National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 83: The true meaning of plundering space!Awakening the Space Blade!

Chapter 83: The true meaning of plundering space!Awakening the Space Blade! (triple)

Standing in front of this dark passage, looking at the billowing black fog in the passage, Lin Feng raised his brows slightly.

Standing here at close range, he realized.

In this passage, there is a mysterious energy lingering in it.

This mysterious energy gave him a faint sense of familiarity.

For a moment of contemplation.

A look of sudden realization appeared on Lin Feng's face.

This is the power of space.

The true meaning of speed can strengthen his speed by 10 times.

At the same time, you will touch a trace of the power of space.

And his sense of familiarity came from this.

Looking at the passage in front of him, an idea came to Lin Feng's mind.

I don’t know if infinite plunder can plunder the talent of space from it.

Once this thought emerged, it couldn't go away.

Full of anticipation, he headed towards the passage in front of him and shot an infinite plunder!
[Unlimited plunder successful!Get a hint of the secret of space! 】

What the hell!


A hint of space mystery!
Nowadays, he is no longer the same person who knew nothing about time after getting a hint of it.

Mysteries correspond to A-level talents.

Lin Feng's heart beat faster when he thought that he might obtain an A-level talent belonging to space.


[Unlimited plunder successful!Get a hint of the secret of space! 】


[Unlimited plunder successful!Get a hint of the secret of space! 】


[Unlimited plunder successful!Get a hint of the secret of space! 】


As he continued to plunder, Lin Feng discovered that there were cracks in the passage in front of him.

This is the rhythm of collapse!
Lin Feng couldn't help but speed up.

Infinite plunder seemed to be free of charge, and he was shooting towards the passage in front of him crazily.

At some point!

When another infinite plunder was fired, the passage that was already full of cracks could no longer hold up and collapsed suddenly!

As the interior of the passage collapsed, the entrance to the passage in front of Lin Feng also quickly became smaller.

"Ah!!! Damn it, how come this passage is closed?! Who is it?! I will definitely find you! I will kill you..."

An extremely angry roar came from the collapsed passage.

But the words only came to an abrupt end halfway through.

The entrance to the passage has been completely sealed, blending perfectly with the surrounding space, as if it had never appeared before.

As for Lin Feng, he didn't even care about the threat coming from the other side of the passage.


Just when he played the last infinite plunder, Tiandao's prompts sounded one after another.

[Unlimited plunder successful!Gain a hint of space mystery. 】

[You have obtained one hundred strands of space mystery, which will be automatically synthesized into one inch of space mystery. 】

[It is detected that you have the true meaning of speed, a B-level talent that belongs to space, and is automatically integrated into the mysteries of one-inch space...]

[Integration successful!Obtain B-level talent: True Meaning of Space. 】

[True Meaning of Space: Can initially use mysterious space power, can freely shuttle through space, and at the same time, the basic movement speed is enhanced by 20 times. 】

[The true meaning of B-level talent space is obtained, and the B-level talent skill Instant Movement is covered. 】

[Get the true meaning of B-level talent space, and awaken the B-level talent skill: Space Blade. 】

[Space Blade: A sharp blade condensed with the mysterious power of space, which can directly attack enemies within a kilometer range from space. 】

At this moment, Lin Feng was ecstatic.

A hundred silks make an inch!

The true meaning of speed can be integrated into the mystery of this inch of space!

The true meaning of B-level talent and skill space!
You can travel freely through space!

The basic movement speed has doubled based on the 10 times true speed enhancement!
And this space blade!
At this moment, Lin Feng had only one thought in his mind.

As for the covered teleportation, compared with the true meaning of this space, it is simply weak.

One is outside the space and the other is inside the space. They are two completely different concepts!
Can travel through space!

This also means that he will be able to attack the enemy from various places in the space. The word elusive is the most appropriate description!

And that space blade is equally hard to guard against!
A sudden whim gave him such a big surprise.

This feeling is really cool.

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive task of a god-level village and passed the first stage of the test. All villagers will be "rewarded with 200 attribute points"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village is the first village in the Blue Star World to complete the exclusive task of a god-level village. All villagers will be "rewarded with 200 attribute points"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive task of a god-level village and passed the first stage of the test. Village Chief Lin Feng "rewarded 500 attribute points"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village is the first village in the Blue Star Realm to complete the exclusive task of a god-level village. The village leader Lin Feng "rewarded 500 attribute points"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive task of a god-level village and passed the first stage of the test. Village Chief Lin Feng will be "rewarded with 10 points of reputation"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village is the first village in the Blue Star Realm to complete the exclusive task of a god-level village. The village leader Lin Feng "rewarded 10 reputations". 】

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive task of a god-level village and passed the first stage of the test. Village Chief Lin Feng will "reward an epic prize pool lottery opportunity"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village is the first village in the Blue Star Realm to complete the exclusive task of a god-level village. The village leader Lin Feng "rewarded an epic prize pool lottery opportunity"! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive mission of the god-level village, passed the first stage of the test, and unlocked the public building: the regional teleportation array! 】

[Announcement: Huai Village has completed the exclusive task of a god-level village and passed the first stage of the test. In this task, the village chief Lin Feng "contributed 100% and received a reward of *5"! 】

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the Huai Village chat channel was bombarded with Tiandao announcements!
"Damn it! Heaven's Way is exploding frequently! Exclusive mission for a god-level village?! What the hell?!"

"I got 400 attribute points again?! The surprise came so suddenly!!!"

"I'm going crazy!!! With these 400 attribute points, I've got a full 1700 before the fifth day is over!!!"

"1700!!! I feel like I got so many attribute points without doing anything!!"

"Those upstairs, I feel the same way! At this moment, I deeply understood a sentence: Standing on the wind outlet, a pig can fly!"

"I was confused! I even had the illusion that I was a waste!"

"This is not an illusion! I feel the same way!"

"Ah! Although I am not as exaggerated as 1700, but the victory in the camp battle, the reward of the first simple village, plus this wave, there are also 740 attribute points! If I can't complete the novice assessment again, I should find a tree Killed!"

"Yes! The boss has created such excellent conditions for us. Brothers and sisters of the Lingfeng branch, we must work hard and strive for all members to pass the novice assessment!"

"If we were trash before, then, now, we have risen. We don't have good talents, so we just have to make up for our attributes! We have no reason to complain about everything, and we have no reason to enjoy all this with peace of mind. All we can do is Do your best to improve yourself!”

"Well said! Thinking about the past few days, I would have negative emotions from time to time and affect everyone in the chat channel. I just want to give myself two slaps. However, from today on, I will never do it again! I want to fight !I want to be stronger!"

"Seeing the boss get such a generous reward, I'm even happier than myself getting the 400 attribute points! Really!" Li Ming.

"Haha, Brother Li Ming has become so cute! However, you spoke my heart! Because, this is what the boss deserves!"

"Yes! The boss deserves this!"

"By the way, have you noticed that the announcement mentioned unlocking public buildings and regional space teleportation arrays."

"Yes, there is also a regional space teleportation array! It should be an array that can teleport within the area! However, there should be some restrictions. We will not know the details until the boss unlocks this public building. !”

"Regional space teleportation array! It would be great if, I mean if, a teleportation array could be established between the Huai Village headquarters and the Lingfeng branch so that they could teleport to each other. I really want to visit the headquarters."

"I don't know if the boss is studying this regional teleportation array now! I also want to visit the legendary god-level village!"

"Brothers and sisters, don't be anxious, don't rush me. The boss has just finished the task, maybe there is anything else left to do? As long as you have your hands free, I believe that the boss will definitely start to deal with the regional space teleportation array!"

"Yes, the boss has the boss's business, and we also have our own tasks. Let's all take action!"

"It's done!"

[Announcement: Deputy Village Chief Su Boyang is the second to break through the level 10 mark and successfully makes the list!Reward Diamond Prize Pool Lucky Draw Opportunity*1. 】

"Ah, the second strong man who has reached level 10 has appeared!"

"Level up! Level up! Level up! I want to reach level 10 as soon as possible!"

[Announcement: Villager Suihan broke through the 10th level mark and successfully made it to the list!Reward gold prize pool lottery opportunity*1. 】

"Third place! I have a hunch that today, there will be a blowout among the tenth-level experts in our village!"

"Definitely! So many attribute rewards! Everyone's combat power has generally reached level 11 or [-], and they can already start farming level [-] monsters! Go ahead!"

Let's talk about Lin Feng.

Hearing this series of announcements from Tiandao, I was also happy.

60 reputation points!
6 epic draws!
3000 freely allocated points!

Another bumper harvest.

First open the attribute panel, 3000 attribute points, constitution and energy are each increased by 750, strength is increased by 740, and agility is added to the remaining 760.

Although he does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, if divided equally, the other three items would exceed 9990, and the agility is stuck at [-], which is not the case.

With this addition of points, the combat power was increased from level 32 to level 33.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng couldn't wait to open the power bar and study the newly unlocked public building, the regional space teleportation array.

Like other public buildings, it only needs to be activated directly, and a teleportation array will appear in the Huaicun Village headquarters.

And if you want to activate the second space teleportation array, you need to pay 5000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Space teleportation arrays can only be built within one's own sphere of influence. In addition to the free one, five can be built.Corresponds to the god-level village and the five vassal villages it can have.

This undoubtedly facilitates the flow and transfer of personnel between forces, and if a crisis occurs anywhere, support can be provided in the shortest possible time.

If different forces want to teleport between each other, they need to have teleportation arrays at the same time, and both parties agree to establish contact.

Lin Feng was overjoyed after learning this information.

After establishing two teleportation arrays, he can reach other villages through the teleportation arrays!

He was still thinking about how to acquire five vassal villages in the shortest possible time to meet the most important condition for upgrading this god-level village.

Dazhou Village will not join, and the Qingfeng Village established with the help of Dazhou Village will naturally follow the lead of Dazhou Village.

He has a Lingfeng branch here, and it is only a matter of time before Long Zhan's Wolf Warrior Village joins them.

But even with the set of elite spirit beads in his hand, there are only three vassal villages.

The remaining two vassal villages can only wait for Long Zhan to collect two more sets of spirit beads, and this will undoubtedly take some time.

Now, with this regional space teleportation array, everything is easily solved!

He can teleport to the Lingfeng branch through the teleportation array, sweep through the five series of ferocious beasts there, obtain the mission spirit beads, and then help 1192 Novice Village complete the village construction task. Then, he can accept it as a vassal village, build the teleportation array, and continue.

This efficiency will be greatly improved.

Moreover, there is a more important piece of information. Since there is a regional space teleportation array, it is very likely that a cross-regional space teleportation array will appear in the future. At that time, he will be able to parachute to other regions to find what he wants. Find the people you want and bring them back safely.

There was no hesitation.

Lin Feng directly activated the first regional space teleportation array. As the location, Lin Feng chose a blank area east of Huai Village. It was once a level 1 ferocious beast area, but it had been included in the previous god-level village establishment process. Inside the village.

The reason why it is not built in the core area is also due to the security issues of the village hall.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng put 5000 low-grade spiritual stones into the power warehouse.

With the first level of spiritual stone, you can get two contribution points, and you can get another [-] contribution points.

These 5000 low-grade spiritual stones were naturally used to build the second teleportation array on the Lingfeng branch.

The income from the village treasury is generated by villagers purchasing resources in the resource mall.
Nowadays, the transaction has just begun. There are many villagers selling resources to the resource mall, but few buying resources from the resource mall. The income from the village treasury is still very little.

The income from public buildings such as the blacksmith shop and the alchemy shop is even less.

For now, the village treasury is not enough to support the establishment of the teleportation array, so Lin Feng can only pay for it out of his own pocket.

Of course, this is only temporary.

Without effort, there is no reward.

Going back, the village treasury will become a cornucopia.

Afterwards, Lin Feng pressed down again to activate the regional space teleportation array. The location was naturally the Lingfeng branch.

Following Lin Feng's choice, a virtual map appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Plan of the Lingfeng branch.

Different from the Huaicun Village headquarters, this time, Lin Feng chose the square in the center of the Lingfeng branch.

The Lingfeng branch only has one large village formation. For the Lingfeng branch, the most important building is this teleportation formation. It is more secure to build it in the middle.

[Announcement: Village Chief Lin Feng has activated the regional space teleportation array, located at Huaicun Village Headquarters. 】

"Ah! Boss finally activated the teleportation array!!! So excited!"

"With one more public building, our overall strength has become stronger again!"

"I really want to go back and see what the space teleportation array looks like! However, I have already gone back once before. It is such a waste of time to run back and see the teleportation array!"

"Wow, teleportation array! I'm so envious of the brothers and sisters at Huai Village Headquarters who can use the teleportation array in the future!"

At this moment, another announcement sounded.

[Announcement: Village Chief Lin Feng has activated the regional space teleportation array, located at the Lingfeng branch of Huai Village. 】

[Announcement: Village Chief Lin Feng has activated the teleportation function between the Huai Village headquarters teleportation array and the Lingfeng branch teleportation array! 】

"Damn it! The surprise came so suddenly! The Lingfeng branch also has its first public building! The boss is so powerful!"

"We can teleport each other! I'm so excited! I want to go to Huaicun Village Headquarters to visit!"

"Ah, I happened to be in the village square, and the teleportation array appeared in front of me out of thin air! It's amazing!"

"Brothers upstairs, please tell me what the teleportation array looks like!"

"Everyone, stop for a moment. Let me say two things." Lin Feng.

After seeing this message, the noisy chat channel instantly became quiet.

"the first thing.

Huai Village is a top-level village. The next step is to upgrade the town. The conditions for upgrading the town are: five vassal villages, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and five series of third-level crystals, 1000 each.

I will take care of the affairs of the vassal village. The third-level water spirit crystal is enough, but the other four series of spiritual stones are still lacking. Therefore, everyone needs to mine them. After mining the mission crystals, they will be handed over to the power warehouse. , the specific actions will be arranged by the three deputy village heads, and I will send them the coordinates.

Second thing.

Except for the first teleportation array, the establishment of other teleportation arrays requires the consumption of spiritual stones. Each teleportation array requires 5000 low-grade spiritual stones. Therefore, the use of the teleportation array is not free. Every time you use the teleportation array, you need to pay 1 It’s a low-grade spiritual stone, I hope everyone can understand.

The villagers in the Huai Village headquarters are generally stronger and can farm level 10 and level 11 ferocious beasts. The ferocious beast areas below level 10 are underutilized, while the villagers in Lingfeng are generally still below the level 10 ferocious beast area. , the advanced ferocious beast area is idle.

The establishment of the teleportation array can maximize the utilization of resources.

However, there is a premise. The phenomenon of grabbing monsters must not occur. It will not be allowed now or in the future.

For a force, if it wants to develop and grow, internal unity is the most basic thing.

Soon, the second, third, fourth, and fifth vassal villages will appear. I hope that while you can tolerate them, you can also set a good example for them.

It’s still the same, the specific arrangements are subject to the advice of the three deputy village chiefs. "

"Haha, the last sentence of the boss successfully made me laugh! Don't worry, boss! We will obey the arrangement and never cause chaos to the village!"

"Mining mission crystals! I can finally contribute to the development of the village! I want to go!"

"I also need to go!"


"Building the second teleportation array requires 5000 low-grade spiritual stones! The boss must have built it with his own money! In the future, there will be a second and third one, which will be a huge expense! Use it once Paying 1 low-grade spirit stone! This is absolutely normal!”

"Yes! We can't let the boss pay alone all the time! We must also do our part!"

"Boss, we are different! After the village was established, everyone has a sense of belonging and cohesion. Now, everyone is thinking about how to contribute to the development of the village. Therefore, I hope everyone understands this If you see someone else, don't say it, it's too much." Li Ming.

"Boss, although I don't want to refute you, Li Ming is right this time. You are indeed a little out of touch. We are also part of Huai Village and it is our duty to contribute to the village."

"Frightened +1."

"Same as above."

"Okay, I accept everyone's criticism. Brother Li Ming, you won. This time I am convinced that I lost. No one is perfect. From now on, everyone will supervise each other and make progress together." Lin Feng.

"Ah, I was worried that the boss would be angry. It scared me to death. I didn't expect that the boss would have such a peaceful side. It feels so good."

"No one is perfect, we must supervise each other and make progress together! Our boss has the style of a wise king!"

"It's from upstairs! I give you a thumbs up!"

"Haha, brother Li Ming, you finally won once!"

"We are fighting monsters, please don't disturb..." Li Ming.

"Haha, brother Li Ming, you must be scared, right?"

Lin Feng looked at the atmosphere in the chat channel with a smile on his face.

He can see the change in everyone's mentality, and he is happy from the bottom of his heart.

And he himself is indeed, as Li Ming said, too far-sighted.

It is true that there is a sense of distance, but the scale must be grasped.

Later, Lin Feng opened the friend channel, chatted with Su Boyang for a few words, and sent the coordinates of the wood, earth, and gold elements.

Then, he sent another message to Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng, where are you now?"

Wang Feng: "Boss, I'm in the tenth-level ferocious beast area. What's wrong? Do you want to come over?"

Lin Feng smiled. It seemed that Wang Feng had guessed what he was going to do.

It is indeed easier to talk to smart people.

Lin Feng: "Send me the coordinates and I'll find you."

Wang Feng: "352, 163. Boss, if you want to come over, I will wait for you here."

Lin Feng: "Okay."

After finishing his chat with Wang Feng, Lin Feng strode out of the hall without any further hesitation.

As Lin Feng walked out of the hall, the hall behind him collapsed.

Anping Village has become a thing of the past!

Not far away, Lin Tian was rushing here.

Within a short distance, Lin Tian could feel Lin Feng's thoughts.

Lin Feng strode forward to greet him and gave all four pieces of equipment he had prepared to Lin Tian.

The sixth-level weapon Dark Claw obtained after killing the Hell Hound.

Purified fifth-level combat boots after killing Han Li.

The fifth-level armor found in the Netherworld Ring, and the Netherworld Ring.

All four dimensions on his side exceeded 1, and Lin Tian’s four dimensions had also increased from the previous 1 to 4. His basic combat power was close to level 27!
Although he has no talents or skills, the clone condensed from his physical talent and skills gives Lin Tian a very high defense. Coupled with the blessing of this set of equipment, within the same level, as long as he does not encounter that kind of pervert, , are enough to fight with each other.

As for the Netherworld Ring, he has the Qiankun Fortune Cauldron here, and has no need for the storage function of the Netherworld Ring.

As a clone, Lin Tian cannot use the virtual panel. To mine crystals, he naturally needs good storage equipment.

After giving the equipment to Lin Tianhou, Lin Feng activated one-click return to the city.

Unlike ordinary villagers who can only use it once a day, Lin Feng, the village leader, can use it twice a day.

Naturally, the purpose of returning to the city this time was to pass the teleportation array and go to Lingfeng Village.

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(End of this chapter)

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