Datang: Picking up a little Si Zi and accidentally admitting his kinship with blood?

Chapter 39: The eldest grandson Wugu worries about the country and the people!

Chapter 39: The eldest grandson Wugu worries about the country and the people!
Chang'an, the imperial city.

At night, Li Er, who had been talking about going to Li Fei to ask about the lard formula two days ago, had to put it aside temporarily because the Tibetan envoys were approaching.

Thinking that after meeting the Tubo envoys tomorrow morning, Li Er planned to go to Xiaoqin Village to see the eldest grandson Wugou and Xiao Sizi.

But unexpectedly, Changsun Wugou came back alone.

In Ganlu Hall, Li Er hurried over after finishing his political duties.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Changsun Wugou sitting alone on the bedside, staring in one direction in a daze.

"Guanyin maid, why are you back? How have you been with Xiao Sizi these past few days?" Li Er stepped forward and said with a smile.

Holding Changsun Wugou's hand, Li Er noticed that Changsun Wugou's expression was wrong again, and asked strangely: "What's going on? What happened?"

Logically speaking, you should be happy when you are with Xiao Sizi!

Even if the separation is approaching and I feel sad, it shouldn't be like this worried expression, right?

Changsun Wugou came back to his senses and forced a smile on his face: "Second brother, I'm fine. I just separated from Persimmon and I miss you a little."

"I saw that the Tubo envoys had entered the Tang Dynasty outside Xiaoqin Village today. Looking at the time, they have already entered Chang'an City, right?"

Changing the topic, Li Er nodded and said, "Well, the front-foot guard reported back that I had just arrived in the city and I had sent someone to arrange a place for them to stay. They will be interviewed tomorrow morning."

"Thankfully, the doctor reminded me at that time. Now I am not as happy as I was at the beginning. I will meet them tomorrow and see what they have to say."

Li Er smiled, remembering Li Fei's words.

The power and ambition of foreign countries can be given away by just one Tuyuhun. We can no longer do such stupid things to Tubo just to save face.

"Oh, how many people did they come?" Changsun Wugou asked.

Li Er thought for a while and said with a smile: "It sounds like they said there were 40 people, but the guard reported that there were 37 people, and there are three more on the way. Maybe they are acclimatized."

"We'll find out tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Changsun Wugou's heart suddenly tightened.

After a pause, he couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Second brother, I'm afraid those three people won't be able to come..."


Li Er didn't hear clearly and said strangely: "Guanyin maid, do you have anything else to hide with me? I saw that you looked wrong as soon as you came in. What happened?"

Li Er took Changsun Wugou's hand and asked with concern.

Changsun Wugou tightened his body, then leaned into Li Er's arms and whispered: "Second brother, when those three people were in Xiaoqin Village, they had some conflicts with the young man, and they were killed by him..."

Li Er was immediately shocked!After realizing that the murder of the envoy was not a trivial matter, Li Er quickly said: "Guanyin maid, why did the conflict happen? How did the young man kill me? Please tell me!"

At present, it is enough for the Tang Dynasty to have one big enemy, the Turks. If they add another Tibetan enemy, although they are not afraid of it, the war will become even more tense.

The Tang Dynasty was still in a state of cultivation and recuperation. Once the two sides fought, it would immediately be stretched thin and it would be extremely difficult to cope with it.

Changsun Wugou recounted the story of how little Persimmon was bullied, but omitted the part that belonged to him.

It’s just that Xiaobai arrived in time in the end and rescued Xiao Persimmon, but the three of them were all bitten to death by Xiaobai.

"No reason!"

"These foreigners from foreign countries dare to do things like this when they just entered our Tang Dynasty. Do they really think that I have a good temper!?!"

After hearing this, Li Er's face suddenly became angry and he cursed.

This was just little Sizi. Changsun Wugou glanced at Li Er's face and felt worried.

Fortunately, he didn't tell his story, otherwise what if His Majesty gets angry and kills all the Tibetan envoys?
She was the eldest grandson Wugou who cared about the country and the people. She had neglected herself at the moment, and her thoughts were all about the next thing.

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty has just got on the right track. It is not appropriate to start a war at this time. I mentioned this matter because of Your Majesty's consideration."

"Persimmon is fine. The young man has already killed those three people. When I left, I saw that the young man was still angry. I am afraid that I will have to deal with the Tibetan envoys."

"I am worried that if something happens to these envoys, then the Tang Dynasty will definitely have bad relations with Tubo. If war breaks out again, the people of Li will suffer again."

Seeing that Li Er's heart was filled with anger and his eyes were cold, Changsun Wugou quickly advised him.

Hearing this, Li Er's face froze, and suddenly he punched the bed with his fist, saying bitterly: "If you let me let them go, what about the injustice that Sizi suffered?"

Changsun Wugou pursed his lips and said: "Second brother, now is not the time to worry about this matter. The reason why I mentioned this matter is because I am afraid that the young man will take action!"

"Once the Tibetan delegation returns along the original route, the big bug in the young man will cause a big mess!"

"At that time, no matter what the second brother does, it will not change the fact that the Tibetan envoy died in the Tang Dynasty!"

Changsun Wugu's face was full of worry.

Li Erjing sat aside and thought for a while: "Guanyin Maid, what do you think?"

Changsun Wugou said quickly: "In this case, we can only find an excuse to let them change the route when they return, so as to avoid this conflict."

However, what Changsun Wugao didn't expect was that this matter could not be avoided no matter what.

Because Cheng Chumo and others are already on their way back to Chang'an!
(End of this chapter)

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