Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 119 This is my business, what does it have to do with you?

Chapter 119 This is my business, what does it have to do with you?
Cheng Yaojin's judgment was correct.

Blacksmith shop in the north of the city.

When Hou Junji came here, he thought he had gone to the wrong place.

In front of him is an ordinary house, and the gate is no different from that of an ordinary people's house.

There are two blacksmithing furnaces and two weapon racks at the door, which are filled with swords, guns, swords and halberds. Two guys are watching at the door.

A signboard was casually leaning against the door. The words "Chengbei Blacksmith Shop" were so badly painted that they were almost invisible.

"To be in such a state of desolation, I would like to see what Song Laosan looks like now."

Hou Junji chuckled and walked forward.

The blacksmith who was once famous throughout the Tang Dynasty was now guarding a shabby stall. Hou Junji felt that his trip was safe.

And it’s so sure-footed!

The waiter naturally recognized the city lord. As soon as Lu Guangping brought Hou Junji to the door, the clever waiter ran to the backyard to inform him.

At this point, part of the backyard work begins.

After eating a full meal, you naturally need to work to digest it.

After the three people came over, they didn't say any more nonsense and went straight to work.

Man Lao San was holding a sledgehammer, and under the guidance of Song Lao San, he was casting the shape of his broad sword. His broad sword was edged on both sides, making it a veritable double-edged sword.

Song Laosan, under Li Fei's oxygen blowing, divided the other half of the meteorite iron into several parts. The most eye-catching ones were three pieces, which were used to cast the three "daggers" on Li Fei's drawings!
Nepal Army Knife!

Triangle army thorn!

The famous melee weapons in modern times were imitated by Li Fei in ancient times. Especially after what happened to Little Persimmon this morning and he gained another skill called "Shadow Kill", Li Fei was very concerned about the release of these three melee weapons. More urgent.

Seeing how Song Laosan was concentrating on making weapons as if he was enjoying it, Li Fei had nothing to guide him and simply looked to his side.

A piece of red and shiny ore is next to it, which is the red rabbit hair crystal that Little Persimmon was interested in before.

"Good stuff!"

Li Fei sighed sincerely. This thing is one of the most expensive in modern times. At least he has never seen the real thing, but he has seen a lot of fake ones.

Almost all the ladies walking on the street have several people, and they even save money on group purchases.

With the "modern forging process", handling this kind of crystal was no problem, so Li Fei started working directly.

Not long after, a small piece of red crystal was divided by Li Fei and then began to grind.

His idea was to make a necklace for Little Persimmon first, and then make some bracelets out of the rest, leaving two strings for Little Persimmon and keeping the rest on his body.

Maybe if you meet a girl you like, you can give her a string to enhance your relationship, such as... Li Wan?
While we were busy living, a waiter hurried to the backyard and said: "Master, the Lord of the City is here, and Lord Hou is also here. It seems that he wants to see the master..."

Song Laosan, who was concentrating on casting the three-edged military thorn, frowned, raised his head, and glanced outside: "Let them enter the house first, I will be there right away."

Song Laosan had dealt with this person Hou Junji, and this name made people uncomfortable.

Man Lao San chuckled and said: "Song Lao San, I won't go there. The people from the official family are my sworn enemies, so I will stay here and continue."

Song Laosan had put down his work, and was very reluctant to see Hou Junji, so he looked at Li Fei.

"Don't look at me. I'm a wanted criminal, and I can't go."

"You can deal with it on your own!" Li Fei shook his head directly. Although he had changed his appearance, he really didn't want to have anything to do with the court. Who knows when he would be implicated?

Helpless, Song Laosan had no choice but to sigh alone and walk outside.

At this moment, in the front yard room, Hou Junji and Lu Guangping had already sat down, and the clever waiter made a pot of tea and poured it for them.

Not long after, Song Laosan came over. After entering the room and seeing the two of them, he raised his hands and saluted: "I have met Duke Lu, and I have met the Lord of the City."

The proper etiquette must be followed. After Song Laosan saluted the two of them, he said no more and looked at Lu Guangping with obvious contempt in his eyes.

Lu Guangping was naturally aware of it, and knew that Song Laosan had misunderstood that he had sold him, so he coughed dryly: "Song Laosan, the sky above the city was filled with smoke yesterday, and the entire Liangzhou City was filled with smoke. What are you doing?"

Song Laosan suddenly understood, and then said calmly: "There were a lot of iron things yesterday, and I accidentally failed to control them well. I will pay attention next time."

It turns out it wasn't this guy who leaked the secret.

Song Laosan felt confident.

At this time, Hou Junji put down his tea cup, looked at Song Laosan and smiled: "Song Laosan, we said goodbye back then, but now we meet again, do you still remember me?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, this condescending attitude immediately left Song Laosan speechless, and he almost blurted out the words "I recognize you when you turn into ashes".

"Gong Lu's demeanor is still the same. Unlike me, I have become a bad old man and can only make a living by guarding a small blacksmith shop. I'm ashamed!"

The only way to deal with this kind of person is to just follow what he wants and then act nonchalant.

Sure enough, seeing Song Laosan not caring at all, Hou Junji felt annoyed and his expression twitched.

"Haha, I still know your Song Laosan's skills. Even if you didn't agree to my request back then, I wouldn't mind looking for you again."

"I heard that you got a piece of meteorite iron. I want you to help forge a magic sword. The price is easy to talk about. How about it?"

The purpose of his visit this time was this piece of meteorite.

Looking at the entire Tang Dynasty, the only magic weapons currently are a pair of drum beaters and golden hammers, which are hidden by His Majesty.

Then, even Cheng Yaojin's ax can only be regarded as half a magic weapon, because it was made by Song Laosan.

Hou Junji saw this opportunity and naturally couldn't let it go easily.

"I'm sorry, the meteorite iron already belongs to someone else that day. I have already promised others to build weapons for them."

"Duke Lu just came at the wrong time. If there is meteorite next time, I will leave a piece for Duke Lu."

Song Laosan's face was neither red nor out of breath, and he said to Hou Junji with a relaxed and indifferent expression.

Want extraterrestrial meteorites?

I won’t even give it to you if I lose it!

Suddenly, Hou Junji's face darkened: "Song Laosan, I have come to see you personally. I have already given you enough face. Do you have to be ignorant?"

"I would like to see who you are planning to build weapons for?"

Being rejected by Song Laosan again, Hou Junji suddenly became angry and his face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

Hearing this, Song Laosan smiled lightly and took out a token from his pocket.

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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