Chapter 225 Where is all the nonsense?
Li Fei also redeemed the prescription from the system.

To be honest, apart from the name, even Li Fei didn't know much about the medicinal properties and growth.

The two of them took such a risk to collect medicine and almost fell into the hands of the Turks, which surprised Li Fei and also made him feel a little embarrassed.

"If you can't pick it, you can't pick it. There's no need to take such risks. Talent is the most important thing."

"Where are Cheng Mo and Lin Bao?"

Li Fei said something sincerely, and then seeing that there were only two people in front, he asked.

"We separated, and they went to find other medicinal materials, but they seemed to have encountered Turkic soldiers and horses just like us. We don't know where they are now."

"The two of us just asked the others to go back the same way and go to Xiao Qin Village to find you."

Cheng Yaojin quickly told what happened.

Hearing this, Li Fei's face darkened.

In terms of good relationship, Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao were the most popular with him.

At this moment, his whereabouts were unknown, which suddenly made him worried.

"This is Turkic territory, how could you run so far?"

Looking at the two of them, Li Fei was speechless.

Just let them look for medicinal materials deep in the mountains and forests, but I didn't say anything, and these people actually walked through the mountains and forests and ran directly to the Turkic hinterland.

Leaving the war horse aside and looking at the messy situation ahead, Li Fei rubbed his chin and thought for a moment before raising his feet and walking forward.

"Little doctor, where are we going?"

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde quickly followed, asking as they walked.

"Of course I have to ask the Turks, otherwise what else can I do?"

Li Fei didn't even look back. He had already taken out the keris used for killing people in his hand, and the cold light shone in his hand, making people look at him.

This sword, I don’t know if it can be considered a sword. Anyway, there are very few ancient swords in the Celestial Dynasty that have this style. Maybe it is a rumor.

But it is very easy to kill people, one sword at a time, the sword is deadly, and it is much easier to use than the Nepali saber.


Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were stunned and felt numb.

Here we just escaped from the siege of the Turks, and over there Li Fei was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, going to find the Turks alone. What's going on?
That’s hundreds of people!
"Is this wrong?"

"Young man, there are three to four hundred Turkic cavalry chasing us. Let's go find them... Isn't this a sacrifice of their lives?"

Cheng Yaojin was at a loss, his claws seemed to be numb for a moment, and he didn't know what to say.

"Three or four hundred people...?"

"'s not a big problem, let's go!"

Li Fei kept walking towards the pine forest where only the residue was burned, his face was understated.

If there are thousands or tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, it may still be daunting, so think about it carefully.

Three or four hundred people?
Li Fei shook his head. Compared with those invincible time travelers carrying nuclear bombs, his comparison was low-key enough.

If you have to think about three or four hundred Turks, you might as well just kill them head-on.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde sweated.

But now, I can only bite the bullet and follow, taking the step of not recognizing my relatives.

A young man never does anything he is unsure of. The chicken thief is the best in the Tang Dynasty. It should be fine, right?
Not long after, three hundred elite Turkic soldiers stood ready outside the pine forest where smoke was still rising.

Looking at the woods ahead, the Turkic general frowned: "Why haven't they come out yet? Did they escape?"

"Any news from elsewhere?"

All the Turkic cavalry looked at each other and shook their heads.Next to him, the follower-looking man hurriedly asked: "Sir, have they been burned to death by the fire?"

"With such a huge fire, I think it would be difficult for them to even think about it."

The pine forest was on fire just now, and the monstrous fire forced their men and horses back dozens of meters, and they did not dare to get close.

In their eyes, if Cheng Yaojin and the others did not escape, they would only die in this sea of ​​fire.


"Didn't news come just now? Among the guys caught, there is Cheng Yaojin's son. There is no way this old guy can escape alone."

"The fire is now small, let's go in and take a look!"

The Turkic general's face darkened and he spoke.

Another wave of troops was chasing Cheng Chumo and others. News just came that several people had been captured alive.

But those soldiers and horses also suffered heavy losses. Hundreds of elite Turkic soldiers were killed, making the Turkic generals look very ugly.

If it weren't for their special status, I'm afraid they would be chopped into pieces right now!
"As ordered!"

A group of Turkic cavalry spread out in a straight line and advanced towards the interior of the pine forest.

Cheng Yaojin and others would never die so easily.

Not long after, thick smoke billowed from both sides, and the huge woods had already become ruins.

A Turkic cavalry stared not far away, suddenly stopped and shouted: "Sir, there is someone in front of you!"

This sound made everyone look over, and then they looked not far away from the man, and sure enough they saw three figures coming out of the woods.

"Sure enough, it's Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde!"

"Where are their soldiers and horses? Are they all burned to death?"

"No, there is another young man. Who is that person?"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, the Turkic general showed a trace of cruelty on his face and sneered: "All the men, listen to the order and surround them!"

Not long after, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked around with helpless expressions.

Sure enough, these idiots were still waiting for them.

There is no other way but to retreat.

But now, it seems that there is no way out, and we can only fight them for real!

After such a battle, Li Fei's face remained calm, but in fact, his heart was still weak!
There are so many people and they are full of murderous intent. This is the first time I have seen such a scene!
This is not filming, this is a showdown of life and death!
"War soul fusion... Pangu soul, system, can I kill them?"

While maintaining a calm expression, Li Fei was already communicating rapidly with the system in his mind.

"This kind of monster, the host can fight one against ten thousand."

"Given that the host does not yet know the power of war soul fusion, it is strongly recommended that after the host fuses the war soul, it should not be limited to the monsters in the copy in front of it."

The system's voice was tantamount to strong support. While Li Fei was relieved, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

Was he already so powerful?
"Are you the leader of this gang?"

"Let me ask you, have you seen any young people come here?"

Li Fei asked.

Opposite me, the Turkic general was startled, then laughed loudly: "Boy, are you talking to me?"

"I do..."

The Turkic general was about to taunt him when a figure suddenly approached him and struck him with a sword.

"Fuck your grandma, where is all this nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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