Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 297 The symbol of the prince!I found this jade myself.

Chapter 297 The symbol of the prince!I found this jade myself...

After Li Fei said hello, everyone started to use the dishes and chopsticks with smiles.

After tearing off a chicken leg for Persimmon, Li Fei saw the two women's empty plates out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help feeling helpless.

"Try some chicken wings. I used to like chicken wings. You two can have one each."

Tear off two chicken wings and place them on Du Mingyue and Fan Lihua's plates respectively.

Li Fei silently tore off another chicken leg and said to himself: "There is only one chicken drumstick left, and I don't know who to give it to. Let me try the poison..."

On the left and right sides, the two women's faces were reddish. They glanced at each other strangely, and immediately lowered their heads and fiddled with the food on their plates.

This atmosphere is as embarrassing as it gets.

After capturing the Tubo Imperial City, Li Fei went into the palace treasury to search, taking away many strange things and leaving behind a large amount of property.

Then, he and Fan Lihua arranged manpower to take over the entire Luoche City.

The rest of the Tubo cities that were "conveniently" captured along the way were also sent to hand over. The entire Tubo will be officially swallowed by Xiliang within three days.

After doing these things, he and Fan Lihua did not return directly to Molan City. Instead, they changed their outfits and came to Liangzhou.

It was impossible that such big news as Xiliang's crusade against Tubo would not reach Li Er's ears.

The purpose of his return to Liangzhou City was to find out what happened during this period and Li Er's next countermeasures.

In addition, Persimmon is still with him. With Li Er's character, he will never give up and let him get away with Persimmon.

Another purpose is to relax and have a drink and chat with Lao Wang and Song Laosan.

What I didn't expect was that Du Mingyue actually came to Liangzhou!

This made Li Fei bring Fan Lihua back. When he saw Du Mingyue, he felt like he had been caught and raped!
Fortunately, his consciousness kept telling himself that this was the feudal era, and this was a common-sense move. He should abandon modern "clumsy" ideas in order to integrate into the environment faster.

At this moment, Li Fei, who was blessed by his family, gradually returned to normal, and began to exchange cups with Lao Wang, Song Laosan and his son.

"Ahem, let me introduce to you. This is the Xiliang Demon...General Fan Lihua, who is also the Queen of Xiliang who will ascend the throne in two days."

"This is Lao Wang, this is Song Laosan... This is Mingyue, my fiancée..."

At the end of the introduction, Li Fei shamelessly forced himself to look relaxed and natural.

Fan Lihua acted like a reserved woman at this moment, raising her glasses to everyone one by one.

"Sister, Lihua has met her."

Fan Lihua's very gentle attitude made Li Fei look a little surprised and at the same time he felt relieved.

When he saw Du Mingyue responding with a smile, looking like a lady, he finally calmed down from the mood that he had never known how to reconcile.

Soon, the awkward atmosphere was lifted, and everyone started laughing and chatting.

Li Fei looked at the few people and asked first: "What happened in Liangzhou City these days when I was away?"

Hearing this, Lao Wang and Song Laosan looked at each other. Lao Wang spoke first: "Young Master should have seen the army outside the city. Your Majesty is furious because of the disappearance of the little princess and is preparing to attack Tubo."

"Three women came here a few days ago, with unusual identities. They are Princess Changle, Li Wan, the daughter of Duke Wei, and Li Xueyan, the daughter of the Minister of Punishment. They all came to inquire about the little princess."

"and also……"

At this point, Lao Wang suddenly paused, and then looked at Song Laosan: "You say it first." Li Fei was listening to the key point, and almost choked due to Lao Wang's sentence break, and asked strangely: "What else?"

Next to him, Song Laosan had already taken over the conversation. He glanced at Song Jiang and said, "A few days ago, this boy, Mingyue, and a young man named Gu Tai came to Liangzhou together to inquire about your boy."

"That Gu Tai has an extraordinary bearing. According to Jiang'er, he seems to be looking for you for a big deal."

Song Laosan tried hard to recall the scene when he met Gu Tai. He always felt that he had missed some details, but he couldn't remember them for a while.

An antique shop owner from Chang'an City chased him all the way to Liangzhou City. This thing does sound a bit strange.


"He also ran to Liangzhou City? What does he want from me?"

Hearing this name, Li Fei's eyes couldn't help but move, and then he asked a little strangely.

Except for that time when I was looking for the medicine cauldron, and then I became acquainted with this person, there was no intersection after that. I wonder why this guy came so far away?
At this time, Du Mingyue spoke softly: "Master, the news about Master and Shizi being in Liangzhou was also told by Master Gu to me and Song Jiang."

"The Imperial City is still unsure of Young Master's location. They only know that Young Master and Shizi are fine."

Hearing this, Li Fei suddenly woke up and suddenly thought of a key figure!
That's right, it's that fortune teller, Li Chunfeng!

It seemed that the relationship between Gu Tai and Li Chunfeng was not good, but after thinking about it after going back, it was clear that this guy did it on purpose to prove his innocence.

What a scheming bitch!

As for the Imperial City, there is no need to be surprised. After all, there was a Qintian Prison in the Tang Dynasty, and an astrologer Yuan Tiangang lived in it!
"As expected, where is Gutai now?"

Li Fei thought about the general details and looked at Song Laosan and asked.

Gu Tai was as cunning as a loach, and Li Fei was also very curious about what kind of business this guy wanted to negotiate with him after chasing him so far.

Song Laosan shook his head slightly and said: "I have been missing since I left that day. It is possible that I went to Molan City to wait for news of your return."

Hearing this, Li Fei nodded slightly, and Song Laosan estimated that it was about the same.

Turning his head and looking at Lao Wang, who looked like he was constipated, Li Feiqi said: "Lao Wang, if you have something to say, do you have any news?"

This guy has never been a hesitant person, why is he so virtuous now?

Lao Wang was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Sir, do you still have a complete jade pendant on your body?"


Li Fei thought for a while, then took out the jade pendant from his waist and put it on the table: "Is it this?"

The first time they saw the jade pendant, Lao Wang and Song Laosan were stunned.

Including Du Mingyue and Song Jiang all looked over, and then they took a deep breath and were shocked.

Yes, this is the Qinglong Jade Pendant.

The status symbol of a prince!
"This jade pendant... is only owned by the princes and princesses of the current dynasty. I personally found the jade back then..."

Song Laosan murmured, with a look of reminiscence on his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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