Chapter 140 Is this something a human can do?
Sun Simiao noticed the injured person on the back of another Tibetan man and frowned: "Come into the house."

In response, Li Fei raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much.

He could tell where these people came from at a glance, let alone Sun Simiao, who had traveled far and wide.

It's just this magnanimity that makes Li Fei feel ashamed.

If it were me, it would be good if I didn't throw them off the mountain, but why would I take action to cure Hammer's disease?
Unknowingly, the relationship between himself and Tubo has become a fire and water. The idea that doctors only care about patients is bullshit.

As he walked in, he saw that the person lying on the bed was indeed Lu Dongzan.

It just looks miserable.

His limbs were so limp that he had no strength at all, his whole body was almost useless, his face was covered in bruises, and his injuries were extremely serious.

Even though Li Fei was unhappy with him, he also made a judgment in his mind about Dali Temple's ruthlessness.

They are not good people, it is normal.

Sun Simiao observed Lu Dongzan's injury for a moment, frowned, and began to diagnose and treat him.

The limbs were broken and there were numerous external injuries. Fortunately, there were no more serious internal injuries, otherwise it would have been difficult to start.

But this is troublesome enough.

Li Fei glanced at it for a few times, but showed no intention of helping, so he turned around and left.

After this treatment, another three hours had passed. By the time Sun Simiao came out, Li Fei had already let Du Mingyue live, while he was handling a wild boar caught by Xiaobai by the river.

After washing the thin skin and piercing it with some sticks, Li Fei put the wild boar on the fire and roasted it.

Sun Simiao came over, looking a little tired, and sat down next to Li Fei without caring about his own appearance: "Do you know these Tubo people?"

Li Fei nodded: "Well, the guy you just diagnosed and treated is the No. [-] minister under Songtsen Gampo, named Ludongzan."

Lu Dongzan?
This man was quite famous. A few years ago, before Songtsen Gampo came to power, Ludongzan was already a famous figure in Tubo. Sun Simiao also heard about it when he traveled.

Thinking of the origin of Li Fei's status as a wanted criminal, Sun Simiao immediately understood why Li Fei had such an expression and sighed.

"If a war breaks out between the two countries, I don't know how many people will suffer. Hey..."

Li Fei flipped the roasted pig disapprovingly, and waves of aroma were already emanating, and he said casually: "For crimes other than war, human desires are endless, and you will naturally have to pay the price."

Whether in ancient times or modern times, war is always inevitable.

It's just that compared to ancient times, modern wars are obviously more restrained. Otherwise, if those terrifying weapons are used, the earth will be wiped out.

Sun Simiao tasted Li Fei's words thoughtfully. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it was true, but he didn't know how to answer it.

After a long while, he smiled bitterly and said: "Sometimes I also think that if I didn't have this medical skill, I would feel better."

"A doctor's heart is like a parent. Even though he knows that he is an enemy rather than a friend, he still can't bear to watch fresh human lives pass away..."

Li Fei shook his head and said: "That's wrong. The more you know, the greater the responsibility. If you choose this path in the first place, you don't need to regret it. Just keep going."

"As for the rest, it has nothing to do with it, so why do you need to care so much?"

Li Fei could understand Sun Simiao's mood, but he didn't quite agree with it.

A good person will definitely suffer in the end, and it will be a big loss.

Only by deeply understanding your own position can you live a long life.

Sun Simiao thought for a moment and whispered: "Looking at you, are you planning to keep them all?"

Li Fei was speechless when he heard this.This old man is too straightforward and talks straight to the point, making it difficult for him to answer.

"You just cured someone, and I'm going to send him back to the west. It's not appropriate..."

"These people didn't do anything good at first glance. They actually broke into Dali Temple and robbed the prison. They are really brave."

"I thought about leaving them on the mountain, and then waiting a few days to contact the contact person to see if I could send them back to Dali Temple..."

Li Fei pondered for a moment and said with a serious expression.

Sun Simiao took a breath of air and murmured: "Are you a devil?"

Look at Lu Dongzan being tortured like that. He was rescued from prison. He rested here for a few days and was cured. Are you going to send him back?
Is this something that humans can do?
Li Fei stared at the roasted wild boar in his hand seriously, and while sprinkling the seasonings and flipping it to release a richer fragrance, he said: "King of Medicine, you can't just think about the patient, you should also think about it, right? After all, we also As a master and a disciple, what's wrong with you?"

"I am still a wanted criminal in the Tang Dynasty. I can only stay in the mountains. Even going shopping is a problem. Let alone sightseeing. What if a bunch of officers and soldiers come out?"

"This is obviously a good opportunity. There must have been a commotion in Chang'an City. Do you think it would be a great achievement if I sent these guys to Dali Temple?"

"To make up for my past mistakes, as long as I remove the identity of this wanted criminal, it doesn't matter what else I do."

This plan was just thought of. Li Fei thought it was perfect and felt very happy.

I really came to Taibai Mountain at the right time. I didn’t expect that the problem that had been worrying me would be solved so quickly.

However, you still need to ask around and find someone reliable.

Otherwise, if these Tubo people were not sent away by then, he would have started a fight with the government.

Sun Simiao looked at the other side with some sympathy. Several Tibetan people had been traveling all night. Now that they knew that the Prime Minister was safe, they all fell asleep leaning on the tree stump.

Poor people don't know their fate, it has been doomed by Li Fei.

After a while, the roast pig was also roasted. Li Fei divided it into pieces and ate happily.

The alluring smell spread out, and the Tubo and Tugui people were so seduced by the smell that they woke up and stared at each other.

Li Fei also glanced at them, then continued to chew the ribs and ignored them.

"Give us some."

"I can trade things."

"You can't finish it either."

Tugui walked over and couldn't help but swallowed when he saw the wild boar, which obviously weighed several dozen kilograms.

From last night to now, several people have not eaten anything and only drank some water. Now they are almost crazy with hunger.

"What are you giving in exchange?"

Li Fei became interested and originally planned to refuse, but when he heard that this guy wanted to barter, he did not refuse immediately.

Anyway, I have to go to Dali Temple in a few days. These things have to be made cheaper by the government, so it is better to keep them in my own hands.

Tu Gui took out a bag of things from his body. Li Fei looked over and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"These are melon seeds. I got them from a Persian businessman. They can be grown and eaten."

Tugui looked at Li Fei and said.

(End of this chapter)

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