the strong wind hit him, causing the hell hound to swallow back what he wanted to say.

With a thought, the majestic blood energy surged out one after another, forming a blood energy armor around the body.

As soon as the blood armor was condensed, Lin Feng's fist hit it.


In the sound of shattering like a mirror, the armor that had just been condensed suddenly dissipated.

After scattering the bloody armor, Lin Feng's fist continued forward and hit the hell hound's knee hard.

Even the hell hound is still wearing armor.

In this collision, the armor at the knees failed to block Lin Feng's fist and dented directly.


Amidst the painful and angry roar, the Hell Hound didn't even care about his own pain and retreated.

However, how could Lin Feng give the other party such an opportunity.

As soon as the Hell Hound took two steps back, Lin Feng's fist hit the Hell Hound's other knee again.

This time.

Without the reduction of the blood armor, Lin Feng's brutal punch directly smashed through the armor at the Hell Hound's knees and his knees.

There was no hesitation or pause.

Another fist was punched diagonally upward.

The restrained energy shot out from the fist and exploded between the Hell Hound's legs!
what! ! !
what! ! !
what! ! !
The heartbreaking pain hit, causing the hellhound to roar in agony.

One of the two knees was crippled, and the other suffered severe injuries. In addition, the important parts suffered fatal injuries. The huge body of the Hell Hound fell directly to the ground, and the huge hall was kneeling. trembling!
The Hellhound, who was so angry that he had lost his mind, slapped Lin Feng with both palms.

"Damn humans! I want to eat them alive..."

Before he could speak, Lin Feng jumped up and hit the hell hound on the chin with his fist.

The body of the hell hound fell backward.

At this moment, Lin Feng fully displayed the five-character mantra of "don't spare others when you have power."His fists were like raindrops, hitting the Hell Hound's body hard.

Got armor?
Ha ha.

It doesn't matter.

This makes fighting exciting!

In a moment!

The dying hellhound was lying there, with no good place on his body, and the only thing that could move was his eyes.

The eyes that looked at Lin Feng were full of fear, as if ordinary people were looking at some kind of demon.

At this time, Hellhound had only one thought in his mind.

md, who is the devil?

Lin Feng looked at the Hell Hound indifferently, raised his leg, stepped on the Hell Hound's head, and ended the Hell Hound's life.

[Successfully kill the level 17 demon and gain +100000 experience. 】

[Experience bonus is 3%, and you will get an additional 3000 experience. 】

[Successfully killed the level 17 demon and gained 500 protection points. 】

[Successfully kill the level 17 demon and get an epic prize pool lottery opportunity. 】

An epic lottery opportunity has emerged!

If it were normal times, Lin Feng would naturally be very happy.

However, at this time, Lin Feng's mood was somewhat complicated.

He asked himself that he was not a compassionate person, let alone a holy mother, but just now, when he heard what the hell hound said, an unknown fire still rose in his heart.

There is nothing wrong with the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

But the reason why people are human is because they have the most basic humanity and the most basic bottom line.

In order to become stronger, he would do anything to betray his own villagers, and even enjoy the so-called killing feast with peace of mind. This kind of beast-like behavior made him very angry.

And for such people, Lin Feng will definitely kill them one by one, or a group of them, and he will kill them in the most direct and violent way.

After making a slight adjustment, and after his state of mind returned to calm again, Lin Feng took steps towards the evil passage.

After making a slight adjustment, and after his state of mind returned to calm again, Lin Feng launched an unlimited plunder against the Hell Hound.

[Unlimited plunder successful!Obtained B-level talent: the true meaning of the body. 】

[The same talent has been detected and is being fused...]

In the previous fight, the blood armor that he blasted away with one punch was the B-level talent skill Blood Armor derived from the true meaning of the body.

The true meaning of the body has strengthened the Hell Hound's physique tenfold, and its personal defense has also been greatly improved.

Otherwise, how could this hell hound be able to withstand so many of his bombardments!
According to his guess, the Hell Hound must have more than this talent. However, under his violent attack, the Hell Hound had no chance to use its full strength.

It would be nice to get the true meaning of this body.

[Integration successful!Obtain the A-level talent: The Mystery of the Body. 】

[The Secret of the Body: It can help you understand the secret of the law of the body, further explore the potential of the physical body, improve the strength and defense capabilities of the physical body in all aspects, and strengthen the physical fitness by 20 times. 】

[Acquire the secret of the A-level talent body, the B-level talent skill Blood Armor, and automatically be promoted to the A-level talent skill: Blood Clone. 】

[Blood clone: ​​Use powerful blood to condense a clone, which has 30% of the strength, agility and energy attributes of the original body, and has 50% of the physical attributes of the original body. It has no talents and skills. If the clone is destroyed, the original body will be implicated; the clone cannot Improve your own strength. The strength of the clone's combat power is closely related to your own four-dimensional attributes and physical talent level. The more four-dimensional attributes, the higher the physical talent level, and the stronger the clone. The clone can exist permanently; only one blood clone can exist at the same time. ;Skill cooldown time is 48 hours. 】

Another A-level talent is obtained!
Moreover, it is a talent that can enhance one's own defense!

Bloody clone!
At this moment, Lin Feng's face finally showed a smile.

Although this blood clone has many limitations, it is enough to surprise Lin Feng.

30% strength, agility and energy attributes, 50% physical attributes!
You know, his current four-dimensional attribute points have reached 7300+.

30% of the strength, agility and energy attributes are close to 2200, and the physical attribute is 3500+.

In other words, the attributes of this clone alone reached a terrifying 1w+.

1w + four-dimensional attributes, the basic combat power has just reached the 25th level threshold!
Level 25 combat power!
Even if we look at all the Blue Star descendants, there are only a handful of them with level 25 basic combat power.

Moreover, the combat power of this clone will increase as his four-dimensional attribute points increase, and as the level of his physical talent increases.

For him who has unlimited plunder, it is not difficult to increase the combat power of this clone. It can also be said that just the increase in combat power of this clone will crush most people.

The most important thing is that this clone can exist permanently.

Some trivial things, but things that have to be done, can be left to the clone to complete.

For example, collect various ores.

In this way, he can devote more time and energy to improving his personal strength.

Without any further hesitation, Lin Feng directly used the skill he had just obtained.

In the next second.

Lin Feng only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, making a gurgling sound.

Immediately afterwards, the blood and energy from all parts of the body surged out.

It was circulating about a meter in front of him.

The rich blood is mixed with some kind of mysterious energy.

It is under the influence of this mysterious energy that the flowing blood quickly condenses into a person.

The whole process took about five seconds.

Lin Feng smiled when he looked at the young man in front of him who was very similar to himself and had a calm and solid temperament.

If he didn't say anything, I'm afraid that other people would just think that this was a living person.

"I've seen you before." As soon as the young man appeared, he bowed his hands to Lin Feng.

[Tip: Because you have special skills, physical proficiency, your blood clone has a certain amount of intelligence. 】

[Tip: The avatar exists based on the original body. What the avatar thinks and does is based on your interests. At the same time, you have absolute control over your avatar. Within a certain range, you You can freely control your own clone. This range will increase as your strength improves. If it exceeds this range, you can sense the position of your clone. 】

Lin Feng, who was a little surprised when he heard Tiandao's prompt, looked overjoyed.

Mastery of the physical body can actually have such wonderful uses!
It's good to have intelligence, which means that his clone can do many things without him having to worry too much, and all of them are in his interests.

"You and I are one, and there is no need to be so polite from now on." Lin Feng said with a smile: "Since you are wise, you should also have a name of your own. From now on, I will call you Lin Tian."

"Thank you for the name." Lin Tian said with a smile.

"There is a golden spirit mineral vein in the village. You take the Overlord Gun and go mine the golden spirit crystals needed to upgrade the village." Lin Feng ordered.

"Yes, I am." Lin Tian bowed his hands and said.

After the words fell, Lin Tian turned around, picked up the Overlord Gun, and strode out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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