National Awakening: My only talent is that I can pick up corpses and become a god

Chapter 86 Refuse to trade?Then let your resources devalue!

Chapter 86 Refuse to trade?Then let your resources devalue! ([-]-in-[-])

Upgrading a god-level village is indeed not an easy task.

One is the five vassal villages, and the other is the Golden Spirit Crystal!
The situation encountered by every god-level village should be the same.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to obtain this Golden Spirit Crystal.

Entering the barrier and facing so many powerful people is a great test.

Of course, there is another way, which is to obtain it from other novice villages, but this is also not something that can be done in a short time.

Take Long Zhan as an example. With his help, Long Zhan built a king-level village and gained the strength to kill guardian-level ferocious beasts.

But it is also impossible to obtain the crystals needed to upgrade the village.

Not to mention, there is also a level 25 earth-shaking sacred bull.

The Huai Village was established nearly an hour faster than the second god-level village.

Step by step, step by step!

No matter how powerful the experts in Daqin Village are, they will not be able to build a god-level village within this hour!
Unless there is a novice village in the area where Daqin Village is located that is almost as strong as theirs, and is willing to surrender to them, obey their arrangements and dispatches, and give all their resources to them, and this possibility is worse than winning the lottery. The probability is even lower!
Therefore, Lin Feng could still afford to wait for this short one hour.

Long Zhan: "Okay! Then I will ask the brothers to put down what they are doing and go all out to mine wood and stone! In this case, the efficiency can be at least doubled."

After finishing his chat with Long Zhan, Lin Feng established two teleportation arrays in Lingyu Village and Linping Village.

As for the spirit stones, although his previous spirit stones were only enough to build three teleportation arrays.

However, in these three hours, Wang Feng, Niu Fen and Yan Qingling had completed the collection and sale of water spirit stones.

As mentioned before, Wang Feng designated 90% of his profits for trading to him.

There are a total of 5 second-level water spirit stones. Each piece of water spirit stone, sold in the resource mall, is equivalent to [-] low-grade spirit stones.

From this transaction, he received 900 middle-grade spiritual stones.

As for Niu Fen, although he didn't say how much he took like Wang Feng did at the beginning, he should have contacted Wang Feng, so he also made the same move as Wang Feng.

With 1800 middle-grade spiritual stones in hand, building a teleportation array only requires 50 medium-grade spiritual stones, so there is no problem.

What made Lin Feng a little disappointed was that the two plunders of the earth-type king-level beasts were once for attribute points and the other for the Earth Oath, but the fusion failed again.

All I can say is, good things come in hard times.

Ten vassal villages means that there are only ten places to benefit.

Now, there are four spots left.

Naturally, it also needs to be utilized.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng had an idea.

Open a chat channel.

As two more villages joined, the chat channel became more and more lively. While everyone was welcoming them, they were also introducing the wonderful functions of the village hall to the newly joined brothers and sisters.

Time was running out, so Lin Feng stopped being polite and directly turned on the mute mode for all members.

[Tip: Village Chief Lin Feng has activated the mute mode for all members. 】

"Huai Village is about to be upgraded, and there are still four vassal villages available. I decided to help the four novice villages complete their village construction tasks as quickly as possible.

Near the teleportation array, the villagers with combat power of level 17 and above rushed to Lingyu Village through the teleportation array. A group of ten people led a villager from Lingyu Village to rush to the level 11 ferocious beast as quickly as possible. District, where the five ferocious beasts gather!
When you reach the level 11 ferocious beast area, you encounter a lone ferocious beast and kill it. Let the villagers of Lingyu Village complete the final blow and get the mission spirit beads. Trade them to me!Over there with the group of water beasts, take the head of Lingyu Village!
The same is true here in Linping Village.

First Lingyu Village, then Anping Village.

At the same time, the three deputy village chiefs took advantage of this time to organize the most powerful group of people and rush to the teleportation array to prepare!
We must fill up the quota of vassal villages in the shortest possible time!

After I lifted the ban, and before these four villages were established, the chat channel did not allow any remarks unrelated to this matter. "Lin Feng.

[Announcement: Village Chief Lin Feng has lifted the mute mode for all members. 】

"I'm in the village! I can get to Lingyu Village right away! I'm going to the water-type ferocious beast group. There are still 9 people missing from the water-type ferocious beast group! Brother Ma Shifeng, please report the coordinates." Li Jie.

"Eighth level ferocious beast area, 342, 12." Lingyu branch, Ma Shifeng.

"Run to 451, 92, which is the closest to the group of water beasts! Eight people are missing!" Wu Xuan.

"Seven people are missing!" Wei Tao.

"Six people are missing!" Gao Yongping.


"It's full!" Xi Beixing said.

"The group of gold-type ferocious beasts is missing nine people! Brothers from Lingyu Village who are killing monsters in the advanced ferocious beast area, please report your coordinates!" Guan Kang.

"Eight people are missing!" Zhao Shuai.

"Level 422 ferocious beast area! 834, [-]." Lingyu branch, Zhang Gang.


At this moment, the Huai Village chat channel seemed to have entered wartime mode.

No one said a word of nonsense anymore, and the speeches were short and clear.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Traveling through space.

Lin Feng was the first to arrive at the gathering place for the fire beasts.

Building a village is naturally the most important thing, but at the same time, he doesn't want to come back for the remaining three sets of spirit beads. This is too troublesome, so he simply solves them all together, and he can also gain a wave of experience and lottery draws.

Using the fastest speed, the group of fire-type ferocious beasts were destroyed, leaving only four dying, limp, fire-type ferocious beasts of different levels that could no longer move.

Without stopping, Lin Feng traveled through space and arrived at the group of gold-type ferocious beasts.

Still leaving behind four dying ferocious beasts, Lin Feng rushed to the next location, the earth element.

It only took 15 minutes for Lin Feng to complete the sweep of the five-series ferocious beasts. At this time, the team that was the fastest from the level 11 ferocious beast area was still in the seventh level ferocious beast area.

It wasn't that they were traveling slowly, but that Lin Feng was too efficient and the area was large.

After sending a message to Li Jie, Lin Feng rushed to Linping Village.

Still the same rhythm.

And when Lin Feng came to the last group of water-type ferocious beasts, he finally saw the first team. "You just stay here and kill monsters. I'll just take Duan Xiaolong down."

After Lin Feng gave some instructions, he then led Linping branch village chief Duan Xiaolong to kill the group of water beasts.

Almost at the same time.

The five teams from the Lingyu branch also rushed to the gathering place of the five series of vicious beasts.

During this process, except for the gold-type ferocious beast group, the other four teams have obtained the mission spirit beads and have designated them for trading to Lin Feng.

The first to arrive was the group of gold-type ferocious beasts. Unlike the other four-type ferocious beast groups, there were many lone ferocious beasts. The group of gold-type ferocious beasts were completely gathered together.

This is also the most difficult part of the village building task.

When the task of building the village was completed, along with the establishment of the village, the group of gold-type ferocious beasts no longer gathered, but dispersed like the other five-element ferocious beasts.

Not to mention, how surprised everyone was when they saw that there were only four dying ferocious beasts in this huge valley.

When Lin Feng rushed out of the lake again, he opened the trading channel, got the village-building spirit beads, and then traded the set of ordinary spirit beads to the next novice village.

Establish a village, accept it as a vassal village, open the village hall, and build a teleportation array.

At this time, under the mobilization of the three deputy village chiefs, there were already hundreds of strong men from Huai Village waiting in front of the teleportation formation.

At the same time, the three deputy village chiefs have found the village chiefs of the four novice villages that are about to join Huai Village and explained everything. Everything has been arranged.

When Lin Feng activated the teleportation functions of the major teleportation arrays, the five teams went directly to the newly established Qingping Village through the teleportation arrays and rushed to the level 11 ferocious beast area as quickly as possible.

In the seventh- and eighth-level ferocious beast area, the people of Qingping Village were already waiting for the arrival of these five teams.


In order to collect ten vassal villages in the shortest time, Lin Feng and the powerful people in Huaixiang Village were very busy, especially Lin Feng, who almost never stopped.

However, the regional chat channel presented a completely different picture.

After the two announcements that Lingyu Village and Linping Village had become vassal villages in Huai Village, the strong men of the forest-killing camp finally gathered the village-building pearls.

They promoted this matter in the regional chat channel and told everyone that after their village was established, they would trade with everyone at a lower price.

Both the novice villages in the forest eradication camp and those in the neutral novice villages have stopped trading.

If there are cheap things, people will naturally not buy expensive ones.

In the process of waiting, many people in the regional chat channel were praising the strong men of the deforestation camp. At the same time, they were making all kinds of cynicism about the villages such as Huai Village, Dazhou Village, and Zhanlang Village, which have made a lot of money. , despise boycott.

Words like 'get out of the trading market' and 'never do any business with Lin Feng's gang again' were all the rage.

During the whole process, both the people in Huaixiang Village and the people in Dazhou Village tacitly chose to watch indifferently and remain silent.

And soon, these people who were shouting crazily were dumbfounded.

"Fuck! Why does my village only have one village formation? Where's the Happy Water?! Where's the delicious burger?!! And where are the low-grade spiritual stones?!! Where have they gone?!!" Mike Village, Wallace.

Mike's Village is not the novice village where Mike is.

Mike, who was confident in his own strength, chose the purgatory difficulty village building task. With the establishment of Huai Village, Mike's 138 Novice Village had only one ending, which was to become a refugee after the seven-day protection period.

This village is a simple village built with the help of Mike, and it is also the first village in the deforestation camp.

Whether it was gratitude, flattery, or both, the village chief named his village directly after Mike.

"What?! Oh, I bought it! How is this possible?! How is it possible that there is nothing, Wallace, take a closer look!" 138 Novice Village, Mike.

"I can prove that Mr. Wallace is right! There is only one village formation in my village! Unbelievable!!! Why?!" Mark Village, Louis.

"Fuck! Why do their villages have everything, but our villages have nothing?! Is God treating them differently?" 28 Novice Village, Mark.

"Baga! How can this be possible! Is the way of heaven the way of heaven of the Longhuang people?!"

"No! No! No! Things shouldn't be like this, and they can't be like this! Heaven should come out and give us an explanation!"

"Heaven! Do you know how much we paid to collect this set of ordinary spirit beads?! Fifteen strong men all went to see God! As a result, you can't even give us the most basic fairness! Could it be that Are our sacrifices just in vain?! No! Absolutely not! You must give our villages the same treatment as those of the Longhuang people!"


"What a bunch of idiots. Even the lowest level simple village wants the same treatment as the king-level village and the god-level village. Haha, let Heavenly Dao come out to explain to you. If I were Heavenly Dao, I would just urinate and drown. Damn you idiots!" Wang Bo from Yanbo Village.

"Falling from the top of the mountain directly to the bottom, does it feel like riding a roller coaster? Haha, I enjoy watching it anyway."

"How do I remember that just now, countless people wanted to boycott us and refused to do business with us. Brothers, with just one word, a steady stream of slaps in the face is about to come!"

"Brothers and sisters! The God of Wealth sent me a message! I must tell you this good news here! The prices of all items have been increased by [-]%! I have changed the prices! In extraordinary times, you can go to the Super Dimension Trading Channel to see for yourself Just click and change it! At the same time, remember to inform your friends! Let’s all take action!” Sun Qian, Huaixiang Village.

"Haha! I applaud the boss for taking a break from his busy schedule! Let's do it!"

"I'll go! The boss is indeed a boss! He does two things! Klaas is awesome! I won't say anything anymore and will remove all items from the shelves! Change the prices! Just one sentence, do you want it or not?"

"The price has been changed! Do you want it?"

"The price has been changed! Do you want it?"


"Ah! No! Please! Don't change the price! I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"Brothers and sisters, please be merciful!"

"Baga! You can't do this! You are destroying the trading market!"

"War Wolf Village has been changed! Dazhou Village has also been changed! Everything has been changed! Oh, you bought it! The resources in our hands have depreciated!!!"

"Obviously, they are enraged and they are taking revenge! Why provoke them before the matter is determined?! Don't you know that the current trading market is completely monopolistic?!!"

"Hey, when gods fight, mortals suffer..."

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. As long as we unite and resist them resolutely, and no one makes deals with them, their prices will come back down again! Moreover, we will also build a king-level village in the shortest possible time and break them." Monopoly!" 1438 Novice Village, Yamamoto 72.

"Build a king-level village? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Until you do it, please stop harming us here, okay! You've already reached level ten, so of course you don't care. Can we afford to wait?!"

"I won't believe you anymore! The higher the price, the higher the price! I have no choice! After the beast tide is over, you can fight as much as you like. I just hope that before that, your deforestation camp will not do such stupid things again. Alright, okay."

"We are neutral. We don't want to get involved in your struggle. We just want to level up and pass the novice test. So, please learn from Huaixiang Village and talk less and do more, okay?"


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(End of this chapter)

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