Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 272 Li Chengqian feels the crisis!Li Chunfeng’s divination!

Chapter 272 Li Chengqian feels the crisis!Li Chunfeng’s divination!
At the same time, somewhere in the imperial city was a magnificent hall.

Prince Li Chengqian was drinking tea leisurely.

Not long after, a servant came in from outside the palace and said respectfully: "Your Royal Highness, Duke Lu has come to visit and is waiting outside the palace."

The Dukes and Lords of Lu State gather together!

Li Chengqian raised his eyebrows slightly, put down the teacup, and said, "Let him in."

Not long after, Hou Junji, dressed in court uniform, walked in from outside and saluted, "I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Chengqian smiled slightly and said politely: "You don't need to be polite, Lord Lu. Please sit down quickly."

After Hou Junji sat down and his servants came over with tea, Li Chengqian said, "Master Hou, can we still talk about Si Zi this morning?"

In the past few days, Morning Morning has completely changed into a different look.

Apart from marching and preparing for war and preparing to attack Tubo, the rest of the things were mainly focused on finding the little princess, and there were no other issues.

It seemed that Si Zi could not be found, and Li Er had no intention of presiding over the government properly.

Hearing this, Hou Junji sighed: "Yes, in the early morning, His Majesty was angry again, and all the civil and military officials were scolded. Even Zhao Guogong was not able to avoid it."

"In the past two or three days, the entire city of Chang'an has been turned upside down, and there is no trace of the little princess. It's really worrying."

What Hou Junji said is also the norm for early morning court meetings.

In the past few days, all three provinces and six ministries have closed down. Except for the necessary personnel to handle official duties, everyone else has devoted themselves to searching for the little princess!
All the officials were frightened, fearing that they would be punished by His Majesty, and spared no effort to search everywhere.

It’s a crazy busy mess!
"It's no wonder that Sizi was young at the time, and his father and mother felt ashamed of their royal sister. It's normal to act like this."

Li Chengqian nodded slightly and said slowly.

Hearing this, Hou Junji looked helpless and said with some speculation: "But if this continues, there will probably be a big chaos in the entire Chang'an City!"

"No one is allowed in, no one is allowed out. Rumors have spread in the past few days that His Majesty has caused resentment among the people for his own selfish interests. Many people have been affected."

"In the next few days, I'm afraid there will be other troubles, hey..."

Hou Junji also looked worried and spoke in a deep voice.

The whole of Chang'an is not peaceful, and these ministers cannot rest.

Not only do we have to go out to find the little princess, but we also have to maintain the stability of the entire city of Chang'an. How difficult it is!

"My Highness feels something is wrong about this matter."

"Haven't the five Tibetan thieves been sent to Dali Temple for interrogation?"

"I heard news from Dali Temple that the five people had never seen Si Zi at all. They were discovered after entering the mansion and were restrained by Li Xueyan alone. They had no time to commit the crime."

Li Chengqian looked thoughtful and said slowly.

Not long ago, Li Chengqian was shocked when he heard that Si Zi had been found.

Not because of Si Zi, but because Si Zi’s brother is Li Fei, whom he has been secretly paying attention to!
Normally, my father always ignored these princes and let them do whatever they wanted. However, he had a very strong interest in Li Fei and had gone to find him again and again before.

Originally, this was not something he needed to worry about, and this Li Fei also refused the official position conferred by his father for some reason.

However, the sudden confirmation of Si Zi's identity made Li Chengqian feel numb and at the same time he felt that things were not simple!
Si Zi became a princess, wouldn't Li Fei's status rise with the tide?

Even a few days ago, he got news from the palace maid in Changle that his father and mother were planning to adopt this person as their adopted son!

Wouldn't that mean there is another prince?
Although his status cannot be compared with his own, with his father's high regard for this person and the words of Changsun Wuji, Li Jing and others, this Li Fei is extremely threatening!

Hou Junji stood silent and did not speak.

So many people searched for it for two days and two nights. It can be said that the entire imperial city of Chang'an City, including all the residential buildings in the city, has been searched, and there is no trace of Si Zi.

Hearing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince speak confirmed Hou Junji's suspicion.Could it be that the little princess left on her own?
However, the little princess is so young, where can she go alone?
How could he leave the imperial city?

"Your Highness, do you think the little princess may have left on her own?"

After thinking for a long time, Hou Junji finally expressed his thoughts, looked at Li Chengqian and spoke in a low voice.

Above, Li Chengqian nodded slightly and smiled: "It's not possible, it's certain."

"My Highness had already paid attention to this person and the imperial sister before Li Fei committed a crime and fled Chang'an."

"With the imperial sister's character, she ignored her father and mother the past few days. In the final analysis, it was because of Li Fei's departure without saying goodbye."

"So, it is very likely that she left Chang'an alone and went to look for Li Fei!"

Li Chengqian's face was full of confidence, and after he spoke with a smile, he looked puzzled again: "But how did she get out of Chang'an?"

"Where will it go again?"

This is a question that Li Chengqian has never been able to figure out, and it is also the reason why he is still [-]% unsure of his own thoughts.

Hou Junji also lowered his head and thought, frowning.

Although Li Chengqian sent people to monitor Zhulin Mansion, with Xiaobai's cleverness and alertness, no one noticed it at all.

This is also what Li Fei said, not to harm others at will.

Otherwise, Li Chengqian's eyeliner would have become cold long ago.


Chang'an City, a remote place in the West City.

In front of a fortune-telling stall, Li Chunfeng sat as steady as a god, ignoring the occasional passers-by.

Not long after, Li Chunfeng suddenly frowned.

"Old guy, I'm here to ask you for a business today. I'll give you five taels of silver, will you do it?"

I saw a slightly fat young man walking from one side of the street, arrived in front of Li Chunfeng's stall, and said carelessly.


"50 taels of silver, otherwise no negotiation."

Li Chunfeng rolled his eyelids and did not care about his finances at all. The rich man in Chang'an City still sat upright without squinting.

"Old guy, are you trying to steal money?"

"50 taels of silver, do you know how much this is?"

"I can go to others to calculate it hundreds of times. Why is your asking price so outrageous?"

Gu Tai's face suddenly turned pale with anger, he pointed at Li Chunfeng and said angrily.

"The number of people you want to predict is not ordinary, and there are only two of them. I'm already giving you a lot of face by charging you this amount."

"If you're not happy, why don't you go find another home?"

Li Chunfeng said with an indifferent expression.

"You... all right!"

"Old guy, how do you know that I want to predict the affairs of two people?"

Gutai gritted his teeth. Just after he agreed, he felt something was wrong again and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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