Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 270 Taking Persimmon to the battlefield?Line up your troops!

Chapter 270 Taking Persimmon to the battlefield?Line up your troops!

Early the next morning, Man Lao San hurried back.

The bandit brothers outside the city had been gathered by Man Laosan yesterday, and they all went to Tubo to inquire about news and inspect the terrain.

Although Tubo's territory is not small, its environment is extremely dangerous, even worse than the Turks.

Most of them are deserts or high mountain areas that are uninhabited all year round.

This also led to the sparse population of Tubo, which was comparable to the Xiliang Kingdom in terms of strength.

However, Li Fei's request for this battle is-total destruction!
Not giving any chance to his opponents, and what Tubo had done to him and Persimmon many times before, Li Fei became even more determined to destroy this country!

Leave no one behind, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!

"Brother Fei, news has come back that Tubo is gathering troops recently and seems to be preparing to launch a war."

"Currently, Tubo has two large cities near Datang and Xiliang, one is Dantang and the other is Tianjun. Each city is garrisoned by at least [-] soldiers and horses."

"The terrain of Dantang City is flat, and the sky is steeper beyond. There are mountains on both sides, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack..."

Man Laosan told the news he had found out.

After hearing this, Li Fei had an idea in his mind and nodded slightly: "Let's go to Xiliang first to discuss the plan."

With Persimmon and Man Lao San, Li Fei left Liangzhou City and headed straight for Mo Lan.

The journey was smooth until they were approaching the royal city, when a group of guards appeared.

When he saw Li Fei, the guard leader's expression changed obviously and he hurried over: "I have seen the regent!"

Only then did Li Fei understand why the soldiers he met along the way looked at him with confusion and confusion. It turned out to be the woman Fan Lihua who was causing trouble.

Daqing's joke that night was carried out vigorously and resolutely by this woman.

The regent of Xiliang Kingdom!
But, is this a bit too fast?

At this moment, Li Fei had a feeling of laughter in his heart. It seemed that this woman was afraid that she would slip away after rubbing oil on her soles?

Shaking his head and laughing, Li Fei smiled under the astonished gaze of the third man, "Stop looking and let's go!"

After entering the royal city, Fan Lihua's mansion is on the east side.

When they arrived at the entrance of the mansion, Fan Lihua was already waiting outside.

Seeing Li Fei coming over, there was surprise in his eyes, and he came up to him and said, "You guy, why are you here so late?"

When is this...

Li Fei knew that this woman was impatient, so he didn't care about it. He smiled and said, "There is still some distance between Liangzhou and Molan. Shouldn't I be here early in the morning?"

Fan Lihua snorted, and suddenly saw the little persimmon next to Li Fei, and her expression was startled.

"This...whose girl is this?"

"Are you already married?"

Li Fei's face darkened, and he was embarrassed by this woman's novel thinking.

"Brother, sister is so amazing!"

Little Persimmon looked at Fan Lihua and saw her brother's dark face. He immediately made a face and chuckled.

"Your sister?"

Fan Lihua was startled and suddenly remembered what happened about Li Fei, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the woman changed her expression and squatted down: "You are just the little persimmon, how can your sister be so powerful?"

Man Lao San looked at the female devil who changed her personality drastically, and stepped back for a moment, her expression obviously unnatural.Even the two guards beside Fan Lihua showed just the right amount of surprise, and soon their expressions returned to normal.

"Sister, my brother is very nice, don't bully him!"

"Otherwise, Persimmon will be angry!"

Little Persimmon waved his fist, then ran behind Li Fei and stopped coming out.

Seeing this, Fan Lihua couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Who bullied whom? This little girl doesn't know your true face, does she?"

"Stop making trouble and let's talk inside the house."

Li Fei waved his hand and pulled Xiao Persimmon in.

The back room looks like a barracks main account.

There is a large table in the middle with a sand table for deduction and several drawn maps.

"Where is the King of Xiliang?"

This time, the Xiliang Kingdom is gathering its strength to attack Tubo. As the leader of a country, the King of Xiliang will naturally appear.

"Father has gone to rest. We only need to discuss the war between the two of us."

"After my father recognized me as his adopted daughter a few years ago, he stopped taking care of these things."

Fan Lihua looked serious and said with some helplessness.

Looking at this woman, Li Fei couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart. It's no wonder that she has the title of female devil.

Can a woman manage a country and dispatch troops without getting tired?
"Okay then, tell me what you think, and I'll listen first."

Li Fei smiled and planned to listen to Fan Lihua's thoughts before making plans.

After all, this time I am still using soldiers and horses from Xiliang. Although I have an engagement with Fan Lihua, they are not yet familiar with each other.


Fan Lihua shook her head, was startled for a moment, and said: "This time my father appointed you as the regent. Actually, he wanted to take advantage of this war to make you famous and shut up those stubborn guys."

"So, the military power this time is in your hands, I am just assisting you."

Fan Lihua's words immediately stunned Li Fei: "The King of Xiliang is so cheerful? How did he become the King of Xiliang for so long?"

It is simply unimaginable that such a free and easy character appears in a monarch!
The morale of the rivers and lakes?

Forget it!
Brothers can still kill each other, let alone trust an outsider?
"My father is such a person, but he is very smart, and he has perfectly avoided and resolved all hidden dangers."

Fan Lihua showed an admiring look and said: "At first, many people opposed my father's ascension to the throne. Later, due to my father's close and distant friendship, the voice of the entire Xiliang was exactly the same. How about it?"

Li Fei nodded: "I admire your open-mindedness!"

"That's not as good as you. My father said that he is still a little bit worse, that is, reckless. He said that he saw the aura of recklessness in you."

Li Fei couldn't help scratching his head: Is this a compliment or an insult?
After a while, looking at the sand table, Li Fei pointed at the map of the Tubo territory and began to arrange his troops.

"Our goal in this crusade against Tibet is to eliminate the Tubo royal family and all their troops, leaving no one behind and not accepting the surrender of anyone."

"This place, and here, and this way... these places are the only way for Tubo to send troops. Ten thousand soldiers and horses are left in ambush at each place to prevent anyone from escaping!"

"For the remaining soldiers and horses, we marched straight from Dantang. We only left [-] elite troops to ambush Dantang and Tianjun to prevent their support..."

"In addition, leave [-] soldiers and horses in Molan City. I have good things for them!"

(End of this chapter)

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