Chapter 3 Li Er’s curiosity!Li Junxian was shocked!

"Okay, come in quickly and let me take a look." Li Fei came back to his senses and said quickly.

At this time, the white tiger in the yard suddenly howled, attracting several people to look at it.

"Second brother, it's... it's that big insect!"

"Why is that big insect here?"

"what's going on?"

Seeing the little white tiger, Changsun Wugou was so frightened that his face turned pale and he exclaimed.

Li Er was also shocked.

But he quickly calmed down, because next to the white tiger, there was an exquisite little girl, hugging the grinning white tiger.

"Be good, little Baibai, don't scare people!"

"They are here to see my brother for medical treatment. If you scare them away, my brother will not give you food!"

"It can't be like this. Only when my brother treats them can we make money and we can eat delicious food. Do you understand?"

The childish voice came out of Little Persimmon's mouth, which made people feel like they were laughing or crying.

However, Bai Hu calmed down his fierce expression amidst the panic expressions of Li Erli and the others.

Then, like a big cat, he lay on the ground obediently and let Little Persimmon stroke his hair.

Hum, I, Mr. Hu, will give this little girl some face and won’t argue with you!

Little Persimmon narrowed her eyes with joy: "Little Baibai is so good, I'll make delicious food for you tonight!"

The three were stunned.

"I said, if you don't care about the patient, he will really die if this continues."

At this time, Li Fei kindly reminded him.

Our home is not a zoo. What are you doing staring at a tiger for a long time?
"Oh, yes, yes, the doctor is right, it is important to treat the injury!"

He quickly helped Li Junxian into the house.

Li Fei skillfully took out a small medicine box and then found a square box.

After opening, there is some white powder inside.

"Is this the golden sore medicine?" Li Er asked curiously, looking at the white powder.

He was once injured while hunting, and the imperial physician in the palace also used this medicinal powder.

The effect is good.

But there is such a strange medicine in this small mountain village?

Watching Li Fei gently sprinkle the medicinal powder on Li Junxian's wound, the bleeding immediately stopped.

Then, Li Fei turned his head and said, "Persimmon, bring over the alcohol lamp."

When he said this, Li Fei's expression was completely casual.persimmon?

Si son?

Li Er and Changsun Wugu were startled at the same time, and the latter was even more shocked and looked over quickly.

He only heard a few "thump thump thump" sounds, and then saw Little Persimmon running over holding an alcohol lamp and handed it to Li Fei's hand.

At this time, Changsun Wugou also saw the face of Little Persimmon clearly and was suddenly shocked!
The familiar feeling just now, now that I saw the little persimmon, was even more uncontrollable in my heart.

Is it...?
Feeling Changsun Wugou holding his hand tightly, Li Er turned to look at his lover: "What's wrong?"

Changsun Wugou shook his head slightly, but his heart became more and more nervous, and he held Li Er's hand tighter.

"Well, let's go play and don't run around, okay?" Li Fei patted her head lovingly.

"Know it!"

Little Persimmon pouted, made a face, and then ran out.

Stop bleeding and disinfect.

When Li Ye was using the alcohol lamp, Li Er's eyes stayed on the alcohol lamp for a long time: "Little doctor, what is this glass vessel... I just heard you call it an alcohol lamp?"

He was a little surprised in his heart.

Liuli, this is a rare good thing, much more valuable than gold and silver.

And I have a few of them, but they are not as small and delicate as the alcohol lamp in front of me, and they are also transparent and beautiful.

"Well, alcohol lamp, you don't have this thing and you don't understand it."

Li Fei said casually, his hands still busy.

Li Junxian's injuries were indeed serious. A large gash was opened by the white tiger's sharp claws. If it weren't for this man's perseverance, he would have passed out long ago.

After cleaning the wound, Li Fei applied Yunbei black medicine on his wound, then wrapped it with breathable gauze and tied it up.

"Okay, in the past few days, eat more blood-rich foods, such as jujubes and the like, and don't do strenuous activities."

"This is a prescription. Take the medicine according to the above, and take it once every morning and evening for a month. Not only will your external injuries heal faster, but the internal injuries left before will also be healed slowly."

After treating the wound, Li Fei prescribed a prescription and warned.

Hearing this, Li Junxian's pale face was suddenly startled: "Little doctor, you...can you see the internal injuries I suffered before?"

During the years of following Li Er in his battles, Li Junxian took the lead, defeating Song Jingang and attacking Wang Shichong, and made great achievements, but he also suffered internal injuries.

But only the imperial doctors in the palace knew this.

Moreover, the imperial doctor only deduced it after he told the imperial doctor some symptoms.

Now, how could a doctor from a small mountain village, who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, know?
"Looking at your weak qi and weak blood, it is obviously not caused by this trauma. A person's face can reflect the health of many organs. I see that in addition to your strong liver fire and yin deficiency in your spleen and stomach, you must have lost your appetite these days. ?”

(End of this chapter)

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