Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 45 The leader of the Chang'an Poetry Society has appeared!

Chapter 45 The leader of the Chang'an Poetry Society has appeared!

Everyone felt numb all over almost instantly, and Changsun Chong was stunned.

Isn’t this writing about Lin Heng himself?

But why is this law so shocking?

Lin Heng held the pen with one hand, as if he was splashing ink, and whatever he was thinking at the moment was reflected in this arrogant and flying pen and ink.

When he finished reading "It's so cold in the heights," Li Chengqian suddenly froze, admiring the previous sentences.

What a wonderful life!
At this moment, everyone present was looking forward to the next step, but they did not dare to rush it.

Chu Liang, who was not far away, even came over impatiently and continued to prepare to recite.

And Lin Heng had already finished writing at this moment, stopping at the sentence that literati throughout the ages most appreciate: "We share the beauty of the song even though we are thousands of miles apart."

With a snap, Lin Heng threw the brush directly on the table, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Chu Liang quickly asked: "Is it finished?"

"It's finished."

"No change?"

"Not a word!"

Everyone present had only one thought in their hearts at this moment.

This man is so arrogant!
Do you know who those two people next to you are?

But at the moment, I am even more looking forward to the poems left on the paper.

Lin Heng had already turned around and left Chunming Tower without even looking back.

Changsun Chong's face was gloomy at this moment. Although Li Chengqian only read out the first few sentences, it already showed how extraordinary these words were.

"Scholar Chu, could you please tell me what you said next so that everyone can understand it?"

Chu Liang smiled: "Why not?"

"Then Your Highness, shall I come?"

Li Chengqian also came to his senses and couldn't help laughing heartily: "Good words, good words!"

"It seems that some people's plans have failed. I will have another talented person in Chang'an tomorrow!"

The prince left immediately because there was no need to continue reading.

The outcome is already doomed.

Chu Liang dried the ink and picked up the poem.

"Shui Tiao Ge Tou, when will the bright moon come?"

"When will the bright moon come? I will ask the blue sky for my wine. I wonder what year it is in the palace in the sky!"

The old man has strong energy and speaks every word, as if he has grasped the charm of the poem. The ups and downs of the accent can make the listener feel the benefits of the poem more deeply.

I want to return by wind, and I fear Qionglou Yuyu, the heights are too cold.

This sentence seems to describe Lin Heng's mood and behavior when he just finished writing the poem about the bright moon, especially the allusion that it is cold at high places. It is so bold!

Chu Liang continued to read aloud, and everyone present was shocked by the water-melody song. Although poetry was popular in the Tang Dynasty, it did not mean that literati did not appreciate poetry, especially good ones, which would make people feel like they were treasures.

When they read the last sentence, everyone took a deep breath in unison.

"Nung, moon and new moon."

The old man chuckled, put down the calligraphy treasure, looked at the crowd and said, "Now that things have come to a point, I can't say anything more. Lin Heng has already left, so you can leave your comments."

Everyone looked at each other.

How do you comment?
How else can I comment?
Take this word out, and from now on, who dares to write poetry on the Mid-Autumn Festival?

No matter who wrote it, it would be difficult to shake the status of this poem.

Everyone present can feel this.

It is really hard to estimate the character of this person to be able to write such magnificent poems in such a state of being forced by others.

The most commendable thing is that after this person finished writing this poem, he immediately threw away the pen and turned around and left.

That move seemed to indicate that he already knew the effect this poem would bring.

Not only is it squeezing the heroes, it is simply appalling!

After tonight, it is self-evident that anyone will regret because of his actions in promoting an author who is famous in Chang'an.

Chu Liang moved his eyes away from the paper, and then looked at Changsun Chong, his eyes obviously not satisfied. "Shopkeeper Liao, this calligraphy treasure is right here. It would be a pity to lose it. Please engrave it and hang it up."

Chu Liang seemed to have given this evaluation.

It is a great honor to be able to hang one's poems in Chunming Tower for countless dignitaries to appreciate.

Shopkeeper Liao didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded quickly: "I will definitely do as I am told."

Chu Liang laughed: "You are making a big deal."

"Tonight, I'm going back with a lot of fun!"

After the old man said these words, he also left. The dignitaries who were nearby quickly came up to check the calligraphy treasure with the water-melody song title written on it.

The only thing I can see is that the font is domineering and has the style of regular script, but it has the essence of running script, but no one can confirm what kind of font it is.

The font is skinny but has a strong character, just the right amount of thinness, and the wrong strokes of the strokes leave people speechless.

“I’ve never seen this character before, and it’s quite beautifully written.”

"Do you know who this Lin Heng is?"

"Tsk, does Lin Tangqing from Taijian know that he is his son?"

"How come Lin Tangqing can cultivate such an astonishing poetic talent? I have never heard of it before. It must be Lin Tangqing who asked him to hone his skills at home. It takes ten years to sharpen his sword!"

"I think in the future, Lin Heng will become famous in Chang'an."

The poems were quickly copied and spread.

In front of the Chunlou Tower, countless talented people gathered, vying to hand in their poems to the trustees, just hoping to be seen by the important people.

But at this time, the madam no longer accepted anyone's poems, and didn't even read them.

"The leader of tonight's poems has come out, it's the water-melody song leader written by Lin Heng."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately shocked.

"Who is this Lin Heng? Why have I never heard of him? If he is the leader, he should be from the Lu family or the Cui family. Who is Lin Heng?"

"I've never heard of it. Why do you say he is the leader? I wrote it, okay?"

The madam chuckled and threw out a copied note with a sarcastic expression.

One person quickly picked it up and sneered: "I want to see what it says, Shui Tiao Ge Tou? What is it? Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Uh, when will the bright moon come out? That's the topic."

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine?"

"There's no need to ask. Besides, if you ask Qingtian, why don't you ask your parents?"

But after saying this, the rather dissatisfied sound of books suddenly stopped.

"I wonder what year it is today in the palace in the sky."

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

The tone of the poem suddenly became too high, so high that people needed to look up.

When the song ended, countless people felt chills running down their spines.


Some people were speechless.

"What do you think of this poem?"

"Excellent, let me make a copy first."

"I'm coming too!"

"Don't grab it, find someone to read it, and we'll copy it."

Chunminglou Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival, after the last water-melody song was written, no one wrote poetry anymore.

Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?

Originally, Changsun Chong was ready to come up with a song after Lin Heng, but it seemed that he had no chance.

This water melody song is so overwhelming that it makes people breathless. Who dares to write it?

At the same time, in the Lin Mansion, Lin Heng was already lying on the bed and sleeping, as if he had not thought about the effect this poem would bring.

In Chang'an City, this poem was spreading rapidly like a plague.

(End of this chapter)

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