Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 79 The Night Talk in Lin Mansion

Chapter 79 The Night Talk in Lin Mansion
Lin Heng naturally noticed something strange.

Obviously, he was misunderstood by Cheng Hualiang and others.

I have to admit that Li Changle is indeed good-looking.

But there's a problem, isn't there?
She has a fiance!

Since you, Cheng Huailiang, are familiar with Li Changle, you can't possibly not know this, right?
At first glance, the two of them were acquaintances.

After all, who can endure being kicked, kicked, and scolded by a stranger without getting angry?
Therefore, Cheng Hualiang's reaction was very strange.

Back to Lin Mansion.

Ruoyun was squatting at the door, waiting anxiously.

It seemed that he could not wait for Lin Heng's return, so he lay at the door.

When Lin Heng saw this, he couldn't help but smile, and came closer to rub the little girl's head.

"What are you doing?"

Ruoyun suddenly raised his head.

"Lang Jun!"

"My boss is looking for you. I don't know where you have gone. You said you won't let me run around, so Yun'er can only wait at the door."

That cheap daddy, why is he looking for me?
My business should be quite hidden, right?
At least now, Lin Tangqing probably doesn't know.

No matter what, go ahead and talk later.

Lin Heng was about to enter the house, but found Ruoyun still squatting on the spot, his face a little red.

"Why don't you go in?"

Ruoyun's eyes looked away uncertainly.

"Mr. Lang, please go in first."

Seeing this, Lin Heng raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After getting closer, he shook Ruoyun's thigh violently.

As expected, her face immediately scrunched up and she bared her teeth.

Ruoyun said a little aggrievedly: "Mr. Lang knows that Yun'er's legs are numb."

Lin Heng said helplessly: "Then if you don't know how to get up and move around, I'll carry you in."

Ruoyun could only nod.

Although Lin Heng's physical strength is at the level of a normal person.

But it is still easy to pick up a [-]kg girl.

He didn't have any grudges, so he just carried her into the house.

Ruoyun, on the other hand, was seen by the guards in the mansion, and his face immediately turned red due to the curious eyes, and he directly buried his face in Lin Heng's chest.

"Can't see me, can't see me."

Listening to these words, Lin Heng couldn't help but laugh.

What is the difference between this and an ostrich burying its head in the soil when it encounters danger?
It’s not like we haven’t slept together, right?
No matter what kind of shame you cause, you will have to pass it by in the future.

Lin Heng thought this, but Ruoyun couldn't bear it. After all, as Lin Heng's personal maid, it was really unreasonable to be held by her master.

When she felt that her legs were no longer so numb, she immediately jumped down.

"Yun'er can leave on his own!"

Lin Heng nodded: "Then you go and prepare for a bath. You have been tired for a long day, so take a bath."

Ruoyun blushed and nodded vigorously, then ran away as fast as he could.

Lin Heng immediately came to Lin Tangqing's study.

In the room, the middle-aged man looked at the book in his hand as if in a trance.

As if thoughtful.

"You took the book down."

Lin Heng's voice suddenly brought Lin Tangqing back to his senses.

"Heng'er, are you back?"


Obviously, Lin Tangqing has been thinking about Lin Heng.

He very much suspected that his official position was based on Lin Heng's reputation.

This made him a little depressed.

The son he had always looked down on actually helped him in his career?

Lin Heng nodded.

"What's matter?"

Lin Tangqing was about to speak, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated.

Asking this, is there something wrong?

After all, it was too embarrassing.

And maybe, it’s really because of my strong ability that I am qualified?
Or maybe those officials from aristocratic families knew that they had a grudge against the Minister of Rites, and deliberately recommended themselves a position as an adjutant in Honglu Temple. What about the Minister of Rites?
For a moment, Lin Tangqing hesitated.Seeing this, Lin Heng was also a little strange.

"What's the matter? He looks preoccupied."

"Is it possible that you are going to marry another woman again?"


Lin Tangqing's expression suddenly changed and he said seriously: "Father, you are thinking, what are you thinking about!"

Lin Heng waved his hand nonchalantly: "I can't care if you want to marry a wife, but you have to understand that you don't have a salary now. You can't use the few coins of mine to marry you. Do you still have to live at home? Already?"

During this period, the family's expenses all depended on Lin Heng's meager income of a few dollars.

After all, no one in his family knows about his savings!

Lin Tangqing blushed slightly, but he was thick-skinned and soon got over it.

"Father, I have a question for you."

"Well, tell me."

Lin Tangqing hesitated for a moment, then tentatively said: "As a father, I may be promoted."

"It's the position of adjutant of Honglu Temple."

Lin Heng nodded: "Then what? Will your salary increase? Will Your Majesty continue to fine you for half a year or what?"

When Lin Tangqing saw this, he suddenly looked confused.

"You don't know about this?"

Lin Heng also looked strange.

"I'm not in the court, how would I know? What you said is so wrong!"

"If you get promoted and get a salary, that's fine. If you don't get it, it doesn't make any difference whether you get promoted or not."

Hearing this, Lin Tangqing suddenly stared: "Is that a matter of how much salary you get? Do you know how many people are eyeing this position now?"

"Although my father's promotion has not been confirmed yet, it is almost there."

Speaking of this, Lin Tangqing gritted his teeth.

"Does the matter of promotion have anything to do with you?"

When Lin Heng heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"What does it have to do with me?"

He had just made money recently, and he had not yet had the opportunity to enter the court. How could he have the opportunity to contact officialdom?

Moreover, if you don't know the official context at all and manage things casually, big problems will arise.

"Of course it has nothing to do with me. What qualifications do I have to influence your promotion?"

Lin Tangqing looked incredulous.

"If it's not because of you, then why?"

"Aren't you quite famous recently? Don't you know anyone who doesn't interact with you?"

Lin Heng spread his hands.

"I thought it was troublesome, so I hid, but they couldn't find me."

Upon hearing this, Lin Tangqing stood up suddenly.

"Are you stupid? Such a good opportunity is a good opportunity to make friends with those high-ranking officials. Now that you are famous, find someone to join you. Your future prospects will definitely be good!"

Lin Heng rolled his eyes: "Hey, someone who has been an admonisher for five years is teaching people how to win people's hearts and pursue fame."


Lin Tangqing immediately said angrily: "My father is about to be promoted, what's your attitude!"

"Then will there be a salary for promotion?"

Lin Tangqing choked up immediately.

"Probably. I still won't give it, but this is Honglu Temple. There is a lot of money and a lot of people are watching!"

Lin Tangqing emphasized the key point again.

Lin Heng nodded repeatedly.

"Then you make more money and try to find me a better wife, that's it."

"I'm too tired today, I'm going to rest."

Lin Heng left immediately.

Looking at his back, although Lin Tangqing was angry, he was used to it.

Does this matter really have nothing to do with Heng'er?
Could it be that it is really because of my intelligence and extraordinary ability that I have been recommended by so many people?

Thinking of this, the old father couldn't help but feel a little proud on his face.

After all, he is still the head of the family.

A tiger son has no dog father!

(End of this chapter)

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