Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 70: The aristocratic family invites me to visit?

Chapter 70: The aristocratic family invites me to visit?

At the same time, inside the Cui family in Chang'an.

"Lu Siqi, what on earth are you doing!"

"Today, my Cui family's eight paper shops have lost more than 2000 yuan in total!"

"Is this what you call a plan!"

At this moment, Cui Hong could no longer hide his anger.

He was obviously a small businessman and could handle it casually, but Lu Siqi insisted on using his own method.

Now it's better. Adding up the several companies, they have lost more than [-] yuan!

Lu Siqi clenched his fists in his sleeves and gritted his teeth, but he couldn't reply.

After all, the current situation is indeed what Cui Hong said.

Moreover, the old man's status in the aristocratic family is highly respected and he is fully qualified to say these things.

Cui Hong looked indifferent and said in a deep voice: "Just leave Lin Heng's matters to me to handle!"

"I would like to see this person face to face, what kind of person he is, how dare he go against the noble family!"

"Let him come to Cui's house!"

In Lin Heng's line of paper, Cheng Huailiang was praising Lin Heng.

"If it hadn't been for Brother Lin's move, a certain person might have fallen into the trap of that family and sold it at a lower price. I never thought that this turned out to be a ruse."

"With Brother Lin here, I feel more at ease. I admire you!"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "It's nothing, but I've seen similar things more often."

"This kind of thing can be done slowly."

Cheng Hualiang nodded vigorously.

"Then I will go find trouble for them tomorrow. I will make them cry bitterly because of the loss!"

"But I do find it very strange why people from the aristocratic family came to look for trouble not long after we started running this paper shop. We don't seem to have offended them, right?"

Lin Heng looked at Cheng Hualiang and asked with a smile:

"Remember that day when you said you wanted me to help you find a job?"

"Of course I remember. I remember Brother Lin, did you dare to do this business? Why did you say that?"

Lin Heng explained: "For aristocratic families, paper is a very important thing, because mastering paper is equivalent to mastering books."

"From ancient times to the present, bamboo slips and books have been the medium for cultural transmission, because only with this medium can culture be passed down from generation to generation."

"The reason why the aristocratic family has always had officials emerging one after another for so many years is because their family's book and literary heritage is deep enough, and they can cultivate many talents through this."

Cheng Huailiang nodded with deep approval.

"Brother Lin means that by running the paper business, we are touching the lifeblood of the family?"

"Well, that's pretty much what it means."

Lin Heng then smiled and said: "That's why I asked you if you dared to run this paper shop business. I thought you agreed and knew about it."

Cheng Huailiang twitched his lips: "How can a certain rough man know these things? To put it simply, he asked me if I am afraid of the family's revenge?"

"Well, almost."

Cheng Huailiang laughed.

"Brother Lin, don't you think he looks down on me too much? After all, I went to the battlefield and made contributions to the country. Besides, my old guy is still there, who dares to touch me?"

"And since Brother Lin is willing to hand over this business to me, I will naturally stand by Brother Lin. You scholars have a saying, why do you vote for Li?"

Lin Heng chuckled: "Repay the favor."

Cheng Huailiang said immediately: "This is it!"

"Brother Lin, just don't worry, you and I are brothers. If they dare to touch you, they are provoking me!"

"If I can't solve it then, I'll go find my old guy. If he can't solve the problem, then I'll go find your Majesty!"

"Hasn't His Majesty always admired you?"


Lin Heng was stunned.

"Since when did Your Majesty appreciate me?"

Cheng Huailiang was suddenly stunned, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Isn't Mr. Li someone close to His Majesty? Since Mr. Li has seen the papermaking technology you are studying, he will definitely tell His Majesty the news about papermaking!"

"That's pretty much what it means!"

Lin Heng nodded, without too much doubt.Anyway, I will have to contact His Majesty in the future, sooner or later.

At this moment, a person appeared at the door of the paper store.

Cheng Huailiang originally thought he was a guest, so he immediately stood up to greet him.

"Lu Siqi?"

After hearing this, Lin Heng also raised his head and looked at the person.

It was Lu Siqi from the Fan Yang Lu family whom I had met before.

When I met this person before, it seemed that he wanted to discuss with me about the products within Baibao Pavilion, so I wanted to cooperate.

But Lin Heng refused.

There was no interaction after that.

But Lin Heng is not a fool. Now that the family has set up such a scheme to make Lin Heng jump into a trap, even if Lu Siqi is not the mastermind behind it, there must be his shadow.

With a smile on his face, Lu Siqi cupped his hands and said, "Brother Cheng, Brother Lin."

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, and besides, on the surface, everyone is acquainted with each other and there is no enmity.

Lin Heng also had a smile on his face.

"Brother Lu, long time no see."

Lu Siqi nodded: "I heard that your paper shop sells paper for ten cents. How is your business recently?"

Lin Heng smiled and said nothing.

How is my paper shop doing now?Can't you see?There is no one except you!
How?Do I still want to praise you?
"Brother Lu came here today. What do you mean?"

Lu Siqi smiled and took out an invitation from his sleeve.

"You and I have become acquainted. Let's move around more often."

"This is an invitation from the Cui family. I want to invite you to come to the Cui family tomorrow. There are some things I want to discuss in person."

"If you have time, I hope Brother Lin will go there."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

After sending Lu Siqi away, Cheng Huailiang said angrily: "Brother Lin, don't believe this person. Lu Siqi is famous in Chang'an for hiding his sword behind his smile."

"They asked you to go to Cui's house for no reason. It must be a matter of paper. If you go there, I'm afraid it will be in danger!"

Lin Heng shook his head: "After all, it is a wealthy family, so there is no need to personally attack a small businessman like me."

"It's a matter of the paper shop. I definitely didn't run away, but I still need to meet with the family. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Cheng Huailiang was still worried.

"How about I go with you?"

Lin Heng smiled: "That's not necessary. If I come to Shijia, I won't continue to sell the paper in front of Wu Wen tomorrow. Our paper shop has made so much paper in the past two days. I'm afraid it will be very busy tomorrow. You are responsible for it." Just here.”

"Then listen to Brother Lin, but if Brother Lin doesn't come back by night, I will lead my men to kill the noble family!"


The aristocratic family must be looking for him because of this piece of paper.

Even though Lu Siqi was smiling, he was afraid that he would be more critical of himself than anyone else tomorrow.

Moreover, this matter involves one of the lifeblood of the family.

There must be some kind of protection.

Lin Heng suddenly remembered something.

At night, Lin Heng was tinkering with something in the Lin Mansion's warehouse.

It wasn't until late at night that it was finally finished.

Lin Heng was relieved.

With this thing, I am not afraid of how the aristocratic family threatens me.

Let's do business. If you don't rob me, if you target me, let's do it together.

After all, everyone wants to do profitable business.

But if the other party uses means to suppress it, then Lin Heng also has his own way to save his life.

The next day, the Cui family in Chang'an.

Lin Heng smiled and handed the greeting card to the concierge.

"Lin Heng is here to visit. Please let me know."

(End of this chapter)

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