Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 252 If my brother doesn’t come, Persimmon won’t go anywhere!

Chapter 252 If my brother doesn’t come, Persimmon won’t go anywhere!
Changsun Wugou was so shocked that he was speechless.

Originally, after finding Si Zi, and now that she and Si Zi could recognize each other immediately, she felt more excited than ever before.

But at this moment, after hearing the news from Li Er, Changsun Wugou was not feeling well!
"Little doctor...he is our son?"

"How could this could this happen?"

"No wonder every time I see him, I always feel an inexplicable closeness. It turns out he is our son!"

"Second's been 11 years...Sizi has been missing for one year, Fei'er...but he has been alone outside for 11 years!"

In the blink of an eye, the eldest grandson Wugao burst into tears and burst into tears.

A few years before losing his son, the eldest grandson Wugao was depressed and never smiled all day long.

Li Er sent a large number of soldiers and horses to search everywhere, but there was still no news.

They once thought that something bad had happened to their poor son, and this had always been a scar in Changsun Wugou's heart!
Now, when he suddenly heard the news, Changsun Wugou suddenly collapsed emotionally!

Standing up, Changsun Wugou was about to go out: "No, I have to see them. I have to bring Fei'er and Sizi back!"

"They have suffered too much outside, and I have wronged them for so many years!"

"No matter what, we can't let them suffer anymore!"

"Guanyin Maid, don't be anxious!"

Li Er quickly pulled Changsun Wugou and sat down again. Changsun Wugou obviously didn't hear the last words he just said.

"Guanyin Maid, there is no problem in bringing her back, but now, Fei'er has escaped again!"

"Yaojin and Jingde came back just now. They said that after Fei'er heard about Si Zi's identity, he thought too much and left without saying goodbye..."

"Now, we can only bring Si Zi back first. I have already sent troops out to search for Fei'er's whereabouts. Don't worry yet..."

The eldest grandson Wugou was startled, and then he burst into tears.

"Why, why exactly?"

"I finally heard the good news. I have a son and a daughter by my side. Why is that? Wuwuwu..."

"Did God want us to separate mother and son... Poor Fei'er, my mother is sorry for you..."

After a series of emotional changes, Changsun Wugou was so exhausted that he fainted.

"Come on, pass the imperial doctor!"

"hurry up!"

Outside the Manlu Palace, the maid hurried to the Imperial Medical Office.

Not far away, Chang Le was hiding under a window, his face was also full of shock at this moment!

The mouth almost opened into an "O" shape, so exaggerated that you could put an egg in it. What did you hear just now?
Oh my God, that guy is actually the lost heir of his father and mother ten years ago?
How could the father and mother abandon their children?
For a moment, Changle felt a chill on his back. While he was thankful, he was also at a loss for a while.

"Sizi has been found, and the real eldest brother has also been found..."

"What should I say in the future?"

With complicated emotions, Chang Le quietly left the Ganlu Palace, not heading towards his dormitory, but towards the outside of the imperial city.

Not long after, the Bamboo Forest Mansion was seen ahead.

There is still a deep tranquility.

The door was open and Changle walked in.

Song Jiang was working hard not far away, and on the other side was Li Xueyan, who was riding a horse with a spear behind him.

"Sister Li Zhi, you are here!"

Seeing Changle, Li Xueyan immediately stopped her movements and ran over excitedly: "Sister Lizhi, are you here to take Persimmon home?"

"What did your Majesty and the Queen say?"

Seeing Li Xueyan's excitement, Changle smiled and pulled her into the room.In the room, Du Mingyue was teaching Xiao Shizi how to read. When he saw Changle and Li Xueyan entering the room, he immediately prepared to salute.

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to be polite, please give my regards to my sister-in-law!"

With many things on his mind, Chang Le blurted out these words when he saw Du Mingyue about to salute!

After finishing speaking, Changle was also stunned.

Li Xueyan and Du Mingyue looked at her blankly, as if they were looking at an orangutan that could suddenly speak. They were shocked!

"Sister Li Zhi... what did you... call Mingyue just now?"

"What sister-in-law?"

Li Xueyan blinked, suddenly realizing that things were not simple, and asked.

Du Mingyue also blushed, but from Chang Le's expression and words, he had already guessed something.

The jade pendant on the young master's body is indeed the young master's own!

Since Persimmon is the current princess, then the young master's identity...isn't he the current prince? !
This thought came to mind, making Du Mingyue startled.

"The thing is like this, just now my father was talking to my mother in the Manna Hall, and I eavesdropped for a while..."

"Xue Yan, your master... his true identity is actually my brother..."

After a while, the two women in the room stared at each other. Du Mingyue was a little better, but Li Xueyan was really stupid!

what's the situation?
Isn't Persimmon a princess?

Why did the news spread once and that after returning, the master became the prince?
"Father has already sent troops out. Now besides Chang'an City, soldiers and horses in other places have also sent orders and are looking for..."

"Xue Yan, suddenly there is a big brother. I am so panicked. What should I do?"

Changle also felt a little numb.

In the room, Persimmon sat in Du Mingyue's arms: "Sister, where is my brother?"

She was not happy at all now that she knew her identity.

Although the words "daddy" and "mother" are what the little girl looks forward to, they are not very familiar to her.

If it hadn't been for Changsun Wugou and Li Er often disguising their identities and taking the opportunity to come to Li Fei to establish a good relationship with Persimmon, they might not even be able to recognize each other!

However, even so, it still can't compare to Li Fei's status in Persimmon's heart!

A childish voice sounded, and Changle looked over and said with a smile: "Sizi, please go back to the imperial city with your sister first and meet your mother and father, okay?"

The most urgent task is to take Sizi back first, and the queen mother may be happy.

As for his brother Li Fei, we can only step up the search. There is no other way.

"not good!"

"Persimmon will wait here for my brother to come back!"

"If my brother doesn't come back, Persimmon won't go anywhere! He won't see anyone!"

Suddenly, Persimmon's little face showed grievance and he said loudly.

Then, the little girl's mouth tightened and she began to cry again: "Brother left, it must be because Shizi was disobedient. Shizi will never go to the imperial city again, wuwuwu..."

"Persimmon will never go to dinner parties again... wuwu... never talk nonsense again..."

Persimmon looked sad and his eyes were swollen from crying.

I feel like it’s because of me. I remember what my brother said to me last night, and I cry even more sadly!

"If you don't go, don't go. Sizi won't cry anymore. My sister won't take you back..."

Changle covered his forehead, his head felt heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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