Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 12 Want to build a road but don’t have enough manpower?

Chapter 12 Want to build a road but don’t have enough manpower?
"Okay, Maid Guanyin, let's go."

Outside Xiaoqin Village, Changsun Wugu stared blankly at the two figures, one large and one small, until they disappeared into the forest, and his eye circles became red again.

"Second brother, you promised me that I will visit Sizi often." Changsun Wugao said with tears in his eyes.

Li Er nodded solemnly and said: "As I said, let's go back to Chang'an first and then discuss this matter."

Grandson Wugou nodded.

Li Junxian took the horse and drove, and the two got into the carriage.

Heading back towards Chang'an.


Chang'an, the imperial city.

Li Junxian drove the carriage without stopping, but even at this speed, it was already afternoon when he returned to Chang'an.

This time, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, we followed the official route and the distance was farther.

Li Junxian was also injured. Although it was no longer a problem after Li Fei's treatment, Li Er still showed symbolic concern.

Let him go back and rest early, and don't forget to take the medicine according to the prescription.

Li Er sent his eldest grandson Wugou back to Ganlu Hall.

After being comforted again, Changsun Wugou's mood improved a lot.

Then, Li Er came to the imperial study alone.

"Go and send a message to Changsun Wuji and ask him to come to the imperial study to see me."

Li Er's voice came from the imperial study, and the guards at the door quickly took orders and ran to Zhao Guogong's mansion to report.

Not long after, Changsun Wuji hurried over.

After going in and bowing, Changsun Wuji stood aside: "Your Majesty, when will you summon the old minister?"

The sun will set at this time, and it will be dinner time soon. His Majesty personally sent someone to summon him. Why are you so anxious?
"Auxiliary machine, if you want to build a road, how much material and manpower will be needed?"

Li Er had no intention of hiding anything and asked straight to the point.


Changsun Wuji was confused for a while.

Shouldn't this matter be discussed with the Minister of Industry and Industry?

What are you doing with yourself, the official minister?
Not sure what Li Er meant by asking, Changsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, I don't know much about road construction, but it also depends on the topography. If it is flat, it will be easier, but if the mountain road is rugged or the terrain is If it’s not fair, there will be trouble.”

Li Er waved his hands and rolled his eyes in his heart.

You're talking nonsense, who doesn't know this?

However, he didn't understand what he said. Li Er thought about it in his mind and said: "On this trip, I passed by a mountain village called Xiaoqin Village. The people in that area are simple and honest, and there are also special products in the village. I plan to build a road out. , making travel more convenient for people in the village.”

Changsun Wuji was stunned immediately.


The road was built just to make it more convenient for the villagers?
This is a bit too ridiculous!
Nowadays, even some smaller cities have dirt roads formed by walking on them for a long time. How can there be so much manpower and material resources to build roads specifically for a village?
And it’s a small mountain village?

It's definitely more difficult.

"Your Majesty, I wonder how far that Xiaoqin Village is from Chang'an? Where does this road need to be built and how long does it need to be?" Changsun Wuji asked, focusing on the focus of Li Er's words.

Since he was called here alone to talk, Changsun Wuji naturally knew what His Majesty meant.

I need support for this!

"Well, it's only half a day's journey from Chang'an. If we want to build a road, just build a road directly from the village to the official road. The length of the road can be about twenty or thirty miles."

Li Er thought about it carefully and said seriously.

Twenty or thirty miles?

Changsun Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.

That's okay, as long as you don't cultivate directly to Chang'an, then this is still feasible.

"Then, why don't you call the Minister of Industry over and ask?" Changsun Wuji tried to ask.

"Okay, call the Minister of Industry to come and see me." Li Er nodded.

After a while, Duan Lun, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, arrived.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Li Er and Chang Sun Wuji and saluted quickly.

"Duan Lun, have you been busy lately?" Li Er asked with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Li Er's face, Duan Lun's heart skipped a beat. He knew something was coming, so he quickly said, "I'm not busy. Your Majesty has called me over. But do you have something to tell me?"

Changsun Wuji told Duan Lun what Li Er had just said.

After listening, Duan Lun's face became serious: "Your Majesty, I know about the road construction, but I still need to personally inspect the location of Xiao Qin Village."

"From what Mr. Changsun said, Xiaoqin Village should be located in a remote place. If there are stones nearby that can be used, it may be less difficult."

"But another thing is manpower. The Ministry of Industry doesn't have many manpower now. This...this..."

At the end of the sentence, Duan Lun was in trouble.

“The Ministry of Industry doesn’t have enough manpower?”

Li Er suddenly frowned and snorted: "Among the six ministries, your Engineering Department has the most people. Now that I have to build a road out, your Engineering Department has no one left?"


Duan Lun's face trembled, and he quickly bowed: "Your Majesty, I can't make the decision on this matter... In a few days, it will be the day when Tubo will send envoys to Tang for exchanges, and the manpower of the Ministry of Works has been borrowed by you to do work."

"Your Majesty has also borrowed a lot of manpower to repair the palace buildings that His Majesty ordered before. They have been busy these days..."

(End of this chapter)

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