Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 30 Don’t worry, I, Li Shimin, will never tell His Majesty!

Chapter 30 Don’t worry, I, Li Shimin, will never tell His Majesty!
"Xuanling, what do you think?"

The old man thought for a moment after hearing the words, and then commented: "Although this person's words are sharp, they are also pertinent. After all, the aristocratic family has too many resources in its hands. If ordinary people don't have someone who can learn from others, it is really difficult for ordinary people to compete with the aristocratic family. compared to."

Li Shimin also nodded: "The great power of the aristocratic family lies in the fact that there are people from the aristocratic family in the court and in the market, like a spider web all over the Tang Dynasty. Especially these people will help poor students to study for the imperial examination, so that the aristocratic family can be popular among the people." The reputation is also good.”

“But it’s a big problem after all!”

From the emperor's point of view, there are several powerful forces in his country, all of them are extremely wealthy, and have hundreds of years of cultural heritage and wealth. Naturally, he will not be too happy.

Fang Xuanling smiled and said: "The aristocratic family is indeed powerful, but after all, it is under His Majesty's suppression, so there will be no big problems."

After Li Shimin came to the throne, he also made many policies to deal with the big problem of aristocratic families, such as rearranging surnames to suppress the strength of aristocratic families, issuing a ban on marriages to prevent aristocratic families from getting married, and clearing out all senior officials of aristocratic families in the court.

The highest-ranking officials in the Tang Dynasty were the first-rank officials, but the first-rank and second-rank officials were all vacated positions. They were appointed officials but had no official power, just like the prince, grand master, prince tutor, Duke and Duke, etc., all of whom had no real power in the court. of.

Officials of the third rank are the ones with the greatest power and the highest status in the court, just like the three senior officials and the six ministers, most of whom are third rank.

Since Li Shimin came to power, in order to reduce the influence of the aristocratic family, officials above the fifth rank have disappeared from the aristocratic family, and other officials below have only the power to participate in political affairs.

Li Shimin thought about Lin Heng's words just now, and said thoughtfully: "Listen again."

At this time, Li Chengqian was also surprised by these words, and couldn't help but said: "I can't believe that you have such a unique view on the imperial examination, which is very pertinent."

"But what you mean by this is that it doesn't matter whether there is an imperial examination or not. Aren't the official positions in the court still belong to those wealthy and powerful families?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Although this is the truth, the imperial examination is not so unbearable."

"Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty established the imperial examination, which opened up the channel between the lower class civilians and the royal family. There are restrictions, but once you can overcome many difficulties and break through, you can be a farm minister in the morning and ascend to the emperor's hall in the evening!"

Be a farmer in the morning, and ascend to the Emperor's Hall in the evening?
Not only Li Chengqian, but also Li Shimin and Fang Xuanling not far away couldn't help but nod.

This is indeed a good thing to say.

"This not only gives the common people a chance to break through, but it can also be used as a means to limit these already powerful forces and balance the power in the court, which is more conducive to rule. If there are factions in the court, there will be conflicts. Competition will make the court full of life, and it will be more conducive to the decision-making of every major event, and it will ultimately benefit the people."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but applaud: "That's well said. Your Majesty is now vigorously promoting the imperial examination for the sake of the people of the world and for more common people to enter the court!"

As the alcohol took effect, Li Chengqian's voice became a little louder. He immediately looked at Lin Heng and said displeasedly: "You still say that you have no talent? If it were anyone else, who could say these words and have such insights?"

Lin Heng twitched his lips: "Who can't say this? What does it have to do with talent learning?"

To be honest, if it were a local from Datang, it would be hard to explain.

The reason why Lin Heng can say this is because he looks at these issues from the perspective of historical development. He knows the process of historical development and has a rational judgment for different things by future generations, so he can say this. talk.

But other people don’t know the history of the development of the Tang Dynasty. The authorities are obsessed with it and the onlookers can’t tell!

At this moment, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing and scolding: "That's true. If that's true, do I still need to conduct a large-scale imperial examination to select talents? Then isn't everyone a talent?"

Fang Xuanling chuckled and said: "This evaluation of the imperial examination is really refreshing, it is really good."

Li Chengqian snorted at this moment: "Since the imperial examination was created by Emperor Sui Yang, what do you think of Emperor Sui Yang?"

"A man with vision but no means, a man with high vision and low hand." "Although this man did impose excessive taxes and made the people miserable, he opened a canal to connect the north and south, and connected the north and south grain roads and trade routes, which was a feat."

"Furthermore, this person has a vicious vision. He saw at a glance that Goryeo was harboring evil intentions, and he raised troops for three conquests. If Goryeo's strength had not been consumed in such a large amount, there is no doubt whether the land of Liaodong is now controlled by the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin, who had been quietly listening to these words, looked a little stunned: "This kid, I dare to say it, but what he said is quite good..."

Fang Xuanling also nodded: "After Emperor Sui Yang, no one dared to evaluate his achievements. It is refreshing to hear this person's words today."

Li Shimin smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Xuan Ling's words mean that Emperor Sui Yang's achievements are great?"

Fang Xuanling shook his head and said helplessly: "As the young man said, Emperor Sui Yang had a good eye but a poor hand. It was obviously a good thing that benefited the people, but he caused disaster to the country and the people."

"On the other hand, Your Majesty has done all these things well and created such a prosperous era. He is naturally a more powerful monarch than Emperor Yang of Sui."

Li Shimin chuckled, what about his eyes?What he lacked was never vision or means. He believed that his literary skills and military skills were not inferior to his cousin's!
I was a little curious about what this person said next.

Li Chengqian took a deep breath: "In all these years, I have never heard anyone commenting on Emperor Sui Yang like this. You are still the first."

Lin Heng sighed: "What kind of evaluation? After all, this person's excesses outweigh his wrongs. Even though this person had a good vision and took actions, after all, he did too badly, which led to the loss of people's support and the change of dynasty."

Li Chengqian suddenly had an idea in his heart. The person in front of him had such a sharp and original evaluation of history, which was surprising. So who did his father look like to him?
After all, my father's position as emperor depends on...
This is very unethical behavior and can even be said to be contrary to human ethics.

Li Chengqian picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp: "What do you think of your Majesty today?"

He was curious about what kind of existence his father was in the eyes of ordinary people.

Lin Heng narrowed his eyes, looked at Li Chengqian and said calmly: "Brother Li, you are a little bold. You are making irresponsible remarks about a saint who wants to enter the Dali Temple."

"Your family background must be better than mine. If you go in, someone will try to catch you. If I go in, I guess my dad will have to join me!"

Li Chengqian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "After hearing these words, your father is probably going to hit someone. Don't worry, I will never spread these words."

Lin Heng asked jokingly: "Brother Li, have I offended you? Why do you want to harm me?"

"I really don't want to harm you, but I just want to hear your opinion."

Lin Heng chuckled: "If I don't tell you, you won't have any leverage against me. Do you want to get me drunk and take the opportunity to get my leverage and do business with me?"

"Brother Li, your method is not very clever!"

Li Chengqian said helplessly: "I told you I don't care about your business!"

He is the crown prince, and the world will belong to him in the future. What is there to worry about in this business?

But Lin Heng refused to say anything, so he wouldn't force it, otherwise he would really be worrying about other people's business.

At this moment, Li Shimin stood up and walked over.

"Haha, I'm very curious. Just don't worry, I will never tell His Majesty!"

Father emperor? !
(End of this chapter)

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