Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 13 The old father who was angry with his traitor

Chapter 13 The old father who was angry with his traitor

In the Cheng Mansion, the old father Cheng Yaojin has already given Cheng Huailiang some "kind" care.

"You're such a traitor, how dare you steal someone's money!"

Cheng Huailiang, who had been beaten to pieces, still refused to give in. At this moment, he still said bravely: "A certain family is going to do chivalry, and now they only lack this good knife!"

"Why is it called stealing for us Jianghu people? It's called borrowing. I'll pay you back when I get rich!"

Seeing the naughty son's attitude, the old father wanted to educate him again.

However, he thought of His Majesty's reminder to him, saying that educating his son should not only be done through beatings, but also teach him through words and deeds, and reason with him.

Come to think of it, Cheng Huailiang's stubborn temper now is exactly the same as when he was young.

If it were on the battlefield, this would not be a problem at all, but now that we are in the prosperous age, we must educate this son to be more stable and not cause him to cause trouble randomly.

Of course, you can't just steal his money, which is the private money he finally saved!

Cheng Yaojin suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Do you know how much food can be bought with these thirty dollars?"

"Now the price of rice in Chang'an City is only fifty cents per dan, which is [-] dan of grain, which is more than enough to feed our family for several years!"

"Nowadays, even if His Majesty's Royal Swordbreaker forges such a sword, it only costs twenty guan to last it. It is still made of the best materials in the world and forged with the best craftsmanship. Now you actually use Thirty dollars bought such a knife?"

Cheng Huailiang's temper was the same as that of his father, Cheng Yaojin. There was no way he could give in so easily.

At this moment, he was looking at the knife as if he was staring at the new hope of his life.

"With this sword, a certain person can perform chivalry and justice, fight with swords in the world, punish evil and promote good, and become a world-famous hero!"

"You don't know, old man, that this knife is the knife used by Lu Zhishen. It is forged from Damascus steel!"

"This is the only one in the world!"

The corners of Cheng Yaojin's mouth twitched, because this traitor kept talking about Lu Zhishen from beginning to end. Who the hell is this Lu Zhishen?

"Who is this Lu Zhishen you are talking about? Why do you respect him so much!"

Cheng Huailiang was so proud that he told his father the story Lin Heng told him.

Cheng Yaojin suddenly became furious, got it!My son has been cheated!

This is because one story cost thirty dollars!
Where did the profiteer dare to defraud his son Cheng Yaojin?
Cheng Yaojin pulled him away without saying a word and said, "You treacherous son, take me to find that profiteer. I will make him look good today!"

On Chang'an West Street, Lin Heng was still setting up a stall.

I only placed an order for that stupid item this morning, and the other items haven't been sold yet.

So he was thinking about whether he should sell somewhere else. Maybe he wouldn't be able to open it again today.

Lin Heng sighed, if this is the case, when will he be able to buy his own house?

But Ruoyun didn't think so. He thought that Lang Jun made thirty guan in one day, which was already very impressive!

After all, the boss who supports the whole family only has a salary of [-] guan a month. The young man is so amazing. He makes money in one day that his boss cannot make in a month!
The little girl loves money very much. At this moment, she put the thirty pounds of money in the small box she brought and counted them one by one over and over again.

Perhaps for her, counting money is already the greatest pleasure in life.

Seeing this, Lin Heng smiled and cursed: "You little miser."

Ruoyun raised his little head and even felt very proud.

In the distance, Cheng Yaojin was dragging Nizi towards this side, with crowds of people watching behind him.

"What is Duke Lu doing in such a big battle?"

"Didn't you hear what Duke Lu Guo said just now? His son was deceived and spent thirty guan to buy a knife. Now he is going to find trouble with that profiteer!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. Is there anyone in this world who dares to deceive Duke Lu?

You must know that this person is a well-known scoundrel in Chang'an. Both father and son are more unreasonable than the other. It is impossible not to lose skin if you believe that you have tricked him.

Moreover, he has a high position and is deeply trusted by His Majesty. Even if the trouble comes to His Majesty and Duke Lu is unreasonable, His Majesty will only turn a blind eye.

"Ouch, it looks like something is going to happen to someone today!"

"Let's go and see which profiteer is so bold."

At the stall, Lin Heng suddenly stood up and patted Ruoyun on the shoulder.

The two people's eyes immediately lit up, because this large group of people looked like they were either rich or noble.After being exposed to the sun all day, it’s finally time to open!

They saw a strong young man dragging him almost to death in the hands of a strong man, coming towards them menacingly.

"You are the profiteer!"

Cheng Yaojin roared at Lin Heng.

Cheng Huailiang looked up at Lin Heng and immediately denied it: "Don't talk nonsense, old man! I bought this knife willingly because it has this value!"

This villain!

Cheng Yaojin became even more angry and furious.

At such a time, Cheng Huailiang still spoke to him, which meant that this profiteer must have used some words to seduce his son. He must be the so-called Lu Zhishen!
He had been fighting for so many years, but he had never heard of a person named Lu Zhishen. If he had never heard of it, he would probably not be able to find such a person again for another 500 years!

He must be deceiving his own son!
Seeing the posture of the visitor, Ruoyun was immediately panicked. Sure enough, after his son was deceived, his father came to the door, and the little girl immediately grabbed Lin Heng's clothes in a panic.

"Lang Jun! What should we do now?"

Lin Heng smiled, biting the golden arch and cupping his hand: "The price of the goods below is clearly marked, and no one can deceive anyone. After the buyer and seller are determined, the deal is concluded. How can you say that you are a profiteer?"

Cheng Yaojin said angrily: "You sold my son a knife for thirty dollars. Do you think he is easy to deceive, right? But I am not easy to deceive!"

Lin Heng said calmly: "May I ask your Excellency, how did I lie to him?"

With hatred in his eyes, Cheng Yaojin stared at Lin Heng and said, "You sell a sword for thirty swords. How do you think you are a peerless sword? Even the top swordsmith in the Tang Dynasty only has twenty swords. You Why sell it for thirty?!"

Lin Heng put his hands behind his back and looked at Cheng Yaojin.

"Their knives are not as good as mine. I sell them more expensively. What's the point?"

"You are so brave! Do you really think that our whole family is easy to deceive!"

After saying that, Cheng Yaojin started to take action, but was stopped by Lin Heng.

He then looked at Cheng Yaojin and asked: "Then your Excellency means that I sold him a knife that was not worth thirty guan, but it was not worth [-] guan, so you are angry, right?"

"As it is!"

"But this knife of mine cuts iron like mud and is extremely sharp. It is forged from Damascus steel. It may be the only one in Chang'an. Apart from this one, you may never find it again."

"I'm sure this knife is sharper than the best knife in the Tang Dynasty!"

Lin Heng's words were extremely certain.

Cheng Yaojin snorted coldly, threw the knife into Lin Heng's arms, and immediately pulled out the sword from his waist.

Lin Heng and Ruoyun were startled, thinking that this person was going to pick him up and commit the crime. The onlookers behind them also looked shocked.

This kid is crazy. How long has it been since he dared to mess with Cheng Yaojin? If he was killed, no one would dare to speak to him!

Although Lin Heng was panicked, he still asked: "What do you mean by this?"

Cheng Yaojin sneered: "Since you said so, we might as well test whether this knife can reach the price you said!"

"The two of us slashed at each other with our sword blades. If your sword leaves a chip, it means your sword is not worth the money at all!"

"Then a certain family will definitely send you to Dali Temple and make you pay the price you deserve!"

Lin Heng asked with a smile: "What if I win?"

"Then a certain family will admit defeat and apologize to you!"

Dare to act and dare to admit, this is his Cheng Yaojin.

If your knife is really valuable, it doesn't matter if he lowers his head. After all, he is teaching his son by words and deeds.

"it is good!"

Lin Heng also drew his knife, and suddenly a cold light appeared, and the two of them slashed at each other.

There was a click, and Cheng Yaojin stared at his chopped Tang Dao in shock.

Why is this knife so sharp!

(End of this chapter)

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