Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 49 You have a fiancé, please respect yourself!

Chapter 49 You have a fiancé, please respect yourself!
Originally, Li Lizhi planned to go to Baibao Pavilion to find Lin Heng.

But when I heard that Lin Heng was ill at home and would not see guests for a while, I had the idea of ​​​​going to visit him.

She could tell that her father and mother admired this person very much, and he even provided medicine that could relieve the symptoms of her mother's stridor, so Li Lizhi couldn't help but become more curious.

The first time I met him was because the treasures Lin Heng was selling were indeed rare, and they only cost ten guan. I could afford them with my monthly salary!
Then he was deeply impressed by Lin Heng's Yunxiang clothes and Hua Xiangrong.

Every time she returned to the palace, Li Lizhi would look at herself in the mirror and always felt that she was not as beautiful as what was written in the poem.

Obviously there is not a single word in the poem about a person, but it can still make people imagine what a beautiful woman she is. That is wonderful.

It's not that he had any different thoughts, he was just as surprised as his father by this man's talent.

The person who came out to greet him was a middle-aged man, who looked somewhat similar to Lin Heng.

Lin Tangqing came out to greet him with a smile. He was still surprised when he saw Li Lizhi.

"Dare I ask, little lady, are you Heng'er's friend?"

Looking at this woman, she looks good, has a noble temperament and is well-dressed. She must be from a good background.

"Is uncle Lin Heng's father?"

Lin Tangqing smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

Li Lizhi smiled slightly, and then said with a smile: "I went to Baibao Pavilion today. I wanted to pay a visit to Lin Heng. But I heard that Lin Heng was ill at home, so I thought of coming for a visit, which can be regarded as a visit."

Lin Tangqing had a strange look on his face: "It's strange, this kid isn't sick either. He was tinkering in the warehouse at home just now. He said he wanted to make paper."

Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment, making paper?

No, Lin Heng is not sick?
Why did you say you were sick at home when you weren't sick? Could it be that you were hiding from people?

Li Lizhi turned her head, and she was right. Lin Heng had just written such a shocking poem yesterday, so it was inevitable that he would visit the literati for advice. After all, literati were very interested in this.

But papermaking
Li Lizhi smiled and said, "Uncle, can you take me to have a look?"

"That's not to say it's not possible, but if this guy doesn't even let me in, it should be okay if he's a young lady."

Li Lizhi was confused, what do you mean I can, but then she figured it out and quickly explained: "Uncle misunderstood, Lin Heng and I are just friends."

Lin Tangqing nodded in agreement: "Oh, my friend."

This, the elongation is a bit meaningful.

Li Lizhi didn't explain it either. This kind of thing always gets darker and darker.

"Here please, I'll take you over to have a look."

"By the way, I haven't asked the lady what your name is yet."

Lin Tangqing asked with a smile.

"Oh, my surname is Li."


The old father's mind suddenly resounded with a previous conversation with Lin Heng. He asked Lin Heng if he wanted to get married. Lin Heng asked excitedly if he was a girl with the fifth surname.

Women with the fifth surname, naturally, were women from the fifth surname and the seventh family. They were highly sought after in the Tang Dynasty, but they generally only engaged in marriage within the clan and did not interact with outsiders.

So Lin Tangqing asked a lot: "But the Li family in Longxi?"

Li Lizhi didn't pay attention and said directly: "Longxi Li family."

The Li family was born in the royal family and was part of the Li family in Longxi. Since people asked, Li Lizhi answered openly.

Lin Tangqing cursed in his heart.

This boy didn't even marry a girl with the fifth surname, but this boy got in first!
But this boy has a future. He is related to a girl with the fifth surname, and is still the most popular Li family in Longxi. His future will be limitless!

Li Lizhi never imagined that the old father next to her seemed to regard her as Lin Heng's little girlfriend.

I came here today just to ask him something.One is the mother's stridor. According to the father and the mother, Lin Heng has medicine that can cure it, but they don't know whether it is true or not, so they need to confirm it.

Second, the poem written by Shui Tiao Ge Tou is really well written. I really want to know whether he had planned the plot for a long time to trick Sun Chong or he really acted on the spot.

What happened yesterday was indeed dramatic. It is said that Chang Sun Chong was the first to provoke Lin Heng.

Changsun Chong was obviously not friends with Lin Heng. That person was too narrow-minded and what he wanted to say was true.

Arriving all the way to Lin Heng's courtyard, Ruoyun watched as his boss brought a young woman over.

This woman seemed somewhat familiar.

Isn't she the woman I met before?The one who bought something at a street stall and was composed by the husband?
Ruoyun was not ignorant of poetry. After all, he studied with Lin Heng on weekdays. When he saw Li Lizhi, he naturally thought of the previous poem.

Although Ruoyun was envious of Lang Jun for writing such a poem to this woman, she still hurriedly called Lin Heng.

"Mr. Lang, we have a distinguished guest coming to our door. He is indeed a distinguished guest."

After all, Lang Jun wrote such a good poem for her, maybe this person said something very important to Lang Jun.

Not long after Lin Heng sat down, he was called out again. At that moment, he opened the door helplessly: "Who is it?"

Then I saw Li Lizhi.

A smile suddenly appeared on the woman's face, and she stretched out her hand to say hello.

Lin Heng had a puzzled expression on his face.

"What are you here for?"

I must have met this woman twice, once with her fiancé, and once with her father, Lao Li.

Lin Heng couldn't help but look at Lin Tangqing. Could it be that his father brought this man here for what?
Lin Tangqing noticed this look immediately.

Immediately say nothing.

"Heng'er, as a father, I still have something to do. You guys can talk about it."

Create space!
The old father’s vision is still there!

At this time, Lin Tangqing was filled with joy. She was a woman from the Li family in Longxi, with the fifth surname and Qi Wang. She would have no worries after marrying for several lifetimes!

Lin Hengze was a little weird. He looked at Ruoyun and asked, "What happened to my dad today? Why is he so weird?"

He looks like a lunatic. He won't be fined by His Majesty again, right?

"I don't know!"

Lin Heng asked Li Lizhi just now, but she didn't answer, so she asked again.

"Ms. Li, may I ask why you came here today?"

This time he asked a little more politely, but he felt that what he asked was still rude. After all, he would have to trouble her father more in the future.

Li Lizhi didn't pay attention to this. She didn't answer just now because she saw Lin Heng talking to others and paused unintentionally.

Hearing this, Li Lizhi smiled and said, "Of course I'm here to see you!"

She felt that her purpose should not be too strong. After all, a person who had no choice but to write such a famous article and still avoid his admirers must be indifferent to fame and has a personality that is not easy to get along with. She wanted to make friends first.

But these words fell on the ears of Lin Heng who came from the 21st century, and became very strange.

A woman came to her home alone and asked to see my...
Lin Hengyi sternly refused.

"Little lady, you have a fiancé."

"Respect yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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