Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 261 The prelude to chaos!Late at night in Chang'an!

Chapter 261 The prelude to chaos!Late at night in Chang'an!
Seeing Li Xueyan rushing over with the Fire Dragon Spear without any explanation, several Tubo people were shocked!

This momentum, emerging from a woman, suddenly overwhelmed several Tibetan people!
Shouldn't it come from the door?
There is such a tough woman?

And Li Xueyan's loud shout immediately lit up the lights in several other rooms in the quiet night!

"Take her!"

"Quick, someone discovered it!"

The Tubo leader didn't expect that he would miss the opportunity due to a bad start, so he suddenly found the most eye-catching place to attack!
What I didn't even expect was that this woman was so powerful and seemed to be a practicing practitioner?

so what?

How can five big men be intimidated by the aura of a woman?

Suddenly, the three Tubo men at the door waved their machetes and rushed towards Li Xueyan!
The Tubo leader's face was gloomy. There was no way that little girl was in Li Xueyan's house, so he could only go to the next house to take a look!
The noise coming from outside instantly woke up everyone in the Zhulin Mansion!

Du Mingyue sat up in shock. Hearing the clanging sound coming from outside, he immediately rushed to the side and said: "Persimmon, get up quickly!"

However, no one answered.

I turned around and saw that the place next to me was empty. The persimmon was gone?


"Persimmon, don't scare your sister, come out quickly!"

"Persimmon? Where are you?"

When she found out that Persimmon was not with her, Du Mingyue suddenly became confused!
Du Mingyue didn't pay attention to the sound of fighting coming from outside for a while. She quickly lit the oil lamp and found that there was no trace of persimmon in the house!

Looking carefully, I saw that the door had opened a crack at some point, as if someone had gone out!


"The persimmon is gone!"

At this moment, Du Mingyue realized what she was doing, and her whole body was heartbroken. She quickly got up and ran outside wearing only a single piece of clothing!

In the courtyard, Sun Simiao and Song Jiang also came out.

On the other side, Li Xueyan was suppressing the Tubo leader, and for a while the two men were fighting inextricably.

There were four fallen guys next to them, each covering their arms, chests, etc. It looked like they had just been punished by Li Xueyan!

"The persimmon is gone. Have you seen the persimmon?"

As soon as Du Mingyue came out, she ran to Song Jiang and Sun Simiao and asked anxiously.

Before leaving, the young master told him to take good care of the persimmon, but now the persimmon is gone!
Could it be these thieves?
On the other side, Li Xueyan also heard Du Mingyue's panicked shouts, and his movements suddenly slowed down, and he was stunned for a moment.

Taking advantage of this moment, the Tubo leader quickly took a few steps back, jumped over the courtyard wall, and ran away!
Li Xueyan ignored this and ran over quickly, looking at Du Mingyue: "What's going on?"

"Persimmon is missing?"

This is a big deal!
Du Mingyue looked anxious, tears welling up in her eyes, and said, "When I woke up just now, I found that Persimmon was not in the house. Where did Persimmon go?"

"Who are these people? Did they take the persimmon away?"

Hearing this, several people's expressions changed at the same time.

Persimmon is missing, this is a big deal!
Whether it is to Li Fei or to His Majesty, this is something that will break the news!

"I'm going to chase that guy, Song Jiang, you go report it to the official!"

"No, you take this token and go to the Ministry of Justice to find my father and ask him to move out immediately. These guys look like they are from the Western Regions, maybe they are Tibetan bandits!"

Li Xueyan also panicked. After reacting and throwing a token to Song Jiang, he quickly chased out with a spear!

"Sister Mingyue, don't worry, those people haven't gone far yet, I'll go to the Criminal Department to find someone!"

Song Jiang also knew that something was going wrong. After leaving a word, he also hurried to the Criminal Department!

Late at night, the entire criminal department had also taken a break.Song Jiang was alone on the street, wishing he could have two more legs and get to the Criminal Department as soon as possible!

However, not long after, a group of guards appeared in front of him. When they saw him, they shouted coldly: "Who is it?!"

"Why are you running on the streets during curfew?"

Song Jiang hurriedly stopped and said hurriedly: "Brothers, I have something important to report to the Ministry of Punishment. Please let me go!"

"My house was invaded by Tibetan thieves, and one of the thieves escaped. This is a big deal!"

Song Jiang's face was full of anxiety and he spoke quickly out of breath.

When the guards heard this, they looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"Thieves, Tubo thieves?"

"Boy, make a better excuse next time. I've been patrolling for a long time and haven't found any suspicious people, let alone Tibetan thieves."

"If you travel during the curfew, you will be taken away and tortured according to the law. Boy, I think you are very suspicious, come with us!"

With that said, several guards held Song Jiang's hands up in order to come up.

"Brothers, what I said is true!"

"There are really Tibetan thieves in Zhulin Mansion!"

"You are treating me like this. The little princess is still in the Zhulin Mansion. Now she may have been taken away by those Tibetan thieves. I have to find someone to save her!"

Song Jiang was almost dying of anxiety, struggling wildly and shouting loudly.

"Little princess? What little princess!"

"How could the princess be in the mansion outside the city? My dear, you are getting more and more wrong. I suspect you have ulterior motives. Take it down!"

The leader of the guards showed a mocking smile when he heard this and shouted coldly.

There were only two princesses in the Tang Dynasty, Princess Changle and Princess Chengyang. Where did the little princess come from?

This guy looks like a stranger, so I'm sure he has some purpose!
"What's going on?"

At this time, a figure wearing armor came over.

Qin Qiong is on duty tonight, and tomorrow is when the Imperial Capital Conference is held. There are many more people coming from all over Chang'an City, and more guards are patrolling.

Therefore, Qin Qiong did not rest as usual, but took a walk outside to prevent any trouble.

At this moment, he heard a familiar voice and loud noises.

So, when he came over and took a look, his expression suddenly changed: "Song Jiang? Why are you here at night?"

"How is this going?"

Seeing that Duke Yi knew them all, the guards quickly let go, and the face of the guard leader also changed slightly!

Turns out I know someone, this guy is so stupid!

If you had said no earlier, nothing would have happened?

"Replying to your lord, this kid suddenly ran onto the street late at night, saying that he found some Tibetan thieves, that his mansion was invaded, that the little princess was missing, etc. His subordinates felt suspicious..."

When Song Jiang was anxious and didn't know what to do, he suddenly saw Qin Qiong appearing and said hurriedly: "Old Qin! Quick, quick!"

"The persimmon is gone! The persimmon is gone!"

"Some Tubo thieves sneaked into the mansion and took the persimmon away!"


(End of this chapter)

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