Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 238: Persimmon, do you want to go to the Imperial City for a stroll?

Chapter 238: Persimmon, do you want to go to the Imperial City for a stroll?
Chang'an Imperial City.

In the prince's residence, Li Chengqian was drinking tea leisurely.

"His Royal Highness, Lord Hou Junji is outside the door asking for an audience."

"Well, let him in."

Soon, Hou Junji, dressed in formal attire, came in from the outside and said, "I see His Highness the Crown Prince."

"You don't need to be polite, Lord Lu. Please stand up and speak. Please sit down."

Li Chengqian squinted his eyes and smiled, looking at Hou Junji sitting on the seat next to him.

"Thank you to His Highness the Crown Prince for taking action on this matter. I am deeply grateful and have come to express my gratitude."

Sitting aside according to Li Chengqian's words, Hou Junji cupped his hands again and said.

His matter is still with Qi Wang, the fifth surname, the old man of the Li family in Longxi.

It turns out that he was tricked by someone, and Hou Junji already knew who he was.

However, the prince attached great importance to this person and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to calm the matter and would not allow himself to cause trouble for this person. Hou Junji had no choice but to let it go.

"It's okay, Mr. Hou, there is no need to be polite."

"Has the whereabouts of this person been found?"

Li Chengqian waved his hand, with a friendly smile on his face, and looked at Hou Junji and asked.

"I found it. It's in a mansion in Chang'an City."

"That mansion originally belonged to Cheng Yaojin, but later it was transferred to the name of this person named Li Fei. The current owner of the mansion is this Li Fei."

"I have something unclear. Why does Your Majesty and the Crown Prince attach so much importance to this person?"

Hou Junji showed a puzzled expression.

In fact, until now, he still doesn't know that the young man who was disrespectful in Song Laosan's shop when he was in Liangzhou was Li Fei.

It was also the prince's wish to send people to inquire about this matter in the past few days.

But according to the news from his subordinates, it reached Hou Junji's ears, making him himself shocked again and again.

I actually met His Majesty and Changsun Wuji!

There are also three guys, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong. Whenever they have something to do, they follow this young man named Li Fei. They are so sneaky that they don’t know what they are up to!

"I'll find out later."

"Currently, my father and Duke Zhao attach great importance to this person. I also heard that several ministers in the court also praised this song Li Fei."

"If we can win over this person, it will definitely be a big help!"

Li Chengqian's eyes flashed with confidence, and then he looked suspicious: "I haven't seen Fourth Brother in the Imperial City recently, and I don't know where he went..."


A few days passed.

Chang'an City is decorated with lanterns and colorful lights everywhere, and it looks like the New Year is about to take place.

There is no other reason. The annual Imperial Capital Conference is about to begin. Chang'an has been very lively these days, full of the atmosphere of prosperity and peace.

There is the Imperial Capital Conference in the middle of the year and the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival at the end of the year, both of which are famous events.

In the past few days, all departments in the imperial court were very busy.

At this moment, Zhulin Mansion.

A woman in an emerald green dress, dressed like the girl next door, was hesitating outside the door.

After a while, he knocked on the door: "Excuse me... is Li Xueyan here?"

Not long after, Li Xueyan looked at the visitor in surprise: "Sister Li, why are you here?"

The visitor was none other than Princess Li Lizhi of Changle who sneaked out of the palace.

There was no trace of Li Xueyan in the past few days. After helping his father deal with some memorials, Chang Le, who was bored, slipped out again and planned to see Xiao Sizi.

Ever since that day, when his mother whispered to him about Si Zi's condition, Changle did not dare to come rashly.

Today I couldn't bear it anymore, so I sneaked out of the palace alone and ran here.

Of course, she was also carrying a few bunches of candied haws in her hand. When the sharp-eyed little Persimmon in the yard saw her, she immediately looked over with bright eyes.

"Here, persimmon, this is for you, eat it!" Seeing the little persimmon, Changle felt friendly and handed the candied haws to him with a smile.

"Sister is the best!"

"Thank you sister!"

Little Persimmon took it with a smile, then politely thanked him, and then stared at the candied haws in his hand, extremely happy.

Du Mingyue also saw Chang Le coming. She looked around and saw no sign of the young master, and was about to salute.

"Sister, you don't have to be polite. Just treat me as a normal person here."

Changle was startled and quickly waved his hand to stop him.

The Queen Mother had made a serious statement before that her identity must not be exposed here, otherwise problems would arise.

Li Xueyan put away the Fire Dragon Spear and smiled: "Sister, come in quickly, Mingyue, don't be polite, let's go to the house to chat!"

The three women entered the house, bringing with them a small persimmon.

After a while, bursts of cute laughter came from the room.

"Persimmon, do you want to go to the Imperial City?"

In the room, Chang Le looked at Little Persimmon, with a doting look deep in his eyes, and blinked as he asked.

Changle loved and cared for this lost sister very much.

If it weren't for her eldest grandson Wugu's advice, she would have wanted to take Sizi back.

Next to her, Du Mingyue suddenly felt her heart pounding and said hurriedly: "Princess, this is not allowed..."

In desperation, she couldn't care less about concealing her identity.

Young Master is not here, if...


"Mingyue, don't worry, I'm just taking Persimmon out for fun, the three of us will go together!"

"Master isn't here anyway, so we can just come back before night, how about it?"

Li Xueyan fanned the flames and looked at Du Mingyue with squinted eyes.

" have to tell the young master about this?"

Du Mingyue has never been to the Imperial City.

In my heart, I am also very fascinated by the imperial city.

"Xue Yan is right. It happens to be the beginning of the Imperial Capital Conference these days, and the Imperial City is also very lively."

"Mingyue, come too!"

Changle blinked and said with a smile.

"That's right. If I tell Master, this matter will definitely come to nothing."

Li Xueyan hinted crazily.

"Then... we must be back before night?"

Du Mingyue was obviously a little moved. She looked at Little Persimmon with a puzzled look and asked.



Not long after, the three women packed up and slipped out of the Zhulin Mansion with the excited little persimmon.

On the other side, Li Fei looked at the pale-faced people and smiled slightly: "How are you? How do you feel?"

Cheng Yaojin and others looked at Li Fei's expression and felt that their calves were shaking and they couldn't muster any strength.

"its not bad, right?"


After the actual experience, Cheng Yaojin realized that the liquid medicine he and others used to bathe was completely different from that of Qin Qiong!
In terms of potency, Qin Qiong's medicine was obviously the mildest, but Cheng Yaojin and others' medicine was the highest level!
At this moment, although everyone felt an indescribable feeling all over their bodies, the feeling before was worse than death...

It’s simply unforgettable!
(End of this chapter)

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