Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 1 Before I start, let me say hello.

Chapter 1 Before I start, let me say hello.
Modu International Airport.

Before getting on the plane, Lin Heng called Party A again.

"Mr. James, please believe us. Our company is the largest foreign trade company in China. It is beneficial to both of us to cooperate with us. What happened last time was just an accident."

A foreigner's impatient voice came from the other side.

"Lin, I believe in your ability, but I don't dare to compliment your Chinese etiquette. Doesn't signing a contract at the wine table make me gradually give up my bottom line to reach a contract that is most beneficial to you?"

"I won't consider cooperation. You don't need to call."

Lin Heng said quickly: "Mr. James, I have always been in contact with you. When you sign the contract, you naturally have to sign it with me. I don't know what happened that day at all, so when I heard that you were leaving China, I immediately I’ve called you, and I’m flying to your country now to meet you face to face!”

The other party was silent for a moment and said: "Lin, I know you are different from others, okay! If you can get to my company before tonight, I will consider cooperation again."

"A word is settled!"

After getting a positive reply from the other party, Lin Heng was overjoyed.

He is a manager of the largest trading company in China. In the past six months, he has been following up on the cooperation with a trading company in the beautiful country in order to reach a cooperation treaty and directly enter the vast international market.

Originally, the cooperation had been finalized and the other party had come to China. However, at this time, a competitor in his company invited James to discuss business in the name of Lin Heng. Then a set of Chinese table etiquette was introduced, and the other party left the meeting angrily. The collaboration fell through.

It can only be said that people from the two countries have completely different faces and different etiquette when discussing business.

But the other party paid extremely close attention to the details, especially when his competitors blindly praised James and praised him, which made James feel that the company did not seem to have such strength.

Simply, Lin Heng recovered the opportunity!
Taking a Pacific flight from Shanghai to New York takes nine hours at the fastest. It's eight o'clock in the evening, which corresponds to eight o'clock in the morning in New York time. We can make it in time!
On the plane, Lin Heng quickly sorted out the information during this period, and naturally prepared the contract. He also slept during the long flight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this flight has arrived in New York..."

It's finally here!
After getting off the plane, Lin Heng quickly adjusted to New York time. It was now five o'clock in the afternoon in New York!
still have a chance!

He immediately called James and informed him that he had arrived in New York. The other party seemed surprised.

"Lin, I will send someone to pick you up immediately to come to my company. We can talk about cooperation."

Lin Heng was overjoyed when he heard this.

I have been pursuing this cooperation for half a year. As long as it is achieved, it means that Lin Heng can be promoted to the company's shareholder level as a grassroots person and become a shareholder of China's largest trading company!

From now on, you no longer have to worry about luxury cars, famous houses, beautiful women and money!
He is only 26 years old!
There was no problem with the cooperation. The other party originally only trusted Lin Heng. James only followed him that day because the other party said he was appointed by Lin Heng. All in all, the cooperation was finalized.

Lin Heng's life goal has been achieved at this moment!
James smiled and said: "Lin, do you want to take a look at the size of our company's port? I think you are more interested in this."

Lin Heng nodded, and then said with a smile: "Mr. James, I heard that you have a 30.00% share in the New York Port, the largest port in the world?"

"No, it's 40.00%. Just two days ago, I acquired my competitor, so now we are the largest trading company in the world!"

"China has reached a world-class level in just a few decades of development, and it will definitely be even better in the future, so I look forward to our cooperation."

Lin Heng nodded with great pride: "Me too."

The two immediately arrived at the New York Harbor. When they saw the scene in front of them, Lin Heng was shocked.

Looking around, hundreds of giant cargo ships are docked, and huge cranes are transporting cargo boxes downwards. Inside, there are food, clothing, tools, medicines, mechanized equipment and even weapons from all over the world.

After all, this is the largest trading port in the world!
"Lin, how are you doing?"

Lin Heng nodded approvingly: "It's very majestic and amazing."

However, China's current port is no worse than New York. However, New York has been the center of world trade for the past hundred years, and China's size is not as large as New York.

But based on the country's level of development, within ten years it will surpass New York Port and become the world's number one trade center.Lin Heng looked at the scene in front of him and was daydreaming about the greatness of the motherland when suddenly there was a violent roar in his ears.

The sound waves rushing straight into his brain made Lin Heng almost stop thinking. When he came to his senses, the whole world was silent.

Looking up, I saw the setting sun in the distance. It was not red, but turned into a strange black color, and that black color was spreading everywhere.

Lin Heng was immediately stunned.

The port, which was originally bustling and lively, could not see anyone at this moment. He turned around suddenly, and James, who was chatting and laughing next to him just now, was nowhere to be found.

It seemed like he was the only one left in the world!

A burst of panic suddenly emerged from behind, and Lin Heng was convinced that he had encountered a supernatural phenomenon!
He took out his cell phone, but the cell phone signal showed no signal, so he hurriedly dialed 911.

"Sorry, your phone is not in service area right now!"

Lin Heng threw out his phone angrily: "Fuck you, what the hell!"

In a port of nearly 10,000+ square meters, there is no one to see and no sound to be heard.

The entire world was gradually enveloped by the darkness emanating from the setting sun.

A feeling of powerlessness came over him, and he bit his arm tightly to try to stay awake.

I have just completed my achievements in life, and there is still a great time waiting for me in the future. How could I die here because of something like this?
The visible line of sight eventually turned into darkness and gradually disappeared.

Tang Dynasty, the sixth year of Zhenguan!
This is the most powerful dynasty in Chinese history. With Li Shimin's many years of hard work, he has unified the world and brought all nations to court!

As night falls and the lanterns begin to shine, the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty is fully displayed, which is truly magnificent.

In the home of a small merchant in Chang'an City, someone who did not belong to this era quietly arrived.

In the room, Lin Heng suddenly woke up, looking at the antique scene in front of him, he was completely stunned.

"I've returned to China? But where is this place?"

In the room, both the tables, chairs and benches had a simple and elegant temperament, which was completely different from what Lin Heng knew. There were no power sockets or any features related to future generations.

He lowered his head and noticed that there was an anchor mark on the back of his hand.

He stared blankly at the tattoo-like mark, a little dumbfounded.

At this moment, a girl's voice came from beside her.

"Lang Jun~"

A woman whined with grievance, as if she felt that she had been awakened, and then a white and tender arm stretched out and hugged him.

"It's not dawn yet, let's sleep a little longer."

A beautiful girl with disheveled clothes was lying next to her.

Which cadre can stand such a test!

But before taking action, Lin Heng still asked.

"who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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