Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 138 Song Lao 3’s wife has coronary heart disease!

Chapter 138 Song Laosan’s wife has coronary heart disease!

Taibai Mountain, villages at the foot of the mountain.

In the early morning, Sun Simiao stood up and moved his ankle. Except for a slight discomfort, he no longer felt any pain.

Looking at Li Fei who was busy on the side, Sun Simiao's eyes were even more surprised. Who did this young man learn from?

Or is it really like what he said when he was bragging, that he can teach himself without a teacher?
The existence of Guabi is difficult for Sun Simiao to understand. According to normal thinking, medical knowledge has always been passed down from master to disciple. How many lives do you need to achieve success by yourself?
But Li Fei looked too young. It was really remarkable that he had such medical skills at such a young age.

At this moment, Li Fei was busy lighting a fire, then setting up a pot and boiling water.

There was still some leftover roast chicken left last night, so Li Fei found two eggs from local ingredients, then peeled the remaining chicken into shreds, threw it into the pot and cooked it together.

After adding some flour, a pot of shredded pork and egg porridge with an attractive aroma was ready.

It was a simple breakfast, but Sun Simiao had never tasted such delicious porridge. While drinking it, he praised: "Young man, your craftsmanship is good. How do you make this porridge?"

When it came to the shredded pork and egg porridge, Li Fei had no idea at all: "Add the things in, cook it and it's done. Do you need to ask?"

The reason why Sun Simiao thought it was delicious was because Li Fei carried all the seasonings with him. Even if he knew the method, it would be of no use.

Sun Simiao didn't mind the reply that was neither salty nor bland. After eating two large bowls, he wiped his mouth with satisfaction and stood up to move a few times.

After Persimmon and Du Mingyue finished eating and cleaned up briefly, Sun Simiao led the three of them up the mountain.

During the day, Taibai Mountain is full of lush trees and greenery. It is really a good place to go.

After walking for about an hour and turning around several corners along the way, even Li Fei couldn't help but ask how far away it was when he finally saw a few cabins ahead.

In front of the wooden house, a young man was waiting anxiously in front of the door with a worried expression.

At this time, I heard the sound of footsteps and raised my head to see Sun Simiao. He quickly ran over and knelt down on the ground: "Old god, my mother's illness has relapsed again. Please help my mother!"

This young man looked three or four years younger than him, and there were traces between his eyebrows that were similar to Song Laosan's. Li Fei knew at a glance that this boy was Song Laosan's son.

But looking at it like this, it seems that something is wrong with Song Laosan's wife.

Hearing this, Sun Simiao's face suddenly became solemn, and he quickly walked into a wooden house, followed by Li Fei.

On the wooden bed, a beautiful woman looked pale, covering her heart and her face was twisted. Big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, and she even curled up into a ball.

Sun Simiao went to check his pulse, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them, with an ugly face: "I have never seen or heard of this disease before. I have taken medicine for so long and it is not cured. What should I do?"

"let me see."

Li Fei stepped forward, missed Sun Simiao's body, and caught the woman's wrist.

Song Laosan's wife couldn't just sit idly by because of her emotions and reasons.

Soon, Li Fei opened his eyes. With modern thinking and medical skills, he already knew what was going on with Song Laosan's wife.

Coronary heart disease, also known as affluence's disease, is a condition caused by eating too well but not exercising enough, resulting in the indigestion of fat in the blood, resulting in slow blood flow and insufficient blood supply to the myocardium.

When Li Fei slowly said the name of the disease, Sun Simiao began to be surprised again.

He looked at Li Fei as if he were looking at an old monster, and almost grabbed his arm and asked him if he was a reincarnated old monster.

"Then how to diagnose and treat it?"

Sun Simiao was very good at this. He was not ashamed to ask questions when he didn't understand something, and he was never proud of his reputation as the King of Medicine.The heart of a master is always full of piety, as was the case with Sun Simiao.

"Nine needles can cure it!"

Li Fei took out another small bag from his body and took out thin needles one by one.

The young man next to him, Song Laosan's son, was already stunned.

The old god just said that there was no way to diagnose and treat it, but now this strange-looking young man, who was only a few years older than me, took a pulse and knew what the disease was?
Have you never heard of coronary heart disease?

For things like medical skills, from the beginning to the end of a person's training, not only is the learning process very hard, but it also takes a long time.

Generally, those who can become doctors are usually in their early 30s, which is already middle-aged in the Tang Dynasty.

But what about Li Fei?
Being so young, and looking at those shiny silver needles, Song Laosan's son was a little undecided.

"Old Immortal, this..."

Sun Simiao waved his hand, with a serious expression on his face: "Even my medical skills may not be able to beat his. Are you so anxious?"

The young man was stunned for a moment!

Li Fei ignored the chat between the old and the young around him. Song Laosan's wife was getting sick, and now it was no time to delay.

Ask the young man to help turn the woman over and lie on the bed.

At the same time, Sun Simiao was also observing Li Fei at close range, preparing to see where he placed the needle so that he could learn from it.

Then, the boy's pupils suddenly dilated, and he almost covered his mouth. He saw that Li Fei had already taken the silver needle and pierced the woman's back deeply!
His heart tightened, and the young man was so frightened that he broke out into a sweat.

But seeing Sun Simiao's thoughtful look, his worried heart was slightly relieved, but he still had a nervous look on his face.

For five or six breaths, the room was quiet.

But the woman's face began to calm down, her pale face gradually became rosy, and her frown relaxed.

After a while, the woman opened her eyes and saw the nervous look on the young man's face. She forced a smile and said, "Jiang'er, is the old god back? He's causing trouble for the old god again..."

"Don't move!"

At this time, Li Fei's voice sounded. The woman was startled when she heard it, but knowing that someone was treating her now, she remained motionless.

Tianhe Cave!
Now, where Li Fei needs to focus the most!

The meridians of the human body are interconnected, and the Tianhe point is the point responsible for heart health. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to identify, and a little carelessness can lead to big mistakes.

Then, the silver needles went down one by one.

Zhongtong, Bacera, Daihe, stop loss!

The look on the woman's face was getting better and better, and she felt her body suddenly relaxed a lot. She said in surprise: "It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Sun Simiao was stunned as he watched from the side, then a look of determination appeared on his face.

This nine-needle technique has extraordinary curative effects. It seems that I have to seriously seek advice from this mysterious young man.

(End of this chapter)

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