Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 292 The prince is going to be abducted by Xiliang!Expedited overnight!

Chapter 292 The prince is going to be abducted by Xiliang!Expedited overnight!

Li Jing's expression suddenly changed. He could no longer maintain his previous composure and looked at Song Laosan with wide eyes.

However, Song Laosan had no intention of continuing and just drank tea.

The reason why this news was revealed was, on the one hand, it was used as a reminder for Li Jing to exchange information.

On the other hand, when he learned that Persimmon was the little princess and had a relationship with Li Fei, he felt it was necessary to let Li Er know something.

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

Not long after, Li Jing left the blacksmith shop in the north of the city with his heart full of worries.

On the way back to the City Lord's Mansion, Li Jing, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help but feel that his head was throbbing, as if he was numb.

Originally, I was looking for Song Laosan to inquire about Man Laosan and see if it was related to Xiliang Kingdom's sudden attack on Tibet.

However, what I didn't expect was that I got such amazing news!

This is simply a shocking secret!

When the prince was lost, His Majesty was extremely angry. The civil and military officials in the court did not dare to say anything for fear of being involved in the matter.

A year ago, the little princess was missing and the entire city of Chang'an was in chaos.

After a thorough investigation for a long time, Li Er suspected that the matter was related to the family for a long time, but Li Er searched for a long time and found no clues because all the insiders were dead!

But now, Song Laosan suddenly said that it was related to the noble family!
Which one is it?
Li Jing had returned to the city lord's mansion while thinking hard about whether he should report the matter.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Master Yu Yuan continued to go out to inquire for information. At this moment, in addition to the city lord Lu Guangping, there were two more rough men with black faces in the room.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde are back!
After Li Jing entered the house and saw the two of them, his expression was not surprising: "Where have you two been?"

Previously, Lu Guangping had said that Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde came to Liangzhou City on His Majesty's orders to inquire about a man named Li Fei, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked solemn, and the former said: "Xiliang has won a great victory, and Tubo is gone!"

Li Jing entered the room and sat down. As soon as he heard Cheng Yaojin speak, he was shocked by the news: "What?"

Yuchi Jingde sighed and said with a sigh on his face: "In just a few days, Xiliang went from gathering a large army to attacking Tubo, and captured all the Tibetan cities. Today, the Tubo Imperial City has been destroyed!"

"Songtsen Gampo was killed and the Tubo Dynasty was destroyed!"

For a moment, the room suddenly became a little quiet when this somewhat explosive news came out.

After a long time, Li Jing blinked, his eyes were a little dull, and he murmured: "Tubo is gone, so why did I bring so many troops here?"

After half a day of careful preparation, detailed battle plans were drawn up and prepared for various accidents.

In the end, if the bamboo basket doesn’t draw water, it’s all in vain?

Is this the case for taking an army out for a stroll?
After being stunned for a moment, Li Jing looked at Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde. Just when he was about to ask what you two had been doing these days, he saw Cheng Yaojin wink at him.

Suddenly understanding, Li Jing looked at Lu Guangping and said: "City Lord Lu, please arrange for people to go to Xiliang and pay attention to the movements of Xiliang's army!"

"If there is anything wrong, report it immediately!"

Lu Guangping nodded when he heard this and left the city lord's mansion.

At this moment, with only three people left, Cheng Yaojin closed the door and his expression suddenly dropped.

"Pharmacist, this is going to be difficult!"

Cheng Yaojin spoke with an embarrassed look on his face, as if he had constipation on his face, leaving Li Jing confused for a moment. "What's up?"

"You two arrived in Liangzhou before me. Where have you been these past few days?"

"Why did Xiliang suddenly attack Tubo?"

Li Jing felt that his mind was full of questions and he didn't know who to ask. Anyone he asked would be confused.

Yuchi Jingde hesitated for a moment and said: "This matter should be reported to His Majesty first before we discuss it. We can't act rashly, otherwise we may ruin the matter!"

Seeing the confused look on Li Jing's face, Cheng Yaojin hurriedly said: "Physician, I'm afraid you don't know the situation yet. The young doctor is the eldest prince that Your Majesty and the Queen lost back then!"

"Now this kid has gone to Xiliang Kingdom for some reason, and he has become the regent for no reason!"

"This time Xiliang suddenly sent troops to destroy Tubo, it is very likely that the young man is behind it!"

Tubo has been destroyed, and the matter is a foregone conclusion.

Seeing the celebration scene in Molan City, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde also received a shocking news. The Queen of Xiliang will hold a coronation ceremony after her triumphant return!

What’s even more frightening is that the King of Xiliang revealed even more shocking news!

The regent is the husband-in-law of the Queen of Xiliang, and will sign a marriage contract on the day of the coronation ceremony!

This news one after another caused the two people who were waiting for the news in Molan City to rush back to Liangzhou City without stopping!

His own prince went to another country to become the regent and married the queen of another country. Is there anything more outrageous than this?
It would be fine if he was just an ordinary prince, but this one is still the eldest, so he is technically considered the crown prince!
In addition, His Majesty had repeatedly praised Li Fei's talents before, and Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others praised Li Fei's talents. There is no way this matter can end like this!

Li Jing was stunned at this time.

The whole person was numb.

I feel like I have seen countless things since I followed His Majesty in the Southern and Northern Wars, and they are not as shocked as I was today!

Nothing in total!

Is that kid a prince?

The prince lost ten years ago?

The prince and princess were both lost, and then they got together?
Is there anything more crap than this?
And became the regent?

For a moment, Li Jing felt bad!

"Pharmacist, don't be stunned. Write a letter quickly and send it back to Chang'an as fast as possible. Let His Majesty make up his mind!"

When Cheng Yaojin saw Li Jing's stunned look, he couldn't help but look anxious: "The Xiliang army is already on its way back. The people of Molan City are lined up to welcome them. Time is running out!"

"When the Xiliang army returns to Molan City, once the enthronement ceremony is held and the marriage contract is concluded, there will be no chance!"

"I, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, have become the regent of a small country in the Western Regions. When word spreads about this, where will His Majesty's face go?"

Li Jing was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Yes, write a letter quickly and send it to Chang'an as soon as possible!"

"...How should I write this?"

"We don't know each other's Chinese characters. Why don't you just write down what we just said? I'm so worried!"


Not long after, an urgent letter left Liangzhou City and was rushed to Chang'an City overnight!
(End of this chapter)

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