Chapter 93 Elite Green Wolf!Contract beast! ([-]-in-[-])

"Damn it! That woman is so fierce! Zhang Zhuo and others were instantly killed?! Among them, there were 37 strong men in the top [-]! Just die like this?!"

"What?! How is this possible?! You must be blind, right?!!"

"Exactly, are you kidding me? The battle started before I even got back?"

"It's not the beginning! It's already over! Tiandao will no longer give reminders about death news the next day. If you don't believe it, go check the death list on the forum!"

"Holy shit! It's true! Boss Zhang Zhuo and others were really killed instantly?!"

"Although I don't want to believe it, it's the truth! It's so fucking strong!"

"This woman is definitely not from our Novice Village! Where did this strong man come from?!"

"Oh no! I thought of a possibility. Could this be the strong man from Huaixiang Town? !!"

"You're right, upstairs! I got a little closer and was able to check this woman's basic information. Her name is Sui Han! As far as I know, there is a strong man in Huaixiang Town, named Sui Han! "

"Wori! This damn thing is too cruel! Fighting across villages?!"

"This is a typical retaliation! Boss Zhang Zhuo is dead, and we will definitely be next!"

"Ahh! I feel so horrible when you say that! What should we do?! I don't want to die yet!"

"Upstairs, one thing you can rest assured is that they have no intention of killing them all. After the woman named Suihan killed Zhang Zhuo and others in an instant, she led a group of people towards the ferocious beast area!"

"No! I'm going to the regional chat channel to expose their atrocities!"

"Haha, if you want to be reincarnated early, you can go ahead."

"Then what should we do?!!"

"What else can we do? Just keep your tail between your legs and try to get in touch with Zhao Zhigang and others to see if there is room for change."

"I can see clearly that Zhang Zhuo is a black sheep. If it hadn't been for him, we would have been members of Huaixiang Town by now."


Regional chat channels.

"Baga! Why did Zhang Zhuojun's name turn gray?! And Li Yujun?!!"

"What? Aren't they all at the top of their respective novice villages?! Why are they all dead?! What happened?!!"

"Mr. Mao Dong is dead too! What happened? Why are so many top players in the Novice Village dead!"

"Oh, damn it. After other people died, although their avatars turned gray in the friend list, there was still a Novice Village number, and their Novice Village number also disappeared? What happened?"

"Friends of 3289 Novice Village, please tell us what happened? We are willing to give you the greatest help within our capabilities."

"Yes, we are a team, no matter what happens, please let us know and we will help you."


Soon, the people in the forest-killing camp got the answer they wanted, but this answer came from another novice village.

"Brothers from the forest-killing team, I want to tell you some bad news. Lin Feng's Huaixiang Town is plotting a big conspiracy. They help those who oppose me in our Novice Village to become the top of the list, and then build new villages to become our enemies! I guess that brothers Zhang Zhuo, Li Yu and others were killed by them!

As for the disappearance of the Novice Village number, it is because a new village was established to replace the Novice Village number, and Zhang Zhuo and others were excluded from the village, so they only have one name!
And this also means that after the seven-day protection period ends, he will directly become a refugee! "Wu Dongpeng.

"Xi Ba! Can you still play like this?! These Longhuang people are so insidious!"

"Lin Feng's Huaixiang Town has already taken action against us! They want to use this method to weaken the power of our forest-killing camp! We must find a way to fight back!"

"Yes! We must fight back!"


When he said this, the chat channel fell into a brief silence.

Fighting back sounds nice, but when it comes to actual implementation, they have no clue.

However, this did not trouble the people in the Lin Mie camp.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, the reason why Lin Feng's Huaixiang Township planned this conspiracy must be because they were afraid! Facing the powerful forest-killing camp, they could only save themselves through these conspiracies! However, what they didn't know was that , in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain!"

"You're right, Huaixiang Town must be afraid! They don't dare to confront us head-on, so they can only resort to this despicable method."

"Wu, hold on! When the beast tide is over, we from the forest-killing camp will gather together and we will wipe out the town of Huaixiang!"

"Yes! You are real warriors! You represent the side of justice, and justice will not be defeated!"


Just when people in the forest-killing camp claimed to be the embodiment of justice and were impassioned, a message from Wu Dongpeng plunged the chat channel into a dead silence.

"Holy shit! Why did the people from Huaixiang Town show up here?! How did they get here?! This is fucking cheating!!!" Wu Dongpeng.

After all, everyone knew in their hearts that no novice village had the capital to compete with Huaixiang Town.

But in front of Huaixiang Town, which has mastered cross-village combat capabilities, without knowing the secret, they didn't even dare to say another word, for fear of causing disaster to themselves!


The disturbances from the outside world naturally have no effect on Lin Feng.

As time passed, Lin Feng had fewer and fewer spiritual grasses and spiritual plants in front of him, while his four dimensions continued to increase.

When Lin Feng finished plundering the last spiritual grass and spiritual plant, an hour and a half had passed.

For an hour and a half, Lin Feng only did this one thing, and the harvest was undoubtedly huge.

7368 second-level spiritual plants provided Lin Feng with 73680 attribute points.

2171 third-level spiritual plants provided Lin Feng with 65130 attribute points.

And Lin Feng's combat power also soared directly from level 40 to level 47!
From level 40 to level 43, each upgrade in combat power requires 15000 attribute points; from level 44 to level 46, each upgrade requires 20000 attribute points, and from level 47 to level 49, the number soars to 25000 attribute points.

Although Lin Feng's had stopped at level 47, it was still not far from level 48, only less than [-] attribute points away.

Very satisfied with closing his attribute panel, Lin Feng stood up, looked at the sky in the distance, and said lightly: "It's time to set off."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng's body disappeared from the spot.

Traveling through space.

When Lin Feng appeared again, he had already arrived at the edge of a lush forest.

Behind him is endless grassland.

This grassland is the area where the level 11 ferocious beasts are distributed, and the closer to this forest, the fewer the number of level 11 ferocious beasts.

There is not even a level 11 ferocious beast in this area about a kilometer away from this forest.

In such a large area, there is no level 11 ferocious beast. Obviously, this is the junction of the level 11 ferocious beast area and the level 12 ferocious beast area.

At the junction of this kind of ferocious beast area, you can't encounter low-level ferocious beasts.


At this moment, a sharp sound suddenly sounded in the forest ahead.

Looking towards the place where the sound came from, a giant wolf with a height of five meters appeared about a hundred meters ahead. It seemed that it realized that he was not easy to mess with, so it did not move forward rashly, but stopped where it was. The ground roared and looked at him with vigilance.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention the combat power of this giant wolf, just speaking of its spirituality, it far exceeds the five king-level ferocious beasts in the level 11 ferocious beast group.



Immediately afterwards, sharp wolf howls sounded from various places in the forest ahead.

The howls of wolves came and went.

In the sound of wolves howling, giant wolves appeared in Lin Feng's sight.

At a glance, there were thirty or forty of them, and the number was still increasing.

Stand still.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to take action, but looked at these giant wolves with interest.

The eye of true seeing looks past.

[Ferocious Beast]: Green Wolf (Normal)
[Level]: Level 12

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 22

[Talent]: Crazy speed (level d), crazy strength (level d), visual enhancement (level d).

【Explosion rate】: 5%
[Origin]: The wolf clan is one of the top clans of the demon clan, and the green wolf clan is a weaker branch of the wolf clan. The green wolf in the Luoyue Forest was exiled here by the leader of the green wolf clan for making mistakes.

A level 12 ordinary ferocious beast actually has level 22 combat power!
There are three more talents!

Although they are both D-level, the two very useful combat talents, Speed ​​Crazy and Power Crazy, together, the effect is by no means a simple 1+1. Lin Feng is fully aware of this.

Compared with the level 11 ferocious beast, it is more than a star and a half stronger. The combat power of this green wolf is not comparable to the level 11 gold element king level ferocious beast, the earth-shaking sacred bull.

And if this group of green wolves gathered together, even the earth-shaking sacred bull would have no choice but to stay away.

What surprised Lin Feng even more was that unlike the previous ferocious beasts, this level 12 ferocious beast actually had an origin.

The wolf tribe, the top group of the demon tribe.

The Green Wolf Clan, one of the weaker branches.

Luoyue Forest should refer to the forest in front of us.

These green wolves were exiled, which meant that the green wolves in the Luoyue Forest were, at best, only a small part of the power of the Green Wolf Clan.

This is another important message.

I just don’t know if the Green Wolf Clan is one of the local forces.

While Lin Feng was meditating, the number of green wolves in the forest ahead climbed to more than 70. Among them, there was a giant wolf that was obviously larger than the other green wolves, standing at the front.

[Ferocious Beast]: Green Wolf (Elite)
[Level]: Level 13

[Combat Strength Assessment]: Level 25

[Talent]: Crazy speed (level C), crazy strength (level d), visual enhancement (level d).

【Explosion rate】: 10%
[Origin]: The wolf clan is one of the top clans of the demon clan, and the green wolf clan is a weaker branch of the wolf clan. The green wolf in the Luoyue Forest was exiled here by the leader of the green wolf clan for making mistakes.

Seeing this message, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is it so sloppy?

The names are the same, but they are no longer ordinary green wolves, but elite green wolves.

Of course, what surprised Lin Feng was not the name. The name was just a code name, it didn't matter.

The level of this elite green wolf is actually level 13!
In other words, his previous guess was wrong.

Outside of the level 11 ferocious beast area, there is not just a pure level 12 ferocious beast area, but a variety of high-level ferocious beasts mixed together.

At this moment, Lin Feng had a clear understanding that this was the true face of the world.

As for the previous level 1-11 ferocious beast area, at best, it can only be regarded as an adaptation process for the descendants from heaven.


Amidst the thundering wolf howls, the elite green wolf at the front ran towards Lin Feng.

Other ordinary green wolves also rushed towards Lin Feng at this moment.

As the wolves ran wildly, the ground seemed to be shaking.

That momentum gives people a feeling that it can tear everything apart.

A hundred meters away, arriving in an instant.

The elite green wolf's huge body drew a graceful curve in the air, and its claws, glowing with cold light, grabbed Lin Feng.

Looking at the human race in front of them who seemed to be captured by their momentum and stood there blankly, the elite green wolf seemed to have seen the scene where this human race was about to be torn apart by him. A trace of madness appeared in those huge eyes.

In the next second, the elite giant wolf's pupils shrank violently.

In his eyes, a fist appeared in front of him at some point.

Instinctively, the elite giant wolf wanted to dodge.

However, how could Lin Feng give it this chance? With the absolute strength gap, the elite giant wolf's so-called speed was like a snail in his eyes.

In the sound of shattering like a mirror, the consciousness of the elite giant wolf was completely annihilated.

[Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf and gain +10000 experience. 】

[Experience is increased by 65%, and an additional 6500 experience is obtained. 】

[Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf and get a golden prize pool lottery opportunity. 】

[Tip: Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf, complete the first kill achievement, and get 3 reputation points. 】

The elite giant wolf was instantly killed, causing the running ordinary green wolf to stagnate slightly. However, running at full speed, it was impossible to stop. For a while, the wolves became chaotic.

But here, Lin Feng, after killing the elite giant wolf, did not hesitate at all, and shot out into the wolf pack. At this time, the sound of Tiandao's reminder had just sounded.

The wolf is bloodthirsty and a creature that must seek revenge.

But this does not mean that wolves will make unnecessary sacrifices when facing an enemy they cannot contend with. At least, this is the case with the group of spiritual green wolves that Lin Feng encountered.

Seeing Lin Feng harvesting wildly as if he was in no one's land, a pack of wolves fled in all directions amidst bursts of sharp wolf howls.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng would naturally not let these experienced babies go.

Facing Lin Feng's speed, everything was in vain.

However, after killing more than 40 green wolves, Lin Feng seemed to notice something. He stopped, with a look of surprise on his face.

The reason that made Lin Feng stop was that Tiandao issued a mission again!
[Kill the level 13 elite green wolf and trigger the exclusive mission of the god-level town: Contract Beast. 】


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(End of this chapter)

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