Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 179: Old men generally don’t smile unless they can’t help it

Chapter 179: Old men generally don’t laugh unless they can’t help it...

Light the torch.

Li Jing looked at Li Fei. The young man had clear eyes and a heroic spirit between his brows. He didn't look like a villain.

Along the way, it was not that he didn't encounter the Turks' tricks, but there was no doubt that he would see through them and kill them.

Li Jing, who has seen countless people and commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, is certainly good at recognizing people. He can tell a general idea at a glance.

What's more, he really fell hard at this moment, and he didn't have a body like Li Fei, so he could speak pretty well.

"Is there anywhere around here that you know of a doctor?"

He was rushing back all the way. It was now dark and Li Jing didn't know where he was. He just walked forward along the official road.

"Near here is Taibai Mountain, let's go up the mountain."

Li Fei was very familiar with this place. He picked up Li Jing and led the two horses in the same direction.

"Smelly... boy, can you please be gentle?"

"Old...husband was almost killed by you..."

Li Fei also forgot about the rough action and quickly apologized politely: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brother, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

This happened in the middle of the night.

Li Jing's face turned pale and his face was livid with anger. How could this seemingly harmless young man be so indifferent?
And it's almost late at night, and you're still riding horses in the mountains, and the adults at home don't care?
With infinite resentment in his heart, Li Jing suddenly grinned and gasped as Li Fei's actions caused injuries.

My thoughts were interrupted.

Damn it, leave now!

Today is really bloody mold!

After a long time, the road ahead seemed to become smoother, and Li Jing felt better.

Thinking of just now, Li Jing suddenly said: "There is a miracle doctor living in seclusion on Taibai Mountain, do you know about it?"


Li Fei knew that he was talking about Sun Simiao and smiled: "Well, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, I have heard about it for a long time."

"You kid, you don't know etiquette. Senior Medicine King is a famous miracle doctor in the world. Why do you have such a frivolous tone?"

Sensing the casualness in Li Fei's words, Li Jing suddenly showed a dissatisfied look and scolded.

Sun Simiao, King of Medicine, has legends throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Xuan Hu helped the world, his medical skills were earth-shattering, he saved countless lives, and he loved to leave his name when doing good deeds!

"Me and King Yao are old friends. Well, that's not right. We have been friends for many years."

"It's not disrespectful, it's just that we are familiar with each other."

Li Fei rarely gave a serious explanation.

After giving Sun Simiao the map of human acupuncture points and before leaving Taibai Mountain, Li Fei exchanged for him a complete copy of the "Huangdi Neijing" and "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" from the system store.

Although both medical works appeared before the Tang Dynasty, there are almost no complete versions.

This was also the decision Li Fei made after asking Sun Simiao.

After all, if what is being redeemed is a modern medical work, there are many things that even a layman like him cannot explain, let alone translate for Sun Simiao.

These two complete medical works were enough to elevate Sun Simiao's medical skills to a new level.

The excited medicine king Sun Simiao immediately wanted to accept Li Fei as his teacher. Fortunately, Li Fei was not so shameless and declined because he was too young.

More than half a month has passed in a flash, and I wonder how Sun Simiao is doing with his research now?

Soon they arrived at the foot of Taibai Mountain. Along the familiar mountain road, Li Fei carried Li Jing up the mountain.

When we arrived at the wooden house, we saw that there was still a fire burning outside, and the smell of Chinese medicine was still gurgling in the medicine pot.

Sun Simiao was holding a book in his hand and brewing Chinese medicine according to a prescription in the book.

Suddenly I heard movement and quickly turned my head to look. "Huh? Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"Who is this?"

Sun Simiao was already quite familiar with Li Fei, so he was a little surprised when he suddenly saw him, and asked in surprise.

Then he saw the person on Li Fei's back and was startled: "Why are you carrying someone on your back? Is he injured?"

Nodding as a greeting, Li Fei carried Li Jing directly into the room and put him on the bed.

Then he went out and walked to a small hut on the side, and a voice came out: "King of Medicine, take care of it for me first, and I will find some medicinal materials."

Sun Simiao looked puzzled and followed into the room to see who was coming. He was stunned: "Isn't this the Duke of Wei, Li Jing?"

When Li Jing's wife, Hongfu Nu, fell ill, it was Sun Simiao who diagnosed and treated her and saved her life.

Therefore, when he saw Li Jing, an acquaintance, he recognized him at a glance.

Li Jing sat up with difficulty and said with a wry smile: "King Yao is so polite. I'm really sorry for coming to bother you late at night..."

Sun Simiao didn't know what happened. He saw Li Jing's face was pale, dirt was everywhere on his body, and there were a few blood stains on his face.

He couldn't help but look strange and said: "Is Duke Wei Guo injured?"

When he walked up to him, Sun Simiao closed his eyes while taking a pulse, then opened his eyes again after a moment and took a look.



"Who caused it?"

"...The boy who went out to look for medicine..."

"Little Li is not that kind of person... Wei Guogong's injury looks like he suffered a fall, right?"


For a long time, Li Jing told what happened just now with a dark face and an aggrieved expression.

Sun Simiao's face turned red from suppressing it, his body was trembling slightly, and he coughed dryly: "Don't be surprised, Mr. Wei, the old man usually won't laugh unless he can't help it..."

Li Jing: "..."

Seeing Sun Simiao again this time, Li Jing felt something was wrong.

Not long after, Li Fei came over with some herbs. When he entered the room, he saw Sun Simiao's face that was red from holding back, and Li Jing's face as black as the bottom of a pot.

Probably guessing that Sun Simiao knew what happened, Li Fei said calmly: "It was an emergency. It was an accident."

"King of Medicine, boil these herbs for me, and then I'll tinker with some for external application."

With that said, he went to work again.

Li Jing was amazed when he saw it, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "King of Medicine, when this kid came here he said that he and you have been friends for many years. Is it true that he didn't lie to me?"

This tone of voice is just like that of a friend!
Sun Simiao smiled slightly and said: "Yes, that's true. Thanks to Mr. Li, I think highly of the old man and can have this year-long friendship with him."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll spend my whole life thinking that my medical skills are so superb that I can't tolerate others."

"It's even possible that he may not die soon!"

With a sigh, Sun Simiao sighed sincerely.

Apart from what Li Fei gave him, there was another thing that convinced Sun Simiao from the bottom of his heart.

Because he mentioned alchemy to Li Fei!

As a result, after Li Fei explained to him the essence of alchemy and its material components, the old man was so frightened that his hands and feet went numb.

Purely for death!

Hearing Sun Simiao's comments, Li Jing was really stunned this time.

(End of this chapter)

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