Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 114 Set fire to call it a day, Duke Lu is looking for him?

Chapter 114 Set fire to call it a day, Duke Lu is looking for him?
"This matter has nothing to do with you."

"It's because I didn't think it through well. The recipe is too tempting for a restaurant. It's because I underestimated the greed of these people."

"You alone can follow Persimmon out. You have already thought carefully about it."

Li Fei didn't blame Lao Wang, and had no reason to blame him. He stretched out his hand to help him up and said seriously.

Those who are greedy have paid the price.

What's more, Aunt Sun had told him these truths before. Although Li Fei understood them, he had forgotten them.

This time, because of the formula, Little Persimmon almost got involved, which also sounded the alarm for Li Fei.

If you don't have enough strength, you must not expose something that is too attractive.

Otherwise, your life will be short-lived!
After Lao Wang got up, he was greatly relieved, but he looked at Li Fei with obvious awe: "Master, how to deal with the aftermath here?"

There was a miserable scene inside and outside the house. This kind of thing has not happened in Liangzhou for many years.

Moreover, the person who died was a person with some background, related to both the Li family in Longxi and the Lu family in Fanyang, which was really difficult to deal with.

Li Fei smiled.

At this time, the shopkeepers of the small restaurants had already packed up, changed into clean clothes, and said outside the door: "Sir, we have already packed up, and now we are setting fire to it?"

Li Fei secretly cursed the idiot in his heart, and walked out of the house and said silently: "Throw the corpses in the yard first, then go to the woodshed to find fuel and pile them up, do you understand?"

"Remember not to disturb the front room, do things neatly, set fire to it when you're done, and then leave through the back door, got it?"

I don’t know how these idiots became the shopkeepers. No wonder they look at the looks in Li Niansheng and Zhao Dongyang’s eyes. This must be because the restaurant is about to lose money, right?

Several people nodded quickly, endured nausea, and moved the corpses in the yard again, and went to the woodshed to find dry wood and pile them on it.

Finally, a fire was lit.

Somewhere on the street, you can clearly see the back of Sifang Restaurant.

As a plume of thick smoke rose, then a huge fire burned violently, mixed with colorful and brilliant colors.

Don't ask why, it's just that Li Fei threw some high-explosive gunpowder materials in.

It won't cause an explosion, but it will make combustion more complete.

Before long, the backyard, including the entire yard, will turn into scorched earth.

In this era, there are too many things that are difficult to understand. The gunpowder that Li Fei casually threw away cannot be analyzed by the people in the county government.

"on fire?"

"What a big smoke! Is that Sifang Restaurant? What happened?"

"The fire is too strong, stay away!"

The movement in Sifang Restaurant instantly alarmed the people nearby, and everyone noticed this scene.

The owners of those small restaurants had already left and returned to their own restaurants. The first thing they did was to close for seven days.

It's terrible, who still wants to do business?

Let’s see if the murderous master is satisfied first!

When Li Fei came back from Yunlai Restaurant with Xiao Shizi and Lao Wang, he saw Man Lao San and Song Lao San as soon as he entered the room.

The two of them were sitting, a pot of tea had gone cold, and neither of them was in the mood to drink it.

When he saw the real owner coming back, Song Laosan immediately stood up, looked at Li Fei, and saw the intact little persimmon, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Man Lao San laughed, stepped forward and patted Li Fein on the shoulder, then picked up the little persimmon: "Little girl, who bullied you, uncle will kill him for you!" Lao Wang's mouth twitched, this was What should you say to a child?
Little Persimmon was in a much better mood and scratched Man Lao San's hair.He smiled and said: "Thank you, Uncle Man, but the bad guys have been beaten away by my brother, so everything is fine now!"

But then he remembered something again, and said with an aggrieved face: "I brought breakfast to my brother, uncle Man, and uncle Song. It can be snatched away by the bad guys..."

Hearing this, Man Lao San felt warmer in his heart, murderous intent surged out, and he put down the little persimmon with a smile.

Turning his head, his face turned dark: "Who is he? Is anyone alive?"

Man Lao San, who has been living a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, has never been cared about by anyone. Little Persimmon's actions are the first ray of sunshine that shines deep into his heart!
The murderous intention was stronger than ever before. Li Fei just shook his head and said: "It's gone. I don't know where the people are, but they are all gone anyway."

To put it lightly, Li Fei didn't care at all.

After what happened today, Li Fei had already made up his mind to kill as many as he came, no matter who it was!

Song Laosan sighed. He was not happy to see the fight, but this incident made him feel that it would be useless not to fight.

But it has nothing to do with me. Being a nice person is better than anything else.

Some people deserve to die, so it's better to die.

At this time, the waiter came in from the door, walked to Li Fei and said quickly: "Sir, the shopkeeper, there is a fire in Sifang Restaurant!"

"The fire was so strong that half of the entire Sifang Restaurant was burned down. Fortunately, everyone was in the front hall and not many people were injured..."

Lao Wang nodded, indicating that he already knew, and waved his hand to let the waiter go out.

Song Laosan and Man Laosan looked at each other, their expressions obviously understanding.

Looking at Li Fei, Song Laosan said: "Since everything is fine, let's go back and continue?"

We promised to start working together today, but now it's noon, and another half day has been wasted.

The meteorite iron was ready for forging, and Song Laosan, a professional blacksmith, was not willing to wait any longer and was ready to go back and build the magic weapon.

"It's already noon, and I happen to be hungry. It's not too late to have a meal before leaving, right?"

"I also heard that the red-oiled haggis and fried dough sticks at Yunlai Restaurant are good. It turns out it is Brother Li's property, right?"

Man Lao San smelled the vague smell in the store, looked at Li Fei, and said with a smile.

"That's fine. We'll go back after dinner. We're not in a hurry. Song Laosan, why don't you come along too?"

Li Fei smiled and said, "I will cook today to give you a taste of different flavors."

With that said, he turned around and went into the kitchen.

Lao Wang's eyes suddenly brightened up, and he hurriedly followed up to help, preparing to steal a move.

Not long after, four side dishes and a pot of sake were placed on the table.

The dishes were rich and fragrant, making Song Laosan's eyes widen.

After one taste, he couldn't stop eating, and his chopsticks couldn't keep up with his mouth.

The wine was ordinary wine from the Tang Dynasty. Because he had to blacksmith in the afternoon, Li Fei didn't take out the stock for fear of drinking these two guys down.

After having lunch and resting for a while, the three of them took the small persimmons and walked to the blacksmith shop.

When we arrived at the blacksmith shop, a boy came over and said, "Master, earlier the City Lord's Mansion sent someone over and asked the master to go to the City Lord's Mansion. He said that Duke Lu had summoned him..."

Lord Lu?
Li Fei thought for a long time, and finally realized that it was Hou Junji.

(End of this chapter)

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