Chapter 214 The furious Hou Junji!
The Dukes and Lords of Lu State gathered together, and it was very quiet these days.

Although he still coveted the position of Minister of the Ministry of War, with the previous incident, Wei Zheng and Li Er made an arrangement and allowed him to leave Liangzhou.

Hou Junji was naturally aware of this kind of beating and did not dare to do it again.

What's more, with the relationship with Prince Li Chengqian, Hou Junji was even more overthinking.

In the near future, when the prince's power becomes more powerful, will it still be so troublesome to hold the position of Minister of the Ministry of War?

Therefore, these days, Hou Junji only stayed in his mansion, listened to music and watched operas, sang and danced every day, and lived a relaxed and comfortable life.

Seeing that evening was approaching and it was time to eat, Hou Junji stretched himself and walked out of the room.

As soon as he came out, he saw the housekeeper coming back from outside with a piece of paper in his hand.

Hurrying in front of him, the butler hurriedly said: "Master, the stones ordered from the aristocratic family have all been shipped to the mansion. The younger one has been inspected and there is nothing missing."

"This is the bill presented by Mr. Li of the Li family in Longxi. Please take a look at it."

After hearing what the housekeeper said, Hou Junji was startled and froze.

"What kind of stone?"

"When did I order the stone materials from the family?"

At a loss and confused, Hou Junji looked at the housekeeper: "This mansion is well maintained, what do you need the stones for?"

The housekeeper was also stunned for a moment, and then asked doubtfully: "Don't you want to rebuild the old mansion?"

"I heard from Mr. Li of the Li family in Longxi that he sent someone to reach an agreement with them, purchased the stone materials from them, and made an appointment to transport them to the old site of the mansion."

"Master, have you forgotten?"

The housekeeper didn't dare to ask in detail, thinking that Hou Junji was concerned about his face and didn't want to bring the matter of finding someone to do things secretly to the public.

However, Hou Junji's face darkened and he said: "Nonsense, when did I send someone to reach an agreement with them?"

"Besides you, who else can I use?"

With one sentence, the butler was moved to tears and quickly prostrated: "Master, Mr. Li mentioned this matter, it doesn't look like a lie!"

"Could it be that someone pretended to be someone from the palace and reached an agreement with those aristocratic families?"

Hou Junji snorted and his face became even more ugly.

After finally resting for a few days, I didn’t expect something like this to come to my door. What a fuck!
Seeing the bill in the butler's hand again, Hou Junji took it and glanced at it. Suddenly his eyes widened and he was furious: "Is this the bill given by the Li family in Longxi?"

"This is a big piece of stone. You want me to ask you for [-] guan?"

"Too much deception, simply too much deception!"

"You really think that I am made of clay and have no anger left?!"

The bill, including all the stones, totaled [-] yuan!

Things that usually cost a few hundred kilograms at most were now more than ten or twenty times more expensive, and they were shipped directly without his knowledge. How could Hou Junji not be angry?
This is clearly a strong buy and sell!

Seeing Hou Junji's angry face, which was about to explode, the housekeeper was afraid to speak.

After a moment, he hesitated and said: "This...Master, the head of the Li family said he would come over tomorrow to collect the debt. What should we do now?"

"Ha ha!"

Hou Junji immediately sneered, looked outside with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Collect the bill?"

"That's fine. Let him come over tomorrow. This will save me from going to look for them myself. With such bullying methods, do you really think that I can't do anything to him?"

"You still want to settle the bill? You're going to have to pay for it!"

Seeing Hou Junji leave angrily, the housekeeper's face turned slightly bitter, feeling extremely helpless.

But then, he seemed to think of something again and hurriedly ran out again. …

Chang'an City, Bamboo Forest Mansion.

Because there is a small bamboo forest in the mansion, which looks very artistic, so Li Fei named it Bamboo Forest Mansion.

At this moment, in the yard.

Li Xueyan held her cheeks with both hands and was looking at something eagerly.

There, there is a newly built blacksmith furnace.

After all, Chang'an City is a prosperous place, and there are rich people like Li Fei who never count their money. After discovering that Song Jiang has an extremely amazing talent.

Li Fei directly asked him to take the money out and come back with a forge.

The appearance of such a cheating skill in Song Jiang surprised Li Fei, and he also accepted the reality in the past few days.

They are all the same people, why can't others cheat?

"This is pig iron. If you want to make it harder, you need to add..."

"For wrought iron, there is another method..."

"Well, that's right. Then there's the alloy, which is steel. Different ingredients need to be added to it, and the hardness of the steel we make is also different..."

"It depends on what we want to use it for..."

Li Fei was explaining incessantly, and Song Jiang was listening very seriously.

Soon, after finishing speaking once, Song Jiang had memorized everything.

"A good talent cannot be wasted on blacksmithing."

Seeing that Song Jiang had already started to operate, Li Fei said again: "After you go back to ironmaking, remember to read the book. You need to learn chemistry and physics, you know?"

"Brother Fei, I know, don't worry!"

Song Jiang chuckled, focused on the work in his hand again, and began to strike the iron.

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Fei said nothing more.

This thing, if I had this ability in my previous life in the modern world, would there be any need to struggle?
As long as I have a photographic memory and read a month's worth of books all day and all night, I will have to choose a college by myself. How can I still put so much effort into it?
Now seeing Song Jiang, Li Fei felt a little envious from the bottom of his heart.

Song Laosan was still unwilling, but with such a gifted son, Li Fei didn't mind helping him.

After finishing his work, Li Fei turned around and walked to the other side.

Li Xueyan quickly stood up and trotted over: "Master, master, is it my turn now?"

Li Fei had a very busy day. He had to play with Persimmon, accompany Du Mingyue, and teach Song Jiang's cultural class. Now he has another apprentice, Li Xueyan.

He originally wanted to push it out, but the system once again gave him the task of "continuing education as an apprentice", so Li Fei couldn't help but give in.

If the apprentice fails to complete a teaching node, Li Fei can get 1 point of resourcefulness!
1 point of resourcefulness, [-] points of reputation.

No matter how you think about it, Li Fei looked at Li Xueyan: "Next time when I'm busy, you can go to the corner and strut, do you understand?"

Li Xueyan suddenly had a bitter expression on her face and said, "Master, I have already been on horseback for six hours today!"

"'s been so long?"

Li Fei touched his nose and thought for a while.

Then he went back to the house, took out the fire dragon gun issued by the system not long ago, and came outside.

"Your weapon is too stupid and stupid. Try this?"

(End of this chapter)

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