Chapter 151 Young Master, those potatoes are all cut!
This is not very hurtful, but highly insulting.

Mr. Guan felt that his many years of experience were not enough, and he couldn't help but wonder: "Master, do you know Cheng Mo, Lin Bao, Qin Dao...?"

Wang Yue laughed, because he had made a decision in his heart, his whole complexion improved a lot, and he said with a smile: "Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde, Qin Qiong, didn't you think of these three?"


Mr. Guan thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Could it be Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao?"

"Nine times out of ten, I'm right. I just don't know what these prince-level figures, Cheng Chumo and the others are up to."

"We have investigated this Li Fei before. He has no identity background. How could he be related to Cheng Yaojin and the others?"

This was a clue that Wang Yue couldn't find after searching for a long time, and he was extremely puzzled.

" has something to do with this person's medical skills?"

"I heard that this person has very good medical skills. Could it be that he is also that kind of strange person who has never been born before and was discovered by Cheng Yaojin and the others by chance?"

The housekeeper Guan Lao couldn't help but guess.

"Forget it, let's go take a look first."

Wang Yue didn't want to make any more groundless speculations, so he got up to clean up and took the housekeeper to the direction of Xiao Qin Village.


Xiao Qin Village is as usual.

Li Fei's residence, which was originally destroyed by explosives, has been renovated by Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao into a spacious house.

At this moment, in the room, Cheng Chumo looked at a few potatoes and scratched his head: "There are only a few potatoes left. Do we want to dig out those potatoes in the ground?"

Qin Huaidao shook his head and said firmly: "No, Brother Fei hasn't come back yet, we can't dig!"

"I remember before I left last time, Brother Fei said that these potatoes should be cut into pieces and then cultivated for a few days. It seems that the seedlings can be successfully grown. Why can't we do the same?"

The two of them stared at each other, wondering if this method would work. Not long after, a person came through the door.

I saw Yuchi Baolin's face full of excitement. As soon as he came in, he said happily: "It's done!"

"I just took a look and the potatoes in that field have sprouted!"

"Our method is right! You can grow your own potatoes in the future!"


Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaidao stood up in surprise. They didn't care to ask Yuchi Baolin any more questions, and turned around and ran into the fields behind the mountain.

Since Li Fei left, the three of them were assigned to squat on the mountain behind Xiaoqin Village for more than half a month.

Cheng Yaojin and others went to Liangzhou without telling them. The three of them took more than 20 minions to open up wasteland in the mountains.

Opening up land was boring. After opening more than 20 pieces of land, seeing that the potatoes were about to be eaten, the three of them felt a little embarrassed and began to study growing potatoes.

Because before, this crop of potatoes was grown by people like Cheng Chumo, so I still have some impressions of this process.

Soon, several people arrived at the back mountain field.

More than 20 little brothers were gathered around the field at the moment, looking at the seedlings sprouting from the field with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"It's sprouted, it's sprouted!"

"It's really grown!"

"The three young masters are here, Twinkle!"

Looking at the green seedlings in the ground, Cheng Chumo was also full of joy and smiled: "It's easy to handle now. Even if Brother Fei comes back, we have an explanation, right?"

"Hurry up and get rid of the remaining potatoes and plant them. These are treasures!"

The three of them looked at the potato seedlings in the field and were very happy.

Outside Xiaoqin Village, Wang Yue and his housekeeper Guan Lao had arrived at the entrance of the village.

"Is this Xiao Qin Village?" The wide road built in front of the village leads directly to the official road. However, this village has no reputation at all. How did it do it?
Mr. Guan also looked confused, but he didn't think about it carefully and said, "Sir, where are we going?"

"The letter said to go to the back mountain of Xiaoqin Village. Those guys are there. Let's go find them."

After saying that, Wang Yue walked forward.

After entering the village, Wang Yue couldn't help but open his eyes, especially when he saw the fences surrounding every house, and there were piglets inside that were humming and had strange expressions.

Raising pigs?

Is such a hopeless thing being supported by every household?

Although it was strange, he did not stop and continued up the mountain.

Soon, the two of them climbed up the back mountain and arrived at the place mentioned in the letter.

At first glance, there were only a few wooden houses, surrounded by some broken rocks, all in a charred and crushed shape.

"Sir, I heard that not long ago, the Ministry of Punishment and the previous Chang'an County Magistrate came here to investigate the case. An accident happened accidentally, and those people are gone..."

Guan Lao couldn't help but change his face when he looked at some of the remaining traces and the charred rocks.

How powerful are these fireworks, that they can explode like this?
Wang Yue nodded slightly, looked far away, and saw a group of people in the field behind the mountain.

"They are there, let's go over there!"

Wang Yue nodded and said.

Not long after, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao looked at Wang Yue who came over at the same time, with obvious displeasure flashing in their eyes.

"Wang Yue?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Is it possible that you want to have a fight with our brothers?"

The five surnames and seven looks, the royal family members, have always been incompatible with each other. Even if there is no major conflict between the younger generations, they are still affected by this concept.

For example, now, Wang Yue felt angry. The three guys in front of him looked at him as if they were looking at a monkey.

"I am too lazy to meet you all. That person asked me to come here to pick up something called a potato. Do you know where it is?"

Wang Yue snorted. The situation in front of him was not as good as others, so he could only swallow his anger and talk about business first.


Qin Huaidao's eyes flashed, and when he heard "that person" in Wang Yue's mouth, his heart moved and he was about to speak.

"Fart, where did you hear about potatoes? We don't have such things, go back quickly!"

Yuchi Baolin snorted, thinking that Wang Yue must have overheard the news from elsewhere and came here to trick Tudou.

Wang Yue looked annoyed. Qin Huaidao hurriedly took a step forward, looked at Wang Yue carefully and said, "Who is the person you are talking about? What does he look like?"

Although he had speculations in his mind, Qin Huaidao was still a little more careful and asked.

"Who is that person? You don't know?"

"But you guys are really interesting. You don't need a good name, what about Cheng Mo, Lin Bao, Qin Dao?"

"Hurry up and get the potatoes, I have to go on a mission!"

Thinking of the names of the three people, Wang Yue suddenly seemed to have found a niche and said with a smile on his face.

Dealing with potatoes?
Cheng Chumo and the others fell into deep thought.

"Sir, all those potatoes are cut!"

"What should I do next?"

(End of this chapter)

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