Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 37: Why not rip off his head and use it as a ball?

Chapter 37: Why not rip off his head and use it as a ball?
After catching a few butterflies and picking some wild fruits, Li Fei had no intention of worrying about farming anymore and went home directly.

Seeing the wild fruits and small butterflies brought back by Li Fei, Little Persimmon suddenly became happy and forgot about the unpleasantness in the morning.

After cooking a meal, Little Persimmon was very happy to eat it.

So many things happened in the morning. After lunch, Little Persimmon was so sleepy that he fell asleep.

In the room, Changsun Wugou looked at Li Fei who was busy and silent, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

"Young doctor, I have to go back soon, and I may not be able to come back again for a few days." Changsun Wugou said in a different voice.

going back?

Although Li Fei was a little strange, he thought she was offended by his words, and said, "Didn't you say that Lao Li would come to take you back in a few days?"

"If you are angry because of what I just said, there is no need to do it. I only deal with the situation and not the person. If Persimmon is in danger, you are also responsible."

"Even if I, the King of Heaven, are standing in front of me, I will be the same. Your illness has eased a little in the past few days, but you still need to nurse yourself back to health. If you have to go back, I will write you the prescription later."

Persimmons are almost everything Li Fei owns. No matter what, he can't forget them like this.

Just now, Li Fei was still thinking about how to kill this group of Tubo envoys. When he heard Changsun Wugu speak, he explained casually.

"It's not because of this. I know how much you care for Persimmon. I did something wrong and didn't take good care of Persimmon."

As soon as Li Fei said this, Changsun Wugou felt even more guilty.

It's no wonder that after so many days, although his relationship with Si Zi has become closer, Changsun Wugou can feel in his heart that Li Fei is still unique in Si Zi's heart.

From what happened today and how Li Fei's expression changed drastically, Changsun Wugou already understood the difference.

The road to recognizing relatives is still slim!

But at least she felt relieved in her heart.

With a brother like Li Fei by his side, Sizi was very happy except not having the luxurious and wealthy life in the imperial city.

That's fine, take your time.

After Li Fei finished cleaning up, he made a pot of tea and asked, "Then what are you going to do? I can see that Persimmon still likes you very much."

Since you are not angry because of this, why do you want to leave suddenly?

Changsun Wugou suppressed the reluctance in his heart and smiled awkwardly: "There are some things at home. Lao Li forgot his account books at home. He sent a letter yesterday asking me to go back..."

Changsun Wugou made an excuse and said.

The Tibetan delegation passed by here, and according to their speed, they could reach Chang'an City in the evening.

In the early morning tomorrow morning, even when the Tubo envoys pay homage to the Tang Dynasty, the queen Changsun Wugou will naturally be present.

And in addition, a Tubo envoy disappeared inexplicably. Someone must know that he came to Xiaoqin Village!
Changsun Wugou has concluded that Gu Li is definitely dead. He needs to go back and tell His Majesty about this!
Otherwise, once this matter is investigated, Li Fei can be easily identified!

By then, if Little Persimmon is also exposed, we don’t know what will happen!
What's more important is that Li Fei obviously didn't intend to let go yet, and even asked the Tubo envoys about their route back, clearly intending to kill these Tubo envoys!
If this is the case, if Li Fei succeeds, it will be a big mess!With worry in his heart, like a mess, Changsun Wugou still had a smile on his face and said: "After these few days of work are over, I will come over to see the little persimmon."

Hearing this, Li Fei couldn't stay any longer.

After just a few days of leisure, as soon as the eldest grandson Wugou left, he had to start raising a baby again.

Although it was very good, and he also wanted to play with Little Persimmon, but now there was another thing, which was the same as Changsun Wugou.

No one from the Tibetan envoys can be spared!

Estimating the time, it is estimated that these people will return to Tubo in a week at most.

When the time comes, if they don't regret coming to the human world, Li Fei will find it hard to calm down!
"Well, Auntie Sun, don't take it to heart today. This is a prescription. When you get back, you can have it taken strictly according to the portion. Just two doses a day."

Li Fei handed over the written prescription and smiled.

Changsun Wugou nodded, then took another look at the sleeping little persimmon before leaving.

Towards evening, Li Fei came to the back mountain.

Under the supervision of Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and Qin Huaidao, the group has cultivated ten fields.

At this moment, everyone was resting next to the fields and looking at the blue sky and white clouds comfortably.

When Li Fei came over, he brought several jars of sake.

"Little doctor, what happened at noon? Why did you run away in such a hurry?"

Seeing Li Fei coming over, Cheng Chumo, who was already familiar with him, suddenly smiled and asked.

Putting down the wine jar and hearing what happened at noon, Li Fei's face darkened, and he immediately shook his head and said: "It's not a big deal. Little Persimmon was bullied. I went over to take a look."


"Who dares to bully little Persimmon?"

"Isn't he allowed to tear off his head and play it with a ball?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chumo and Yuchi Baolin jumped up immediately, opened their eyes wide and said angrily.

In the past few days, they had already met Little Persimmon and Changsun Wugou.

But I still don’t know the relationship between Changsun Wugou and Little Persimmon.

All this is just because every time I come here, Little Persimmon plays happily with them and even makes mung bean soup for them to drink while working.

Everyone likes this naughty, cute and caring little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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