Taking the warehouse back to Datang, Li Erle felt numb

Chapter 94: You’re shocked, Lao Deng!

Chapter 94: You’re shocked, Lao Deng!

I heard my old father say this.

Lin Heng knew that he had been exposed.

But I still want to struggle.

He has a harmless face.

"Father, what are you talking about?"

"Have I ever deceived my father?"

Lin Tangqing became furious when he heard this.

He took out the imperial edict and threw it away.

"If I hadn't met Miss Li today, I would still have been kept in the dark!"

"Then the paper shop run by Cheng Huailiang was not yours, and was it also you who made the Baibao Pavilion?"

"I just found out today that the treasury bonds recently issued by His Majesty were actually managed by you!"

"And today there is another imperial edict to make you a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs!"

"Tell me, what else are you hiding from your father?"

Hearing this, Lin Heng looked embarrassed.

After playing for so long, is it finally going to be exposed?

Lin Heng sighed.

Lin Tangqing was a little proud of his preposition.

"I'm speechless!"

But no matter what happens today, you have to explain it to your father!
Lin Heng nodded.

In fact, the original plan was not to let Lin Tangqing know some of the things he had done. After all, he was just a cheap dad, and he was not the biological father he claimed spiritually.

But after getting along for a period of time, I found that although his father was unreliable, a little too carefree, and acted a little stupidly, he still cared a little about his son.

How should I put it, even though I am not doing my job as a father.

But barely enough.

So Lin Heng was actually looking for an opportunity to expose his identity to Lin Tangqing.

Now I just found the opportunity.

"In that case, let me show my hand. What my father said just now was all done by me."

Lin Tangqing looked shocked.

"Shall I take father somewhere?"

The old father frowned, but didn't say anything.

Do you want to explain to me somewhere else?
Anyway, today he has to explain this matter clearly. Why should he deceive his father? Is it possible that his father is so unreliable?
Soon Lin Heng brought Lin Tangqing to Baibao Pavilion.


"Good afternoon, boss!"

"My boss's bill today!"

The clerks in the store all addressed them with special respect, and Fang Siyuan also came over holding a ledger.

Lin Heng waved his hand.

"Give it to me tonight. I have other things to do today."

Although Fang Siyuan was confused, he didn't ask any more questions.

As long as it has nothing to do with him, he has been working hard during this period anyway.

Lin Tangqing felt particularly uncomfortable watching this scene.

My stupid son suddenly became so weird.

Immediately, Lin Heng took Lin Tangqing to his treasury.

There's nothing in it either.

That's just a little money.

When I opened the door, I saw mountains of copper coins.

Lin Tangqing was completely shocked.

His monthly salary is only 20 guan, and now he has been fined for half a year.

So I haven’t seen copper coins for a while.

But who knew that his son actually had so much money!
This shocked him.

Lin Heng said lightly. "Here are 10 Guan,"

"It can be regarded as the income and expenditure of the two industries under my name,"

"Because I did not expand other industries during this period,"

“So that’s it”

That's all 10 yuan is worth.

At this moment, the old father already wanted to curse.

Why does this sound so mocking to him?
10 guan, this is 10 guan!

At present, the price of food is fifty cents, one stone.

How much food can be sold?
This is too understatement!

Lin Tangqing was completely shocked, and it took a long time for him to recover.

"Besides this Baibao Pavilion and the paper bank, what else do you have now?"

Lin Heng thought for a while.

"I have a piece of land over there in Hualin Township."

"But I'm quite busy now, so I haven't started a business. I just started planning to start a business recently." A piece of land?

Hearing this, Lin Tangqing breathed a sigh of relief.

How many pieces of land can there be?

This is nothing, compared to Baibao Pavilion and the paper worth ten cents each.

"How many acres are there in that land?"

"About 1 acres."

"Oh, it's only [-] acres."

Suddenly Lin Tangqing was stunned.

1 million mu!

How come there are so many lands?
If you have more than 1000 acres of land, you can be called a landlord. Large landowners only have a few thousand acres.

Where did Lin Heng get 1 acres of land?

Forget it, be shocked.

Lin Heng had actually made plans to shock his old father.

After all, Lin Tangqing is actually an official with a low income.

After all, how much income can a remonstrator make?

It's extremely dangerous to do it all day long.

At this time, Lin Changqing's hands were trembling.

Sure enough, he could no longer understand his son.

On his way to becoming an official conscientiously.

The son has already earned enough for the family business of 10 guan, and he has also built so many properties and acquired another 1 acres of land.

Now he is about to be promoted to Yuanwailang of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

You know, he doesn't have citizenship.

The official position of Yuanwailang of the Ministry of Revenue is higher than when he was a supervisor before.

Is this debut going to be better than what I have worked hard for for 10 years?

Doesn’t that mean that it’s easy to achieve great success in the future?

Lin Tang had a sad face.

With a long sigh.

"Heng'er, it's because my father hasn't gotten to know you too well over the years."

"I never thought that in just a short period of time, you would have already accomplished this."

Lin Heng didn't say much about this.

That can't be helped.

There is such a big warehouse on my body.

Don't take out your golden fingers and use your advantage.

How does this work?

"Since my father already knows, I won't hide it anymore."

"As for these coins, if father is willing, feel free to come and get them."

"But as long as you don't do anything for fun, that's fine."

Hearing this, Lin Changqing suddenly became angry.

"Is this the kind of person your father is in your eyes?!"

Lin Heng thought for a moment.

Still nodded.

The old father's veins suddenly popped out.

I want to hit someone!

But he remembered something again.

"You said before that you make 6 pounds a month."

"You made 10 guan in such a short period of time. You make at least several thousand guan a day. You actually said you only made 6 guan in a month!"

"Are you sorry!"

Lin Heng waved his hand helplessly.

"Then the key point is that if I make a lot of money, I'm afraid you will squander it!"

"You usually don't do anything, you just like to hang out in brothels!"

"You can't blame me for this!"

Lin Tangqing felt angry again in his stomach.

His own son actually views himself this way.

Although this is indeed true.

The old father sighed helplessly.

"This is a fact, so I will accept it as my husband."

"But I definitely won't use your money for that kind of thing, but if you need it at home, take some out if you are willing!"

Although he was shocked that his son had made so much money, it was impossible for him to be like what Lin Heng said.

Take your son's money to visit the tower.

He also has face.

(End of this chapter)

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