Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 22 If you try to show off but don’t have the ability, you’ll only get slapped in the face!

Chapter 22 If you try to show off but don’t have the ability, you’ll only get slapped in the face!
Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to [-] li?

The opening chapter begins with a narrative about the mythical and legendary Dapeng, which directly displays a sense of grandeur and grandeur. It also uses objects as metaphors for people and makes a double entendre. It not only writes about the Dapeng, but also writes about people's aspirations!

The first half of this poem has such a high intention, so how should we pick up the second half?
For a moment, even Changsun Chong, who was well-read in poetry and books, didn't know how to answer this sentence.

Li Lizhi also saw what Lin Heng meant at this moment. This was a counterattack against the contemptuous words Zhang Sun Chong just said!

Aren’t you highly talented in literature?If you can't even pronounce this sentence, can you be considered to be highly talented in literature?
This is a slap in his face!

Li Lizhi couldn't help but feel a little happy.

After all, as long as she sees Changsun Chong eating turtles, she feels very happy.

Then she looked at Lin Heng in surprise.

She had not fully appreciated the most wonderful part of the poem just now. Even if we look at the whole of Chang'an, I am afraid that few people could have written it.

Moreover, the second line of the poem was unheard of in Chang'an, so it must have been written by this person!
Can the roc rise with the wind in one day and skyrocket to [-] miles?
This is writing about this person’s ambition!

Although he is just a businessman, to be able to say such things, he must have great ambitions, right?
Then Li Lizhi looked at the product in her hand, and then looked at Lin Heng, looking up and down carefully.

He looks very good-looking.

Moreover, these things were unheard of in the entire Tang Dynasty, so where did he get them from?

Li Lizhi is also a little curious about such a talented and learned person who can write such good poems.

Changsun Chong was suddenly embarrassed. After all, he was the one who took the lead this time, and he seemed to have established a tall image for himself with outstanding literary talent.

His literary talent is indeed high. After all, he is the son of Changsun Wuji and a disciple of Kong Yingda. He has read poetry and books since he was a child.

But if you take each of these two poems individually, they could only have been written by a talented person who could shock Chang'an!

For most people, there is no way to pick up this poem. Even if you ask your teacher to come, I am afraid that when you see this poem, you will praise it again and again, and you will have to think about it for a long time before writing.

The more he reads, the more he feels about words. He is not a fool.

Such a quatrain actually came from the mouth of this businessman?
He was a little unhappy. He had played with hawks all his life, but today his eyes were pecked by a sparrow.

For a while, Changsun Wuji was a little unable to get off stage.

Seeing this, Li Lizhi snorted coldly: "Don't you brag about your literary talent when you meet others? You also say that they can't stand on stage. It's unbelievable that they can't even finish these few lines of poetry!"

"Forget it, why not go back and wait until you can figure out how to take over this poem!"

Changsun Chong couldn't help but bow to Li Lizhi: "Oh, I'll leave first then."

Then Changsun Chong left in despair.

Seeing him leave, Li Lizhi's face also put on a smile again.

She looked at Lin Hengxiao and asked, "Hey, was that poem you just wrote about me? Is it the line about clouds thinking about clothes and flowers thinking about beauty?"

After all, she could also see that this poem was to praise the beauty of a woman, but it was written in such a shocking way that Li Lizhi felt a little unconfident.

Which woman doesn’t like others to compliment her on her beauty?Especially when you use such shocking writing style to praise, it makes women even more happy.

But this poem is really wonderful.

Hearing Li Lizhi's question, Lin Heng smiled and said nothing.

It is true that this poem is about a woman, but it is definitely not about you. This is Li Bai's poem about Yang Guifei!

I admit, girl, you are very pretty, but you still fall a little short of what is described in the poem.

At this time, Lin Heng also had the opportunity to take a look at Li Lizhi. He saw that the woman in front of him had regular features, red lips and white teeth, a small oval face, and two wide-open eyes. There was an indescribable beauty contained in her.When you first saw it, you might only be a little surprised, but the more you look at this face, the more surprising it becomes. Is there such a beautiful woman in the world?
If Lin Heng wanted to give her a score, then she would definitely not get away if she scored 95 or above!

Li Lizhi, who was still looking forward to Lin Heng's words, couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Is it written about me?"

Lin Heng laughed and said: "Since I said it in front of the little lady, then it must be to praise the little lady!"

When Li Lizhi heard this, she was very happy and overjoyed.

Then she looked at Lin Heng and asked with a mysterious face: "Do you know who that person was just now?"

Lin Heng looked strange and said, "Who is it?"

After all, a person who doesn't have much etiquette, doesn't have much ability, and still likes to show off, must be the so-called big shot!
Only the descendants of those big shots would be so high-profile.

Li Lizhi was a little surprised when she heard this.

Changsun Chong doesn't even know?
It is true that she hates Chang Sun Chong, but Chang Sun Chong's talent and learning are recognized by Chang'an. In particular, he especially likes to hang out in the major restaurants in Chang'an to show off, so almost all the talented people in Chang'an are familiar with this person.

You haven't seen the person in front of you?

Li Lizhi narrowed her eyes. That would be interesting. She just offended Changsun Chong, but she didn't even know who he was.

Lin Heng looked at the corners of Li Lizhi's mouth that gradually turned up, and immediately saw that this person must have something planned!
He said helplessly: "My little lady, I'm just a salesperson, so I don't put on such a show. I can't stand your troubles."

Li Lizhi snorted softly and raised her beautiful chin: "I don't intend to torture you, but your poems are indeed good."

"My lady hasn't said who that person was just now."

"I do not recognize!"

Lin Heng was a little helpless. These two people obviously knew each other, so why did you try to interest me in the first place if you didn't tell me?
"Then little lady, these things total eighty guan, can you please settle the money?"

Li Lizhi bought eight items in total, one item worth ten guan, which means eighty guan.

Eighty guan of money, obviously this person didn't carry it with him, that's why Lin Heng asked this.

"I'll have someone bring it to you later. You wrap the things and I'll have someone pick them up later."

"Got it!"

After saying that, Li Lizhi left with an unclear smile.

Not long after, someone came with a carriage.

The other party handed over the money, and Lin Heng handed over the goods. Before leaving, Lin Heng specifically stopped the guard and asked, "May I ask who your little lady is?"

There was contempt in the other party's eyes, and he didn't even look at Lin Heng in the eyes.

"Don't inquire about what you shouldn't!"

Watching the carriage go away, Ruoyun tugged on Lin Heng's clothes: "This man's attitude is too bad, much worse than his master!"

Lin Heng smiled and rubbed Ruoyun's head: "People like this are so-called big shots. Don't worry about it. They live their lives and we live ours."

In feudal society, we have to admit that there are differences between people. This is something that cannot be denied.

But anyway, I won't have much interaction with others, so we can each live our own lives.

"In two days, we will move to Zhuque Street to sell it. It will be much easier to sell it then!"

Ruoyun nodded vigorously, his eyes full of longing.

(End of this chapter)

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