Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 295: Involving aristocratic families!There is no connection!

Chapter 295: Involving aristocratic families!There is no connection!

Chang'an City.

Along the central axis of Zhuque Street, Chang'an City is divided into two areas, east and west, which are generally known as the East Market and the West Market.

Among them, Dongshi is a prosperous and wealthy area, with the most famous Pingkangfang here, and the residences of many ministers of the DPRK and China.

The West City is a place where the working class, ordinary people, and businessmen from other places live. It is much more lonely than the East City.

But this does not mean that the West Market is poor. Compared with other cities that are not part of Chang'an, this is also a good place.

What's more, the residence of a diligent, thrifty and upright minister is located right here in the West City.

Wei Zheng's mansion was deserted and deserted, with no unnecessary decorations.

Except for the large area, the courtyard at the front door is empty. There is only a plaque of "Zheng Guogong Mansion" personally given by His Majesty hanging outside.

One time, Li Er came to Wei Zheng's mansion. After looking at the shabby appearance of the house, he felt that Wei Zheng was honest and upright and had given many things.

But Wei Zheng still refused.

At this moment, in the simple room with a table in the main room of the mansion, Wei Zheng had just returned from the imperial city.

Not long after he came back, a fair-faced young master came in from outside and said, "Dad, a secret letter has been sent back from Liangzhou City. The person who sent the letter said that I should open it personally."

Wei Zheng's son, Wei Shuyu.

Following his father's habits, Wei Shuyu's usual style is also quite simple. At the same time, he is cautious in his words and deeds and rarely goes out.

"Who sent it back?"

Wei Zheng took the letter from Wei Shuyu with a puzzled look, took it in his hand and looked through it.

After seeing Li Jing's name at the signature, Wei Zheng became even more surprised.

Didn't Duke Wei go to Liangzhou? He had previously written a letter to His Majesty, the content of which he already knew, and now he had received a separate letter to himself?

Is there anything we can't talk about until we get back, so much so that we need to write a letter?
Puzzled, he tore open the envelope and saw Li Jing's handwriting. Wei Zheng's eyes fell on the content written on it and he looked at it intently.

Not long after, his expression showed confusion and contemplation, and he frowned and looked out the window, showing a thoughtful look.

"Man Lao San... Man Yi... I haven't mentioned this name for a long time. Why did Li Jing suddenly think of asking about this?"

Wei Zheng was a little surprised, lowered his head and muttered to himself.

The time of the incident can be traced back to the first year after Li Er launched a coup and ascended to the throne.

The forces around the Tang Dynasty were ambitious, including Tuyuhun.

Therefore, Li Er sent Hou Junji and Man Yi to lead an army of [-] to the west, and defeated Tuyuhun as far as the northern part of Central Asia.

After returning, Hou Junji was reported by his subordinates due to the uneven distribution of the spoils, which turned what was originally a successful battle into making up for one's mistakes.

At that time, Man Yi was a lieutenant general who was not yet famous, but had only a small reputation. He was supposed to be promoted to general after returning from this battle, but everything came to nothing.

In fact, because Hou Junji did not get along with him, he fabricated unfounded facts and made many accusations against himself.

These past events appeared in Wei Zheng's mind one by one, making his face show emotion and at the same time, he also felt an indescribable anger and helplessness.

Because many of these things only gradually surfaced later.

But Man Yi had long since disappeared, and His Majesty chose not to pursue the matter further because he was mindful of Hou Junji's past merits and extraordinary abilities.

This matter that had passed for nearly ten years was brought up again, which made Wei Zheng puzzled and wondered what Li Jing meant.Next to him, Wei Shuyu watched his father's face change, his eyes fell on the letter, and asked curiously: "Dad, what happened?"

Usually my father's expression is always meticulous, or he just has a straight face. It is rare to see such a confused look.


Sighing, Wei Zheng shook his head: "I remember when a guy was as old as you and had the talent of a martial arts general. It's a pity..."


Wei Shuyu nodded with a smile and joked with his father: "Then with my father's ability, I only need to advise your majesty, but your majesty still can't make up your mind?"

His father's reputation was respected throughout Chang'an.

Your Majesty may not care what others say, but your Majesty must pay attention to the slightest movement of your father.

Normally, Wei Zheng would definitely have a serious face after saying this.

But now, he was surprisingly lifeless, but said regretfully: "Dad was not like this before. Your Majesty is the emperor after all, and some mistakes are inevitable. This is human nature."

"But that incident back then, my father regretted that he did not insist on it and advised His Majesty to investigate the matter thoroughly. The result of leaving it alone was that the talent of a young man was ruined and the Tang Dynasty lost a strong general."

"Every time I think about it, since then, Dad has understood a truth. If you don't pay attention to any trivial matter, it may lead to unpredictable consequences. If you think about it when it happens, it will be too late!"

Different from his usual attitude of educating Wei Shuyu, Wei Zheng felt a little melancholy today and just looked outside and sighed softly.

Wei Shuyu was also confused. He lowered his head for a long time and said seriously: "My child, please remember your father's teachings. You should be careful in your words and deeds. Don't make mistakes."

"That would be best."

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "Go ahead, dad has something else to do."

"Retire, child."

Wei Shuyu left the room.

In the room, Wei Zheng thought for a moment, then grabbed the brush next to him, dipped it in ink, and began to write a letter.

"Man Yi, during the previous dynasty, the barbarians entered the country, and the descendants of the aristocratic families were later destroyed by the joint efforts of the Li family of Zhaojun and the Wang family of Taiyuan..."

"He is born with brute strength, with a strength of up to a thousand kilograms. Your Majesty doubted it but did not use it. Later, he repeatedly performed well and won your Majesty's attention. He has the intention to reuse this person..."

"When the official incident of Lu State happened, His Majesty had more doubts in his mind, and later chose to go into exile..."

Wei Zheng, who carefully considered his words, finally drafted the letter after an hour and called the housekeeper in.

"Send this letter to Liangzhou and hand it over to Duke Wei for opening."

The housekeeper took the letter and went out.

On the other side, Wei Shuyu returned to his room, still thinking about his father's words just now in his mind.

At this time, the servant came to the door and said respectfully: "Sir, the prince invites you to go to Fengyue Tower in Pingkangfang for a chat."

Pingkangfang?Fengyue Tower?
Wei Shuyu was immediately dumbfounded.

His gaze seemed to penetrate the wall and he saw his father in the room on the other side. Wei Shuyu murmured: "If I go to that place, I wonder if I will have the legs to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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