Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 92: The son became an official, the old father was shocked

Chapter 92: The son became an official, the old father was shocked

Li Shimin is far away in the palace.

Who would have thought that my daughter would be so humiliated?

I was even tricked into going to eat.

If you knew it, how could you let it go so easily?

Li Shimin just found Fang Xuanling happily.

"I have now made up my mind and plan to recruit Lin Heng to join the Ministry of Civil Affairs."

"Xuanling, what do you think?"

Li Shimin has already made up his mind about the matter.

Ask yourself, but give yourself some support.

Fang Xuanling naturally knew what Li Shimin meant.

And he himself also admires Lin Heng very much.

"I think this person is particularly suitable!"

"This person has achieved this level just in the market. If he works for the country and the Tang Dynasty and is placed in a suitable position, he will definitely shine."

These words were not meant by Fang Xuanling to comfort herself or to flatter Li Shimin.

The key is that Lin Heng is really talented!
In the prosperous times, if you pick out anything at random, it can shock the government and the public.

"In this case, let the Zhongshu Province draft an imperial edict to confer Lin Heng as a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and then classify him as a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It will not be considered as an insult to his name."

A member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, a foreign official, is not a high official.

But for someone who is new to the officialdom, or even someone who has no fame, to be able to get this official position is already amazing.

This was due to the extent that Lin Heng helped Li Shimin make great contributions.

Therefore it is already considered a big reward.

The work process of the Tang Dynasty was to write edicts to the provinces, draft edicts to the provinces, distribute them, and then go to the above-mentioned provinces for implementation.

It even quickly went to the Ministry of Civil Affairs through a series of prescribed procedures.

A long article was published by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Dou Jing, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.Naturally, he was happy to recruit Lin Heng, and after hearing the news, he drafted it himself without saying a word.

Then people from the Hanlin Academy read out the imperial edict.

After this set of procedures, the essence of being an official has been settled.

Li Shimin felt that it was time for him to show his cards.

During this buffer period, it’s time to introduce his identity to Lin Heng!

Inside the Lin Mansion.

Lin Tangqing was still in that series of shocks.

He didn't think Li Lizhi would lie to him.

After all, he knew that Cheng Yao was the son of the Jin family.

He is a very reckless man, how could he possibly study the art of papermaking by himself?

Moreover, Lin He had really studied papermaking some time ago, but he didn't pay much attention at that time.

Returning to the previous Baibao Pavilion, he went out to sell things every day, but he only set up street stalls. How could it become the Baibao Pavilion that sells the most rare items from all over the world in the capital?

He can't even afford the expensive gadgets there.

And coupled with his later literary talents.

Such outstanding literary talent shocked him.

In this way, Lin Heng suddenly changed into a different person.

He became good at business, became brilliant in literature, and became so refreshing to everyone who knew him that it was impossible to tell who he was?

If not, you have to verify it yourself!
Lin Tangqing arrived immediately.The paper-selling branch where I started a family.

It was when I saw Chen Hualiang.

"Sorry, today's paper has been sold out. If you want, please come back tomorrow."

Lin Tangqing shook his head.

"I'm Lin Tangqing, Lin Heng is my son."

Cheng Huailiang looked at Lin Tangqing with a strange expression.

Then you get it.

It's not like he hasn't heard of this person.

Who is going to fake Lin Heng’s father these days?

Cheng Huailiang cupped his hands.

"Uncle Lin, may I ask what you can learn from me today?"

After all, he and Lin Heng are good brothers and partners. If Lin Heng treats him like this, he must treat his father with special respect.

Lin Tangqing asked: "Does the Cheng family's paper shop get a share of my Heng'er's business?"

Cheng Huailiang insisted.

"Naturally there is."

"If it weren't for Brother Lin, how would I have been able to open this paper shop, how could I have made my old people look at me with admiration!"

"Uncle Lin, the father of the tiger has no dog and the son is better than the master!"

What Chen Huailiang said was true.Lin Tangqing was stunned for a moment.

"Is that Baibao Pavilion also opened by Lin Heng?"

Cheng Huailiang laughed.

"Everyone in Bianjing knows it, doesn't Uncle Lin know it?"

Lin Tangqing suddenly lost his voice.

Without further ado, let’s go to Baibao Pavilion first.

He quickly found Fang Siyuan and expressed his intention.

When he heard that it was his boss's father, he was his old boss, and Fang Siyuan didn't dare to neglect him.

"May I ask my old boss if you have any advice?"

When he heard Lin Tangqing being called this, he understood half of it.

It turns out that I am the one who has been kept in the dark.

Fortunately, he often looked down on Lin Heng during this period.

In this case, it would become a joke.

Wait until Lin Tangqing returns home.

The shock on his face really didn't disappear.

My son suddenly became very powerful and rich, and it suddenly felt very unreal.

Why is this kid hiding it?
Did he think he was going to waste his money?

Still don't trust yourself?
Or is this kid secretly holding it back to keep a surprise for himself?

At this moment, the bachelor from the Hanlin Academy came.

"Where is Lin Heng? He's out to receive the order?"

Have a purpose? !

Lin Tangqing went out in a hurry.

"Lin Heng is not at home now. May I ask what your Majesty has to say?"

The person who came to read out the imperial edict saw that he was the adjutant of Honglu Temple, so he didn't mind.

Anyway, it’s the same for fathers and sons.

"In Shandong, the Han people have traveled thousands of miles, and their lives are withered. At this moment, Lin Heng took the lead and made such great achievements."

"Today, Lin Heng is conferred the title of Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He will be rewarded with hundreds of copper coins and fifty bolts of silk. He will take office within one month."

"The minister accepts the order."

Lin Tangqing received the imperial edict tremblingly.

what happened?

His son's official position is almost higher than his own?
Is this inappropriate?

But when I thought about it, this disaster relief was suggested and completed by Lin Heng.

I couldn't say anything for a while before going to court.

The key is that what my son did was outrageous.

Completely beyond this father's understanding of him.

Why has he been kept in the dark?

Dongzhilou, the best restaurant in Chang'an.

Lin Heng spent so much money just to make Li Lizhi forget what happened today.

But obviously the woman has not forgotten this matter.

He kept watching her very vigilantly.

Lin Heng was also quite helpless.

“Just order whatever you want, you’re welcome, as long as you can eat it all”

Li Lizhi was not polite to Lin Hang at all.

"Bring over all the most expensive, smallest, and most useless things you have here!"

"He pays the bill, he's not short of money!"

After all, they were all hugged and touched.

If he didn't go to Li Shimin to complain, he would already be worthy of Lin Heng.

Why spend some money to relieve your anger?
Lin Heng also nodded repeatedly.

"You're welcome, just be casual!"

"If I blink today, I lose."

Hearing this, Li Lizhi couldn't help but mutter: "You make so much money every day, you definitely don't lack this, and of course you won't blink."

"But when you say that, it's like I'm cheap to forgive you?"

"Then what do you say?"

"I can do whatever I want, what does it have to do with you!"

"As long as I don't tell Mr. Li, anything is fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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