Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 10 Father misses a woman named Hua Zi?

Chapter 10 Father misses a woman named Hua Zi?
When the people brought by Li Chengqian simply swept away Lin Heng's things and still had more to say, Lin Heng discovered a huge market for later generations' goods.

In Datang, as long as you find the right consumption occasion, you can make a lot of money!

I'm afraid I didn't find the right place today. How about setting up a shop to sell it?

The group of people left happily, as if they had gotten a huge advantage. They did not hesitate to pay and directly sent their servants to carry the money in sacks.

The Tang Dynasty only used copper coins, and copper is very heavy. One penny of Kaiyuan Tongbao used today is about six grams, one thousand penny of Guanqian is six kilograms, and ten kilograms is sixty kilograms!
So thanks to this brother, Lin Heng sold about thirty pieces of small commodities, earning a total of three hundred guan, and the entire cart was full.

Lin Heng had the foresight to pull the cart. Could it be that he had to carry so much money back on his own?

Ruoyun looked at the amount of money in front of him, his whole body was dull, and he kept saying that Lang Jun is great, Lang Jun is great.

She has never seen a car full of money in her life!

Seeing that everything was sold out, Li Chengqian chuckled: "How about it, according to the agreement, you have to give me [-] guan of money and deduct the money for the bronze mirror, then you have to pay me [-] guan instead."

When doing business, you not only give away things, but also give money. Lin Heng is also like no one else.

But at the moment, Lin Heng was so happy that he directly counted the money and handed it over without saying a word.

"Brother, thanks to you today, let's get to know each other, Lin Heng!"

Li Chengqian was in a good mood when he saw Lin Heng being so generous: "My surname is Li, and my courtesy name is Gaoming."

Lin Heng stretched out his thumb and praised: "Brother Gao Ming is really smart. I will come to you when I sell things in the future!"

Li Chengqian was a little confused. His reminder was so obvious. Could it be that this person hadn't discovered that he was the prince yet?
His surname is Li and his courtesy name is Gaoming. He is Li Chengqian!
Could it be that this person already knows his identity, but they only get along as friends?

Arriving here first, Li Chengqian couldn't help but find it interesting, and immediately nodded: "Lin Heng? I'll remember it. We'll see you again then."

After saying that, Li Chengqian returned to the palace carrying two bags of money and the bronze mirror he had longed for.

If the queen mother knew that not only did she earn a bronze mirror without spending a penny, but she also earned an extra twenty guan, she would be very happy.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with being associated with a businessman. It was a matter of taking and taking. He was just helping to call people with the spending power to buy. It was the best of both worlds and it would prevent those two people from continuing to be exposed to the sun. Cool sun.

His Royal Highness is still very considerate of the people.

The price of a cart is [-] guan, [-] tons.
With such a large cart price, it would be impossible not to attract attention. The vendors who were just shouting about who had cerebral palsy and who bought it were all dumbfounded.

Is it possible that the secret to doing business is to raise the price so that it can be sold?
So they also shouted.

"Fresh radish, one with ten sticks, a child with no deception..."

"Candied haws, one stick costs twenty guan. If you can't buy it, you'll suffer a loss, and you won't be fooled if you buy it!"


Looking at the vendors behind him, Lin Heng also twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Are they out of their minds? How dare you sell candied haws for twenty guan?"

Ruoyun also looked puzzled, and then saw her husband making a lot of money, which was very happy.

"Mr. Lang, take this money home and give it to Madam. The situation in the Lin family will be much better!"

Lin Heng gave Ruoyun a slap on the head, and the latter covered his head with a puzzled look on his face.

If they don't take any of their own money when they split up, how can he give them money?
What's wrong with her own mother? She's Lin Heng's mother, but not Lin Heng's mother?

Grandma, there’s an ambiguity, forget it, Lin Heng has other uses for this money anyway.

So Lin Heng pushed a cart of money to the nearest bank.

Lushi Bank is the largest bank in the capital.

The Lu family with the fifth surname and Qi Wang was one of the largest businessmen in the entire Tang Dynasty, and the Lu family was at the top of the list of the five surnames and Qi Wang, and was as rich as the country.

Although these aristocratic families did not engage in human affairs in the late Tang Dynasty, nowadays in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, these people are still very restrained.Moreover, they are large and have many banks, so their savings are guaranteed.

In front of the door, Lin Heng shouted: "Where are you in charge? I want to save money!"

Soon, a fat middle-aged man came out and said dissatisfied: "What are you yelling about!"

Lin Heng immediately said: "Save money!"

The man looked disdainful: "It's just a few hundred strings, why are you so pretentious?"

"Come here, let's do a count."

Lin Heng looked at the arrogant steward and suddenly remembered a scene he saw in a Swiss bank in his previous life.

Didn’t you just save 1000 million US dollars?The people who save money here all start with [-] million yuan, so why are you so arrogant?
Lin Heng likes this kind of confidence and arrogance. This proves that he has strength!
Immediately, he completed the registration and exchanged it for a sign with the word "Lu" written on it. There were corresponding marks on it. No deposit or withdrawal was allowed unless he came with an order. It was regarded as the predecessor of later banks.

Or they say they have a great business and know how to do business!
Today, Lin Heng has a deposit of 340 yuan.

In view of today's experience, he has other plans to leverage a larger small commodity economy. These are his own start-up funds.

He casually threw the sign to Ruoyun, and the little girl looked up at him with an aggrieved look, as if she was saying that if the sign was lost, Lin Heng would not sell her.

Seeing this, Lin Heng consoled him: "I can't save anything, so you can save it for me and I'll get it from you when I need it."

Ruoyun hesitated: "But if it is lost, what should I do?"

"Didn't the fat man just say that if you lose it and pay for a replacement, you just need to fill out the formalities. I can rest assured that you will leave the things here."

Hearing this, Ruoyun nodded vigorously. From now on, she will definitely protect this money-saving sign as if it were her life!
After all, the money in this is enough to buy dozens of Ruoyuns.

The two then went home leisurely, and both the master and the servant were extremely happy.

In the palace, the queen's residence, Li Chengqian came to visit after receiving the treasure.

"Mother, my son bought this from Chang'an and specially presented it to me!"

After the gentle and touching but graceful woman took it, she smiled slightly and said, "You are interested."

After opening it, what comes into view is his own appearance. Almost every detail and every expression is in place. It is more exquisite than the best bronze mirror in the palace.

Changsun Wujia couldn't help being surprised, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"I think this thing is extremely precious. How much money did you spend to buy it? The queen mother will allocate it to you."

The Prince's Palace is actually independent of the royal family, and the monthly donations are countless. Moreover, frugality and cost reduction are advocated both inside and outside the palace. Spending this money means that you have to save some money elsewhere.

Changsun Wugou didn't want to see his son suffer elsewhere, so he said this.

Li Chengqian smiled and shook his head: "I got this thing. Not only did I not spend a penny, I also made twenty guan."

Changsun Wugou's expression changed slightly. He placed the bronze mirror on the table beside him and said in a cold voice, "Did you get this in exchange for your status as the prince?"

Li Chengqian immediately shook his head: "That's not the case, Queen Mother. Let me listen to my son, Queen Mother, explain the detailed process."

After a while, after hearing this, Changsun Wugou couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"That's all, you have good intentions, but as a prince, it's better to do less of these things."

Li Chengqian bowed and saluted: "My son, I obey."

Changsun Wugou immediately said: "Since you are often outside the palace, you might as well investigate more. Your father kept mentioning it yesterday, and his name is Hua Zi. Your father misses him very much."

"Hua Zi? I miss you so much."

Li Chengqian pondered for a moment, then murmured to himself: "Could it be a certain woman."

(End of this chapter)

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