Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 264 Persimmon arrives in Liangzhou!Want to see your brother?

Chapter 264 Persimmon arrives in Liangzhou!Want to see your brother?

No one can understand how strong the hatred in Li Er's heart today is that he wants to eat his flesh!

A Tibetan envoy came before, threatening Shi Zi on the way, and also intended to plot against Changsun Wugu.

If Changsun Wugou hadn't endured the humiliation and comforted Li Er with the world's major events, Li Er would have exploded at that time!
However, at that time, fortunately, his grandson Wugu was fine. Li Er kept it in mind for the time being and planned to settle the score with Tubo slowly after dealing with Jie Li.

But after scoring twice, when Li Fei came back from Liangzhou with persimmons, he was attacked again by the Tubo thieves!
Fortunately, Li Daozong was also present, so nothing happened to the two of them.

However, this time Persimmon's "accident" completely touched Li Er's nerves!

The eldest grandson Wugao's old illness has relapsed. He fell into a coma after hearing the news last night and has not woken up yet.

The eldest son Li Fei is missing, but according to the speculations of Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde before leaving, it is very likely that he went to cause trouble with Tibet or Turks!

And now, the persimmon is gone again!

All kinds of things were accumulated in Li Er's mind, causing Li Er's whole body to explode completely, leaving no room for turning back!

After Changsun Wuji and others left, Li Er looked at the memorial on the table and had no intention of reviewing it.

With a sullen face, he left the imperial study and went straight to the Ganlu Hall and walked in.

Seven or eight imperial doctors were in the room, all with ugly faces, and they were discussing in low voices how to deal with Zhangsun Wugu's illness.

When they heard "Your Majesty has arrived," several imperial doctors turned around in a hurry and hurried to pay their respects.

"I see you, Your Majesty!"

"Get up, how is the queen's condition?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Queen's Qi and blood attack her heart. She seems to have been frightened. Fortunately, she is not seriously injured. Your Majesty, you can rest assured."

An imperial doctor spoke.

Hearing this, Li Er relaxed a little, this was good news.

After a pause, he asked again: "Then why hasn't the Queen woke up yet?"

"Don't worry about anything. There have been enough things in the past two days. I can handle it, so tell me!"

Looking at Changsun Wugou's extremely pale face and obviously haggard face on the bed, Li Er couldn't help but feel guilty.

What followed was uncontrollable anger.


If this country is not destroyed this time, I swear not to be the emperor!
"As your Majesty can see, although the Queen is fine, her current actually not very good."

"Some strange people took action before and solved most of the Queen's condition. Originally, no prescription was needed. She only needed to be nursed back to health for a period of time before she could be cured. But now..."

"The queen is upset and heard something extremely sad. Her mental state is now similar to that of talking in sleep, so she hasn't woken up."

The imperial doctor who spoke earlier looked at His Majesty's extremely ugly expression and considered it for a long time before saying this.

He originally wanted to say that he was in a state of "suspended death", but when the words came out of his mouth, he quickly changed the word.

This is not an ordinary time. If you say the wrong thing, you will lose your head!
"Then there is no other way?"

"What do you all eat?"

Li Er's face became angry, and his voice was a bit sullen.

The imperial doctor knelt down in fear and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, it's not that I don't try my best, but... the Queen's current state cannot be treated with medicine at all!"

"The Empress does not have any physical symptoms. She is currently in a state of longing for the little princess and being too worried and afraid. As long as the little princess is found, the empress will be fine..."

Listening to the imperial doctor's words, Li Er gradually calmed down, but there was still an indescribable irritation in his chest. "Stand back!"

"I have been paying close attention to the queen's situation these days. If there is a problem, I will ask you!"

After hearing His Majesty's words, the faces of several imperial physicians turned pale and they did not even dare to raise their heads.

"The ministers obey the order..."

After saying that, several imperial doctors ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay any longer!

How to do?
I can only eat and poop, so I can just watch it here!


At the same time, orders were issued from various departments of the imperial court, and the originally lively atmosphere in Chang'an City suddenly felt like a storm was coming!
There was a lot of tension!
First came the sound from the Ministry of Punishment!
All people from the Western Regions are prohibited from entering or exiting Chang'an, otherwise they will be treated as serious crimes, and in the worst case, they may be executed on the spot!
Secondly, Dali Temple also took action!

Officials and secret guards affiliated with Dali Temple searched the entire Chang'an City and closely monitored every corner of Chang'an City!
The shops and residences of merchants from the Western Regions will have guards passing by almost every half an hour, so be careful!

In the dark, there are secret guards paying close attention to the whereabouts of these non-Chang'an natives!
Anyone found behaving suspiciously will be invited to tea!
For a time, the entire Chang'an was cast under a shadow, and everyone was in danger!


At the same time, it got dark.

Outside Liangzhou City, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde came to this small border town with two thousand soldiers and horses.

This time, he came out with [-] soldiers and horses.

But after leaving the city, Cheng Yaojin separated his troops and went to various states and counties to inquire about the traces of Li Fei, the young man!
Although there is a high possibility that Xiao Langzhong will go to Liangzhou, they dare not guarantee it.

If you go somewhere else and miss it again, wouldn’t it be like trying to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain?

After letting the soldiers and horses camp outside the city, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde entered the city and went straight to a familiar place - Yunlai Restaurant.

The two of them also knew that Yunlai Restaurant was already Li Fei's property.

If he really came to Liangzhou, the place where he would settle down would definitely be here.

At the same time, not long after the two entered.

At the gate of Liangzhou City, Little Persimmon looked ahead.

Then, she patted Xiaobai on the head and said: "Xiaobaibai, you are awesome, we are here!"

"Where will my brother be?"

Xiaobai stared at the city gate, and after a moment he let out a soft "ooh" and walked away from a remote place with Persimmon.

"Xiao Baibai, you know that, right?"

"Hmph, Persimmon knows it too. It must be in Uncle Wang's restaurant, right?"

"That's smart, let's go!"

"I found my brother, and I asked him to give you meat, not bones!"

The little white tiger's face froze. When did this tiger eat bones?
Isn't that what you have to do because you want to pretend to be a dog?

A white shadow jumped up from a remote part of the city wall, and then entered the city directly.

Not long after, Xiaobai's shadow appeared in the backyard of Yunlai Restaurant like a flash.

Persimmon's face turned red from suppressing it, and he was so excited when he looked at a familiar place!
I’m going to see my brother soon!

(End of this chapter)

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