Chapter 227 Continue to go deeper, the food camp!
Ten meters away from where the violence occurred, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde became Muggles again.

The two of them stared at each other and rubbed their hands from time to time. They were dumbfounded when they saw a Turkic soldier flying out and a war horse flying with its hooves.

I don’t know if those war horses all have the same idea in mind: WDNMD?Did I provoke you?

This is not a battle of the same level at all, nor is it a battle of the same level. To be precise, it should be a group of elite Turkic soldiers surrounded by one person!
But is Li Fei really a human?

At this moment, this question echoed in the hearts of the two people for a long time, making them more and more puzzled.

This mysterious Highness has frequently shown different strengths since the first encounter. He does all kinds of weird things as easily as eating and drinking.

But now, they have opened the door to a new world, and it turns out that His Highness's martial arts are also so outstanding!
Thinking of this, the two people's eyes also showed a look of surprise. When they looked at each other, they both saw the happiness in each other's eyes!
Of course, Your Highness, the stronger the better, this is tantamount to the most correct bet!
Not long after, as the last Turkic soldier flew out from the front, it landed in front of Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde with a bang.

With his eyes wide open, he struggled to raise his head as if looking at a devil, glanced at Li Fei over there, and fell to the ground without breathing.

There was no one left standing in the field.

"I hate anyone taller than me, no matter who it is."

With a faint breath, Li Fei stood quietly, his clothes stained with blood, like a demon.

The words "tiger and wolf" specially used for pretending to be compared came out of his mouth, which was extremely appropriate at this moment.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were speechless.

Afterwards, the two of them lowered their heads slightly. They were completely impressed by this His Highness who had not yet returned, and they no longer had any doubts!
Such fighting power is unparalleled in the world, who can stand up to it?
Even if ten more of you come, I'm afraid they will be no different from these elite Turkic soldiers, right?

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Fei came back to the Turkic deputy general and said condescendingly, "Now, can you talk about it?"

In less than a stick of incense, more than 300 elite Turkic soldiers were killed. The Turkic lieutenant general was frightened by the scene in front of him, and his face turned pale.

" are the devil..."

"Those people... they were... arrested at the stronghold..."

Seeing that this guy was scared to death and looked like he was having trouble speaking normally, Li Fei frowned and waved to the side: "Lao Cheng, ask him!"

Cheng Yaojin was already ready to follow Li Fei and trotted over quickly: "Okay, young doctor, please rest for a while and leave it to me."

Li Fei nodded: "Hurry up, we can't just let it go, we need to get more interest."

Pangu War Spirit has a time limit, a whole day is 24 hours.

Having just experienced the pleasure of cheating, Li Fei's sense of this thing has improved linearly, and he can't wait to practice with Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible.

However, this time cannot be wasted. After all, it is only a one-time consumable. I don’t know when the next one will have to wait until what month or year?
"Oh, I..."

On the other side, Cheng Yaojin kicked up the Turkic lieutenant and forced him to get up in pain.

Looking at him, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde showed no mercy and took turns stepping forward to lecture him.

Soon, the two people ran over, and Cheng Yaojin said: "Young doctor, I have already asked clearly."

"The man was captured by them at a nearby stronghold, which is also where Jieli's food and grass are located. Should we go there directly?"

Beforehand, given him ten courages, he wouldn't dare to go directly to someone else's grain and grass camp to cause trouble with just two or three people.

But after what happened just now, Cheng Yaojin gained Li Fei's courage, and even his words became tougher.

"Grain and grass camp?"

"Good place."

"By the way, ask where their base camp is and let's go take a look."

Speaking of this, Li Fei suddenly spoke again and asked Cheng Yaojin to ask.

"The person has been dealt with..."

Cheng Yaojin looked embarrassed and glanced at Yuchi Jingde.

It's all your fault for being so quick. Before I could even ask the question clearly, I got kicked out of him. "..."

Li Fei waved his hand: "Okay, let's go then. I'll catch a Turk soldier later and ask. It's just a trivial matter."

"I'll control it next time..."

Yuchi Jingde quickly rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said awkwardly.

After learning the location of the nearby stronghold, Li Fei and the two of them headed straight for the Turkic grain and grass camp without any delay.

In the other direction, there were fully [-] Turkic cavalry coming towards this side in a dark mass.

The leader, with a gloomy expression, was none other than Turk Jieli Khan. He spoke at this moment: "How far is it from there?"

"Reporting to Khan, according to our speed, we will arrive in another hour."

Hearing this, Jie Li nodded slightly, and an excited expression flashed across his face: "It's too slow, let the boys speed up!"

"We'll be there in half an hour!"

"As ordered!"

Soon, this group of Turkic soldiers and horses accelerated their speed, and billowing sand appeared on the grassland, heading forward.

Not long after, Jieli finally brought people to the place.

Looking around, one could see the woods that had been engulfed by the fire and thick smoke drifting away, but the scene in front of them made the faces of the Turkic people change with shock!

"How is this going?"

"What about them?"

Not seeing any Turkic soldiers, Jieli's face suddenly turned cold and he asked.

"Khan, there are many corpses over there, they seem... they seem to be our people!"

At this time, a Turkic general came from not far away, and his expression changed drastically.

"Go and see!"

Soon, the Turkic soldiers arrived at the place where Li Fei had killed everyone.

I saw corpses everywhere, without exception, all of them were Turkic soldiers and horses, lying on the ground in a mess, and many of them didn't even have whole corpses.

"This...could it be that Tang Jun came here?"

"Why isn't there a corpse of Tang Jun?"

"What exactly is going on?"

Jie Li's face was gloomy, and after a moment he said, "Is this a surprise for Ben Khan? Huh?"

"Search me hard, don't let go of even a single insect!"

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, I will still find Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde!"

A group of Turkic soldiers dispersed and began to search among the grasslands and woods.

at the same time.

Li Fei, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde had arrived at a valley.

Looking from above, I saw many Turks standing ready and patrolling.

"This should be the Turkic food camp..."

Cheng Yaojin's eyes flashed and he whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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