Chapter 300 Antique Gutai?Wei Wang Li Tai!
One day later, Li Fei was not in a hurry to return to Molan City.

Tubo has a vast territory, and although there are not many cities, there are also many.

The news came yesterday that all the cities have been arranged.

In addition to leaving the necessary Xiliang soldiers and horses to maintain stability, the rest of the Xiliang army returned along the original route, and would be able to return to Molan City in about one and a half days!

What awaits them will be the shouts and worship of all the people of Xiliang!
The supreme commander of this battle, the regent who had just taken office and led the troops to go on an expedition, was undoubtedly the most dazzling figure in this battle, completely shocking the entire Xiliang!

However, at this moment, the regent Li Fei was shopping in Liangzhou City with three beauties, two young and one young.

Although Liangzhou City is not big, it has a different kind of liveliness.

Compared with Chang'an, there are more merchants setting up stalls to sell various goods, and they come from a wider range of sources.

Specialties from the Western Regions, as well as exotic gadgets from Central Asia and even further afield, are all things that are hard to see in Chang'an and are completely commonplace here.

Although Fan Lihua was originally from Xiliang, she almost never went shopping. Now she and Du Mingyue were looking around curiously with Persimmon.

Not long after, the two women bought a bunch of things, and the servant behind them could hardly hold them all.

Not long after, Li Fei's eyes moved and he suddenly said: "You guys go shopping first, I'll wait for you at the teahouse opposite."

It is natural for women to love shopping, and they also have innate skills. This is something that no one can deny.

Just like at this moment, Li Fei felt an unprecedented sense of fatigue, which was simply more tiring than fighting a battle.

Under the gazes of the two women and Persimmon, Li Fei walked towards a small shop called "Liuji Tea House" opposite.

"Sister, let's go over there and have a look."

Fan Lihua glanced in a certain direction, then smiled at Du Mingyue and said.

In Liuji Tea House.

Li Fei asked for a pot of tea.

Then, he lay on his back with the old god always present. The atmosphere of this teahouse was comfortable, quiet and elegant, especially on the second floor, which was deserted.

Liangzhou is a busy place, and few people like Li Fei choose to enter the teahouse at the busiest time.

Not long after, another person came to the door of the teahouse.

This was a short, fat little fat man. He glanced around with furtive eyes, and his eyes lit up when he saw the figure on the second floor.

Like a mouse that found food, it hurriedly walked in.

When the waiter was about to ask, the little fat man waved his hand, indicating that he was here to find someone.

Then, he went directly to the second floor.

Looking somewhere, the little fat man strode over and reached Li Fei, who was resting with his eyes closed.

"Master Li is so elegant. It's very lively outside. Why do you have time to come to this teahouse?"

The sound sounded and Li Fei opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar guy opposite, Li Fei smiled slightly: "Isn't it the same with Mr. Gutai? If you don't want to go shopping outside, what are you doing here in this teahouse?"

Just now, when he took his three girls out for shopping, Li Fei felt like he was being followed.

Then, after confirming that this person's target was only him, Li Fei paid close attention and came to the teahouse.

Hearing this, Gu Tai suddenly showed embarrassment and said with a smile: "Master Li is really sensitive, which makes Gu a little embarrassed. I admire him."

"Gu came to see Young Master to discuss a big deal, but he heard some rumors. I'm afraid Young Master Li's identity is not as simple as he appears, right?" Gu Tai smiled half-heartedly, with a look of inquiry deep in his eyes, and tightened his gaze. Staring at Li Fei's expression, he was afraid of missing any detail.

Yes, Gu Tai had already learned the news that Li Fei was the missing prince through his own channels.

This also made him unable to sit still any longer. When he heard from his subordinates that he had seen traces of Li Fei in Liangzhou, he hurried over.

"Huh? Mr. Gu's news is timely."

"Yes, you guessed it right. If carrying that jade pendant can prove your identity, then can I say that I picked up that jade pendant accidentally?"

Li Fei chuckled and said indifferently.

"That seems to be correct. I didn't expect Mr. Li to have such a high status. This is something Gu never thought of..."

Gutai smiled bitterly, then lowered his head, with various complicated expressions flashing in his eyes.

However, another word from Li Fei made him suddenly stunned.

"Ha, actually, I never thought that the fourth prince of the Tang Dynasty would hide his identity and be willing to be the shopkeeper of an antique shop. It is really elusive."

"King Wei, do you think so or not?"

Li Fei smiled slightly and looked at Gu Tai across from him jokingly. When the shock slowly appeared on the other person's face, Li Fei's smile became even stronger.

Wei Wang Li Tai!

Ranked fourth in order of eldest and youngest, also known as Qingque, she is one of Li Er's favorite children.

He changed his name to Gu Tai and became the leading antique shop owner in Pingkangfang. While Li Fei was puzzled, he also felt that Li Tai was really a smart person.

" did the emperor know?"

After his identity was exposed, Li Tai looked shocked, put on a helpless smile, and saluted Li Fei with cupped fists.

Of course he wouldn't believe Li Fei's lies about the green dragon jade pendant he picked up casually. Is this something that most people dare to pick up and wear with them?
How many of you don’t know the symbolic meaning above?
"Okay, don't call me imperial brother, I don't recognize that."

Li Fei waved his hand and said casually: "If you think I am really your imperial brother, then there will be nothing to talk about today, and there will be no chance in the future. You should think about it yourself."

Looking at Li Tai, Li Fei's face was calm and composed, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

Hearing this, Li Tai was stunned.

Then, he did not answer immediately, but looked at Li Fei carefully for a long time before hesitatingly said: "Then... are you going to give up this identity?"

When he said this, Li Tai was pleasantly surprised, and even his tone became a little more serious!

Indeed, one Li Chengqian is difficult enough to deal with. If Li Fei is added to the mix...

Based on the guilt that the father and mother have felt towards this royal brother over the years, coupled with the various methods of this royal brother, even the credit for finding Si Zi can be attributed to this royal brother...

Not to mention myself, even Li Chengqian might not have any chance!

But...if this royal brother has no intention of that position, then he still has great hope!
"Wrong is not giving up, but not at all."

Li Fei smiled and looked at Li Tai seriously: "If you can figure this out, we can have a chat."

Not at all?

The smile on Li Tai's face froze.

After a long time, he took a breath of cold air and was shocked in his heart.

What this means is that if you don’t recognize your father and mother, you will treat it as if there is no such thing?
(End of this chapter)

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