Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 47: Stop being emo, I will help you do great things!

Chapter 47: Stop being emo, I will help you do great things!
Lin Heng didn't want to stay in the store, for fear that someone would recognize him and pester him to leave.

He was not willing to exchange ideas about poetry with these people. After all, everyone had their own opinions on this matter, and once the exchange started, it would take him a few hours to finish.

Avoid it, or avoid it as much as possible.

On the streets of Chang'an, Lin Heng and Ruoyun wandered aimlessly.

Sometimes it’s a good experience to take some time off and go out to see the scenery!
Suddenly, Lin Heng noticed a person sitting under the far corner.

I saw that the man looked decadent, as if he had lost confidence in life.

If it were someone else, Lin Heng wouldn't bother to talk to him, but this person is his old client, Cheng Hualiang?
Lin Heng looked up and down and asked, "Brother Cheng, why have you become so decadent today?"

"Aren't you going to save the people of Tang Dynasty and eradicate the traitors?"

Hearing these next words, Cheng Huailiang's eyes lit up.

However, it quickly disappeared.

He sighed.

"The old man from my family caught me the day before yesterday. He said that he was not doing his job properly and confiscated the knife that Lu Zhishen used back then."

"And he also beat a certain person and said that if he dares to do this in the future, he will be locked up!"

"There is nothing I can do. The family members of several brothers have been searched by the old guy. He said that if they dare to do anything else with X again, he will attack them."

"Now I am alone."

After saying this, he collapsed on the ground and sneered twice.

"Lin Heng, just laugh if you want. I know you are ridiculous now."

Having said that, it's definitely not very polite to rub salt into someone's wounds at this time.

Moreover, it is such a sad thing that such an aspiring young man should suffer such a huge blow to his ideals.

Although this kid is indeed not doing his job properly.
He even removed the exclamation mark, which is very unlike Cheng Huailiang.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and then asked.

"Then you don't want to do anything serious? I remember that you should have an official position in the court?"

Cheng Huaiyi glanced at Lin Heng and said, "Are you talking about the deputy captain of the Forbidden Army?"

"So-and-so did a good job before, but that old guy insisted that I formed a clique for personal gain, and then resigned from so-and-so's job!"

"What are you doing then? Are you studying at home?"

Lin Heng sighed after hearing this.

No wonder this boy is a local gangster who roams the streets. It turns out that he has a father like Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin was one of the generals who followed Li Shimin in his early years.

Although this man was a military commander, he was usually very honest and honest, and often made some seemingly stupid moves. In fact, Cheng Yaojin was worried that he would be noticed by Li Shimin, so Li Shimin handed over all his military power as soon as he took office. He became a rogue.

I would like to ask which emperor would be worried when he saw that the former general had inherited that rogue character and turned into a rogue, and even followed him in the uprising?
If you do this, Cheng Yaojin will be absolutely safe and can enjoy glory and wealth for a lifetime.

This is a person who was born as a military commander and lived well in his later years. Therefore, Cheng Yaojin seems to be unruly on weekdays, but he is actually extremely smart.

It seems that some of Cheng Huailiang's actions touched Cheng Yaojin's red line, which is why it happened.

Cheng Huailiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Heng: "I heard you write a poem yesterday. It seemed very powerful. What should I say?"

Lin Heng said helplessly: "It's not very powerful. It means he was forced out, so it doesn't count."


Cheng Hualiang said oh, and then continued to doubt life.

He doesn't know much about culture, so he just thinks that people who can write poems are very powerful, but they are of no use.

It doesn't matter how good you are at writing poems when fighting a war.

But he suddenly remembered something.

Cheng Huailiang suddenly looked at Lin Heng and said, "Lin Heng, why don't you find something to do for me, anything other than showing you the door."

"You know a lot, don't you? You opened a shop by yourself after just four or five days of setting up a stall. My old guy says you can make a lot of money!"

Hearing this, Lin Heng didn't pay much attention and refused directly.

If I find you something to do, wouldn't that be a blow to my reputation? Won't the service quality I have cultivated with great difficulty be exposed as soon as you leave?
He then said: "You can't do my Baobao Pavilion. The most you can do is look at the door at the door. It's really an underachievement."

Cheng Huailiang shook his head: "You can't say that, my old guys are all gatekeepers." Hearing this, Lin Heng looked puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

"Look at the door opposite?"

Lin Heng followed his gaze and saw two door gods posted on the door opposite. One of them looked like Cheng Yaojin.
This brain circuit is really clear
Lin Heng was also dumbfounded.

"You're definitely not the kind of person who looks after the gate. You're just like the guard who looks after the house and the courtyard. You don't want to either!"

Cheng Huailiang thought for a while: "It seems like this. After all, he is also a martial arts practitioner. How can he show the door to others?"

"But Lin Heng, look, you have a big business now. It's okay to help me find something to do. It doesn't take any money!"

That's not possible. If you stop in the store, who would dare to buy my stuff?
"Let's do this. You help me find a job and I owe you. From now on, we will be brothers. How about that?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Heng became interested.

Although I have made a lot of money these days, I am still a businessman after all, and I don't have a reliable backing. If I encounter someone like the Lu family looking for trouble, I will definitely have a headache.

But if someone has a very important identity and is a rogue, he can go to the other person's house to cause trouble. Wouldn't it be very easy?

And Lin Heng suddenly remembered something.

There seems to be an ancient papermaking machine in my warehouse?

Why did the ancient paper machine appear in New York Harbor?

That's not because of the powerful output of culture. The one in the warehouse was handed down from the late Ming Dynasty and is the pinnacle of ancient Chinese papermaking!

The paper produced by this paper machine eliminates many areas that require manual processing, such as screening paper, shaking paper, paper removal, etc., which is particularly convenient.

"and many more!"

Cheng Huailiang was immediately delighted: "Lin Heng, can you find me a job?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "I'm just afraid that you won't dare to do it!"

Cheng Huailiang laughed: "There are still things in the world that I dare not do, so I just say it!"

Lin Heng really wanted to complain about this, but he held it back and then smiled.



Hearing this, Cheng Huailiang was a little puzzled: "Papermaking?"

Lin Heng nodded, confirming that Cheng Huailiang had indeed heard correctly.

Cheng Huailiang had a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't know anything about that stuff. Besides, the current papermaking technology is in the hands of His Majesty and the aristocratic family. We have no channels!"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "What if I have a way to make paper?"

"And the paper will be cheaper and better looking than the current ones?"

"real or fake?"

Although Cheng Huailiang said this, his expression was really unbelieving.

How can papermaking be so easy? The papermaking technology of aristocratic families has been passed down for hundreds of years, and outsiders have no idea about it.

All paper-making workers will stay in aristocratic families for the rest of their lives and will not stay at all.

This is why paper on the market is expensive. On the one hand, the method is complicated, and on the other hand, the family deliberately raises the price.

A piece of paper costs three to four hundred cents. A commoner's monthly salary is only seven to eight hundred cents. How can you afford it?
Paper is expensive, so are books. Others can't afford to read books, and nobles in the dynasty are expensive. Aren't they all from aristocratic families?

But Lin Heng has a solution here!
The old paper machine probably won't work anymore, so take the old one and build a new one!

It's just a matter of time. If this is the case, you can still make a lot of money.

Cheng Huailiang couldn't help but be deeply suspicious.

"Are you really good at making paper?"

"If I can do it, can you do it?"

Cheng Huailiang said without saying a word: "Do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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